Mayday feat. Jacky Wu - 笨小孩 - Life Live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mayday feat. Jacky Wu - 笨小孩 - Life Live

笨小孩 - Life Live
Village Boy - Life Live
哦~ 寧靜的小村外 有一個笨小孩 出生在陸零年代
Oh, on the outskirts of a peaceful town, a shy little boy was born in the 60s
十來歲到城市 不怕那太陽曬 努力在柒零年代
At ten, he went to a city, not afraid of the heat of the sun, he worked hard in the 70s
發現呀城市裡 朋友們不用去灌溉 花自然會開
He discovered in the city that, his friends don't need to be watered for their flowers to bloom
哦~ 轉眼間那麼快 這一個笨小孩 又到了捌零年代
Oh, in the blink of an eye, that shy little boy is in the 80s
三十歲到頭來 不算好也不壞 經過了玖零年代
He turned thirty, not bad nor good, and then the 90s passed
最無奈他自己 總是會慢人家一拍 沒有錢在那口袋
The most frustrating thing is that he was always a little slower than others, there was no money in his pocket
哎喲 往著胸口拍一拍呀 勇敢站起來 不用心情太壞
Oh darling, pat your chest and get up again, don't be upset
哎喲 向著天空拜一拜呀 別想不開 老天自有安排
Oh darling, bow to the sky, don't give up, heaven has its own arrangements
哦~ 他們說城市裡 男不壞女不愛 怎麼想也不明白
Oh, they say in the city, if a boy is not bad, girls won't fall in love with him, I can't understand that.
媽媽說真心愛 會愛得很精彩 結果我沒有女孩
My mother said when you fall in love for real, you will love with all your heart, but I never had a girlfriend
笨小孩依然是堅強得像石頭一塊 只是晚上寂寞難耐
The shy little boy is still tough as a rock, but he feels so lonely at night
哎喲 往著胸口拍一拍呀 勇敢站起來 不用心情太壞
Oh darling, pat your chest and get up again, don't be upset
哎喲 向著天空拜一拜呀 別想不開 老天自有安排
Oh darling, bow to the sky, don't give up, heaven has its own arrangements
哎喲 往著胸口拍一拍呀 勇敢站起來 管它上山下海
Oh darling, pat your chest and get up again, no matter what, overcome the mountains and seas
哎喲 向著天空拜一拜呀 別想不開 老天自有安排
Oh darling, bow to the sky, don't give up, heaven has its own arrangements
Heaven loves the shy little boy

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