Mc Ardilla - I Am the Master - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Mc Ardilla - I Am the Master

I Am the Master
I Am the Master
Inspiracion divina, fumar marihuana es mi rutina
Divine inspiration, smoking marijuana is my routine
Que como fuerte tormento para el que se avecina
Like a strong torment for the one who is coming
Kieres vencina ven pa prenderte en candela
If you want to win, come and light yourself on fire
Pasa por mi oficina pa sacarte de venezuela
Stop by my office to get you out of Venezuela
Una nueva vida me espera fumando con lobas y perras
A new life awaits me, smoking with wolves and bitches
Matando chiguires culebras sin tener que ir a la guerra
Killing capybaras, snakes, without going to war
Echandole tierra en la tumba pa cuando se muera
Throwing dirt on the grave, when they die
Si kieres saber por ke... por ke no esperas
If you want to know why, why don't you wait
I am in the master people cole underground
I am the master, people, underground
I am feel the homerun and u to the faul
I feel the homerun, and you are at fault
I am like a ferrari and u are like a terrenal
I am like a Ferrari, and you are like a piece of land
Yo soy el cazador y tu eres mi venao (Bis)
I am the hunter, and you are my deer (Chorus)
Permiso no pido mil bendiciones recibo
I ask for no permission, I receive a thousand blessings
Tanto talento exhibo y realidades escribo
I exhibit so much talent, and write about realities
Lo que yo vivo lo digo antes de decirlo lo mido
What I live, I say, before I say it, I measure it
Para no lastimar a nadie todos son bienvenidos a mi mundo
So as not to hurt anyone, everyone is welcome in my world
Donde tu seras el visitante apenas se escucha la music
Where you will be the visitor, as soon as you hear the music
Y escuches a este cantante, un poco alarmante de pronto,
And listen to this singer, a little alarming, suddenly,
Pero a todos asombro, no es apto para tontos, o los pongo a girar como trompo,
But I amaze everyone, not suitable for fools, or I make them spin like a top,
Evita lanzarte conmigo, evitar tirar el ombligo,
Don't try to mess with me, don't show your belly,
No digas que eres enemigo, y evitate ese castigo,
Don't say you're an enemy, and avoid that punishment,
O al menos que quieras se castigado de otra manera
Or at least, if you want to be punished in another way
Apunta de espadas, cuchillos o filozas tijeras
At the point of swords, knives, or sharp scissors
Que esperas sube las escaleras ficticias
What are you waiting for, climb the fictional stairs
Sin saber lo que yo lo que puedo y espero es darle una mala noticia
Without knowing what I can do, and I hope to give you some bad news
En un corto resumen ardilla hip-hop consume
In a short summary, Ardilla hip-hop consumes
Bienaventurados son todos los que asumen sus errores
Blessed are all those who assume their mistakes
Los que estan como nosotros juntos por pecadores
Those who are like us, together for sinners
Juntos por pecadoreeees! junto por pecadoreeeees!
Together for sinners! Together for sinners!
I am in the master people cole underground
I am the master, people, underground
I am feel the homerun and u to the faul
I feel the homerun, and you are at fault
I am like a ferrari and u are like a terrenal
I am like a Ferrari, and you are like a piece of land
Yo soy el cazador y tu eres mi venao (Bis)
I am the hunter, and you are my deer (Chorus)
El creador de cualkier tonos, corporacion de puros criminales
The creator of any tone, a corporation of pure criminals
Antisociales que lanzan la rima, que rompen la liga y documentales,
Antisocial who drop rhymes, who break the league and documentaries,
Pa arriba y pa abajo te sube y te baja
Up and down, it lifts you up and brings you down
Y a punta de bala te saco ventaja, y en una caja te kito la vida
And at gunpoint I take advantage of you, and in a box I take your life
Pa ver si tu mente un poco trabaja, para ver kien es maaas!
To see if your mind works a little, to see who is more capable!
Para ver kien es mas capaz, si logran sacar de la tierra volando
To see who is more capable, if they can make it off the ground flying
Asi como una estrella fugaz, kiere saber kien estaa!
Like a shooting star, he wants to know who is there!
Con este ritmo patiando la liga, que le doy azuquita a todos los diablos
With this rhythm kicking the league, I give candy to all the devils
Como si fueran lo unicooo.ok sigo matandolo a todos ustedes con mi lexico
As if they were the only ones. Okay, I'm still killing all of you with my lexicon
Mientras rekeson cambia de voz para ver si tiene un poco mas de exito
While Rekeson changes his voice to see if he has a little more success
Lo siento para el ejercito, para que no te me descarrile
Sorry for the army, so that you don't get derailed
El diablo mas voltiao es akel que le llaman killer, kien maaa
The most twisted devil is the one they call Killer, who else?
Mal informando cree que supera al papa del papa
Misinformed, he thinks he surpasses the pope's papa
Mamenme el huevo to e su combo GSK ellos le daa
Suck my dick, all your GSK crew, they give it to you
Al escuchaaar, se acerca ardilaa, es su finaaal!
When they hear, Ardilla is coming, it's their end!
I am in the master people cole underground
I am the master, people, underground
I am feel the homerun and u to the faul
I feel the homerun, and you are at fault
I am like a ferrari and u are like a terrenal
I am like a Ferrari, and you are like a piece of land
Yo soy el cazador y tu eres mi venao (Bis)
I am the hunter, and you are my deer (Chorus)

Авторы: Moises Paredes

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