Mc Flako - El Sentimiento de Un Ser Firme - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mc Flako - El Sentimiento de Un Ser Firme

El Sentimiento de Un Ser Firme
The Feeling of a Steadfast Being
A punta de golpes y truenos, la vida lo enseño a ser bueno
Through blows and thunder, life taught him to be good
Para más que en el pensar más en el bienestar ajeno
To think more about the well-being of others
Sabe que debe amar al prójimo y siempre serle sincero
He knows he must love his neighbor and always be sincere
Pero le suena un poco ilógico sin amarse primero
But it sounds a bit illogical to him without loving himself first
Aun no entiende cómo es que se venden lujos espirituales
He still doesn't understand how spiritual luxuries are sold
Animales superficiales, guiados por bienes materiales
Superficial animals, guided by material goods
Es hombre humilde por lo cual escarba entre los escombros
He is a humble man, which is why he digs through the rubble
Para así ver que a nadie está mirando por encima del hombro
So he can see that no one is looking over anyone's shoulder
Le es más fiel a un papel, que a la miel de una piel
He is more faithful to a piece of paper than to the honey of a skin
Y nunca habla de su rap, ya que su rap habla por el
And he never talks about his rap, since his rap speaks for him
Le otorga su vida a sus rimas sobre una tarima
He gives his life to his rhymes on a stage
Para sentirse en el cielo cuando observa una mano arriba
To feel in heaven when he sees a hand up
Al caído no caerle, al caído darle la mano
Not to fall on the fallen, to give a hand to the fallen
Y por pensar hacer el bien le han caído varios farsantes
And for thinking of doing good, several fakers have fallen on him
Hasta la fecha colecciona como diez y ocho veranos
To date, he has collected about eighteen summers
Que se le han vuelto en diez y ocho inviernos constantes
Which have turned into eighteen constant winters for him
Conoce la importancia que posee cada sueño
He knows the importance of each dream
Que la disposición de sus dueños es crucial para observarlos
That the willingness of their owners is crucial to observing them
Sabe que la noche se hace larga para los soñadores
He knows that the night is long for dreamers
Y que por pequeños que sean hay que luchar para lograrlos
And that no matter how small they are, you have to fight to achieve them
Tiene claro que el tiempo, modifica sus pensamientos
He is clear that time modifies his thoughts
Y en vez de gritar mejor mejora su argumento
And instead of shouting, he improves his argument
Toda su vida fue una mentira, y quiso ser sincero
His whole life was a lie, and he wanted to be sincere
Razón principal por la cual se volvió rapero
The main reason why he became a rapper
Muchos conocen a Mc Flako, pero pocos a Andrés
Many know Mc Flako, but few know Andrés
Y que aunque el rap nació allá no le gusta el rap en ingles
And even though rap was born there, he doesn't like rap in English
No traduce temas de idiomas diferentes que se le cruzan
He doesn't translate songs from different languages that come his way
Prefiere hacer sus temas y que los traduzcan en la USA
He prefers to make his songs and have them translated in the USA
Hace rap para el que entiende que rapero es el que lo siente
He makes rap for those who understand that a rapper is the one who feels it
No es cantante, solo en letras describe lo más constante
He is not a singer, only in lyrics he describes what is most constant
Y que la gente entienda que rapero no es delincuente
And that people understand that a rapper is not a delinquent
Pero no colaboran muchos con delirios de maleantes
But not many collaborate with delusions of thugs
Sus temas no poseen coros, ni producciones caras
His songs have no choruses or expensive productions
Es decir que le meten cora pa' dejarte las cuentas claras
This means that they put their heart into it to leave your accounts clear
Y aunque le sugieren coros para que sea más pegajoso
And although they suggest choruses to make it more catchy
No hay nada más pegajoso que decir las cosas con ganas
There is nothing more catchy than saying things with desire
Se aferra a sus raíces, sus andamios y sus bases
He clings to his roots, his scaffolding, and his bases
No le importa que lo comercial pegue más que lo que él hace
He doesn't care that the commercial hits more than what he does
Aunque muchos individuos le den errados consejos
Even though many individuals give him wrong advice
Está consciente de que con conciencia, también se llega lejos
He is aware that with conscience, you can also go far
No se crece entre los suyos por una buena canción
He does not grow among his own because of a good song
Ni le hace falta una foto en el estudio de grabación
Nor does he need a photo in the recording studio
Llámale como lo llames, para el eso es presunción
Call him what you will, for him that is presumption
Ya que el Hip Hop no tiene Facebook para recibir tu notificación
Since Hip Hop doesn't have Facebook to receive your notification
Se redime, y revive con los versos con los que exhibe
He redeems himself, and revives with the verses with which he exhibits
Escribe de lo que vive, pero no vive de lo que escribe
He writes about what he lives, but he doesn't live off what he writes
Puede rapear sin parar desde hoy hasta el siguiente octubre
He can rap non-stop from today until next October
Sin estar mal acostumbrado a rapear por costumbre
Without being badly accustomed to rapping out of habit
Para él no está mal ser discreto en momentos varios
For him it is not bad to be discreet at various times
Ya que te distingue como ser oportuno y necesario
Since it distinguishes you as being timely and necessary
Piensa que es pertinente mencionar varios comentarios
He thinks it is pertinent to mention several comments
Y más aún cuando se trata de tu estancia en un escenario
And even more so when it comes to your stay on a stage
No le hables como Mc, háblale como un hermano
Don't talk to him like an Mc, talk to him like a brother
Porque antes de ser rapero él ya era un ser humano
Because before he was a rapper he was already a human being
No le hables como ese hombre que solo hace rap consciente
Don't talk to him like that man who only makes conscious rap
Porque antes de ser rapero él ya era un ser viviente
Because before he was a rapper, he was already a living being
Soy real, vaya frase tan superficial
I'm real, what a superficial phrase
Y cree que en los supuestos reales radica el problema
And believes that the problem lies in the supposedly real
El hecho de haber nacido en una familia disfuncional
The fact of having been born into a dysfunctional family
Es más real que estar gritando soy real en todos tus temas
It is more real than shouting I'm real in all your songs
Soy real, vaya frase sin claridad
I'm real, what a phrase without clarity
Ya que es real aquel, ser tangible que vive de realidades
Since the real one is that tangible being who lives on realities
Y aunque él nunca ha vivido en la necesidad
And even though he has never lived in need
Sabe lo que es estar mal y no poseer oportunidades
He knows what it is to be wrong and not have opportunities
Improvisando no se le hace visible ningún percance
Improvising, he does not make any mishap visible
Corta tu avance y responde a cada rima que le lances
He cuts off your advance and responds to every rhyme you throw at him
Con tema o sin tema impuesto a puesto lo mejor de el
With or without a theme imposed on him, the best of him
En rimas y versos con calma desgasta su alma y su piel
In rhymes and verses, calmly, he wears down his soul and his skin
Le es fiel a la competición sana, sin egocentrismo
He is faithful to healthy competition, without egocentrism
Solo compite para demostrar que hay raperos inteligentes
He only competes to show that there are intelligent rappers
Solo compite para demostrarse a mismo
He only competes to prove himself to himself
Y cumplir metas que Mc Flako se ha trazado anteriormente
And meet goals that Mc Flako has previously set for himself
Se le hace obvio que sus enemigos le aman con odio
It is obvious to him that his enemies love him with hatred
Ya que nunca ha rapeado ni por medallas ni por podios
Since he has never rapped for medals or podiums
No le haya relevancia a un papel válido por diploma
Let a paper validated by a diploma be irrelevant
Si al fin y al cabo en tu vida no aprendiste a ser persona
If in the end you didn't learn to be a person in your life
Rapea simplemente, para llenarse espiritualmente
He raps simply to fill himself spiritually
Ya que su espíritu refleja la experiencia de sus años
Since his spirit reflects the experience of his years
Rapeando ha comprendido a saber amar con la mente
Rapping has taught him to know how to love with the mind
Y que consejos y regaños sirven a escalar peldaños
And that advice and scolding serve to climb steps
El rap es arte pero el arte no es rap por definición
Rap is art, but art is not rap by definition
Con trazos delicados y otros fuertes el pinta rimas finas
With delicate and strong strokes he paints fine rhymes
Desde el grito de Van Gogh hasta Miguel y su creación
From the cry of Van Gogh to Miguel and his creation
Terminará dando de su arte en la capilla sixtina
He will end up giving his art in the Sistine Chapel
No pinta obras maestras, con su vocablo da pasos
He doesn't paint masterpieces, with his word he takes steps
Dando muestras que es artista y mejor que Pablo Picazo
Showing that he is an artist and better than Pablo Picasso
Suelta comentarios módicos, crónicos, lógicos
He makes moderate, chronic, logical comments
No es Da Vinci pero posee sus propios códigos
He's not Da Vinci but he has his own codes
Sus rimas, son por él, catalogadas como fuente de vida
His rhymes are, for him, categorized as a source of life
Y es un as bajo la manga para combatir la rutina
And it is an ace up his sleeve to combat routine
Además por muchos santos están cubiertos sus días
In addition, many saints cover his days
Ya que trasborda en San Antonio, y su salida en Santa Lucía
Since he transits in San Antonio, and his departure is in Santa Lucia
Antes de soñar lo piensa, y después de soñar reacciona
Before dreaming he thinks, and after dreaming he reacts
Ya que una persona sin sueños, es simplemente una persona
Since a person without dreams is simply a person
El pasado es como el tiempo, que te afana lentamente
The past is like time, which slowly afflicts you
Te incita a cumplir tus sueños futuros en el presente
It encourages you to fulfill your future dreams in the present
En su caminar en el rap ha callado bocas de idiotas
On his way in rap, he has shut the mouths of idiots
Que creen ser Mc's, por llevar una grande ropa
Who think they are Mc's, for wearing large clothes
El ser Mc va más en el canto no tanto en la vestimenta
Being an Mc is more about singing, not so much about clothing
Ya que nunca he visto rapeando una camiseta del dos ochenta
Since I have never seen a two hundred and eighty t-shirt rapping
El ser Mc va más en lo que piensas con tus sentimientos
Being an Mc is more about what you think with your feelings
Necesitas solo una mente hambrienta, de conocimientos
You only need a mind hungry for knowledge
Una libreta, un lapicero, una esencia despejada
A notebook, a pen, a clear essence
Para que puedas pensarlo todo sin necesidad de decir nada
So that you can think about everything without having to say anything
Sabe que es cierto que asiste a muchos conciertos y eventos
He knows it's true that he attends many concerts and events
Pero a diferencia de otros no va para que le reconozcan
But unlike others, he doesn't go there to be recognized
Solo va pasar pasar al rato al lado de 4 elementos
He just goes to hang out next to 4 elements
Y no para conocer a gente y luego terminar en la rosca
And not to meet people and then end up in the loop
Nunca ha rapeado, buscando complacer a los demás
He has never rapped, seeking to please others
Ya que su objetivo primordial ha sido tener calma y paz
Since his primary objective has been to have calm and peace
Recuerda esto, aunque olvides todo lo demás
Remember this, even if you forget everything else
Un poeta solo es un músico que nunca aprendió a cantar
A poet is just a musician who never learned to sing
Es criticado habitualmente por ser tan individual
He is routinely criticized for being so individual
Sin especificar, lo es desde un punto más general
Without specifying, it is from a more general point
Desde el pensamiento, música, fútbol, y lo racional
From thought, music, soccer, and the rational
Hasta su atracción carnal, y su inactiva vida sexual
To his carnal attraction, and his inactive sexual life
En 18 años transcurridos y muy bien vividos
In 18 years passed and well lived
Ha comprendido que no eres lo que has leído
He has understood that you are not what you have read
Y el número de temas que ha escrito sin moción alguna
And the number of songs he has written without any motion
Es igual al número de vaginas que ha conocido (NINGUNA)
Is equal to the number of vaginas he has known (NONE)
Es el hombre de la casa y solo vive con tres damas
He is the man of the house and only lives with three ladies
Y esto lo ha llevado a entender que no son sinónimo de cama
And this has led him to understand that they are not synonymous with bed
Que tiene claro que aquella mujer, que viste con escotes
That he is clear that that woman, who dresses in necklines
Su objetivo primario es que sus enormes tetas notes
Her primary objective is that you notice her huge tits
Mientras bailas en barrio Colombia en la noche de un viernes
While dancing in barrio Colombia on a Friday night
El flaco no se adormece, por estar en sus cuadernos
The skinny one doesn't fall asleep, for being in his notebooks
Mientras terminas la fiesta llegas a tu casa y duermes
While you finish the party you go home and sleep
Sigue despierto recitándole versos a sus infiernos
He continues awake reciting verses to his hells
Tanto socio que hace rap por ocio sin ser sincero
So many partners who rap for leisure without being sincere
Buscando negocio en una cultura que ni siquiera ama
Looking for business in a culture they don't even love
No quieren ser distinguidos solo obtener dinero
They don't want to be distinguished, only to get money
Ahí radica la diferencia entre el respeto y la fama
Therein lies the difference between respect and fame
Las mentes grandes siempre hablan de ideas con peso
Great minds always talk about weighty ideas
Las mentes medianas hablan de hechos sobre su faz
Average minds talk about facts about their face
Las mentes pequeñas, hablan siempre de simples sucesos
Small minds always talk about simple events
Y las mentes pobres, se conforman con hablar de los demás
And poor minds are content to talk about others
Y si hablo en tercera persona durante todo el tema
And if I speak in the third person throughout the song
Es para que entiendas que no solo yo hago parte del problema
It is so that you understand that I am not the only one who is part of the problem
Ya que muchas veces trato de hallarle la solución
Since many times I try to find the solution
A tanto raper tonto que en su canto no plasman su corazón
To so many foolish rappers who don't put their hearts into their singing
Razón de ser, inspiración para hacer crecer a peones
Raison d'être, inspiration to make pawns grow
En el vaivén del mal donde el bien también toma decisiones
In the swing of evil where good also makes decisions
Soy mc flako, e intento llenarme con canciones
I'm mc flako, and I try to fill myself with songs
Y llenarte en parte con arte trabajado con mis cojones
And fill you partly with art worked with my balls
Sobre el beat está Favela, que enseña más que una escuela
On the beat is Favela, who teaches more than a school
Y te deja secuelas, ya que le agrega ritmo a un arrítmico con su a capela (vuela, vuela)
And leaves you with sequels, since he adds rhythm to an arrhythmic with his a capella (fly, fly)
Sobre las rimas y las frases, que fueron sacadas de un saco
About the rhymes and phrases that were taken out of a bag
Hay una vida, con falta de clase, llamado Mc Flako
There is a life, lacking class, called Mc Flako

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