Mecal - Santiamen - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mecal - Santiamen

A Blink of an Eye
La vida es un santiamén cuidado donde pisas donde comes
Life is but a blink, be careful where you step, where you eat
Cuidado a quien olvidas y como lo tome
Be careful who you forget and how they take it
Mira tu espalda en esos amplios callejones
Watch your back in those wide alleys
Cuida que la que te ame use mas los pantalones
Make sure the one who loves you wears the pants more often
Mira el silencio evita el ruido
Observe the silence, avoid the noise
Busca el aprecio pero lejos de cupido
Seek appreciation, but far from Cupid
Mira las aves mira sus nidos
Look at the birds, look at their nests
Aunque haya huevos no siempre están unidos
Even if there are eggs, they are not always united
La soledad con el tiempo se hace tu amigo
Loneliness becomes your friend over time
Y hablas mas contigo que con un ser vivo a tu alrededor
And you talk more with yourself than with a living being around you
Buscar refugio es sano en nosotros mismos
Seeking refuge within ourselves is healthy
Mientras nadie vea donde escondes dentro el amor
As long as no one sees where you hide love inside
Mejor olvida el problema que un día tuviste
Better forget the problem you once had
La vida es corta y estar triste no lo atrasa
Life is short and being sad doesn't slow it down
Cada momento de respiro es un segundo
Every moment of breath is a second
Así de rápido morimos pero nada pasa
That's how quickly we die, but nothing happens
Tu que sintieras si supieras cuando morirás
How would you feel if you knew when you would die?
Te quedaras sentado o correrás para alcanzar tus sueños
Would you stay seated or run to reach your dreams?
Y que pasara si al revés tu muerte no sabrás
And what would happen if, on the contrary, you didn't know your death?
Te quedaras sentado esperando una magia del cielo
Would you stay seated waiting for magic from the sky?
Cuídate de cupido pero de sus alas
Beware of Cupid, but of his wings
No te distraigas con flechas que la vida tiene mas etapas
Don't be distracted by arrows, life has more stages
Necesitamos el amor ya lo sabemos pana
We need love, we already know that, friend
Pero no toda la compañía con amor te trata
But not all company treats you with love
Busca el talento que hay en ti tómalo explótalo
Look for the talent that is in you, take it, exploit it
Fija una meta un objetivo y consíguelo
Set a goal, an objective, and achieve it
Cuida tu entorno o quien sea a tu alrededor
Take care of your surroundings, of whoever is around you
No te confíes y mantén tu mente en sigilo
Don't trust, and keep your mind in stealth mode
Vigilo mas el amor el odio no es tan letal
I watch love more, hate is not so lethal
Es como un veneno disfrazado en un empaque bello
It's like a poison disguised in a beautiful package
Al que le abres el rincón donde sueles amar
To the one you open the corner where you usually love
Debe tener pies limpios y cuidar donde pisa con ellos
They must have clean feet and watch where they step with them
En un santiamén tu vida se puede apagar
In a blink of an eye your life can go out
Como un celular y por el te pueden matar
Like a cell phone, and they can kill you for it
No confíes en alguien por que te llegue agradar
Don't trust someone just because you like them
Te puede dañar al instante de mano estrechar
They can hurt you the moment you shake hands
En un santiamén se suelen siempre enamorar
In a blink of an eye they usually fall in love
Antes de tener pareja primero apréndete amar
Before having a partner, first learn to love yourself
No gastes tu tiempo tienes metas que alcanzar
Don't waste your time, you have goals to achieve
Mira tu reloj
Look at your watch
Tic tac
Tick tock
Mira los ojos a veces el cojo no cojea
Look into the eyes, sometimes the lame one doesn't limp
A veces quien busca tu hombro otras cosas desea
Sometimes the one seeking your shoulder desires other things
Guarda distancia con los que rumores balbucean
Keep your distance from those who whisper rumors
Quien te habla mal del mundo habla de ti aunque tu creas
Whoever speaks ill of the world speaks of you, even if you believe otherwise
Tomas o fumes lo que sea solo hazlo menos
Drink or smoke, whatever it is, just do it less
Ilógico cuidarte afuera si dentro hay venenos
It's illogical to take care of yourself on the outside if there are poisons inside
Solemos confundir lo malo siempre con lo bueno
We often confuse the bad with the good
Siempre en lo bueno hay algo malo pero no entendemos
There's always something bad in the good, but we don't understand
Dejemos el apego enfermo a nuestra red social
Let's leave the sick attachment to our social network
No todo se puede postear no sabes quien mira lo tuyo
Not everything can be posted, you don't know who's watching your stuff
El mundo es libre y lo comprendo pero hay que pensar
The world is free and I understand that, but you have to think
Que puedes compartir conocimientos y menos orgullos
That you can share knowledge and less pride
No escuches murmullos de quien no te entienda
Don't listen to murmurs from those who don't understand you
No le dediques tiempo a quien no te atienda
Don't dedicate time to those who don't pay attention to you
Amate a ti misma y al que te comprenda
Love yourself and those who understand you
Y no comprendas sedas a ponerte en venta
And don't understand silks to put yourself on sale
Avienta tus prejuicios cuestiónalo todo
Throw away your prejudices, question everything
Saca de ese lodo el cerebro que el señor te ha dado
Take the brain that the Lord has given you out of that mud
Si somos monos hoy en día no es por las teorías
If we are monkeys today, it's not because of theories
Sino por la forma en que tu I yo nos comportamos
But because of the way you and I behave
Se que perfecto no somos hermanos, pero esa excusa ya suena trillante
I know we're not perfect brothers, but that excuse already sounds trite
Tenemos dudas y no investigamos, solo aceptamos lo que hay delante
We have doubts and we don't investigate, we just accept what's in front of us
Ser ignorantes teniendo una pc con acceso a
Being ignorant while having a PC with access to
Internet es como tener sed al lado de una fuente
The internet is like being thirsty next to a fountain
Hoy día la gente se preocupa por tener mas fotos
Today people care about having more photos
No seas de esos locos pon tu foco en expandir tu mente
Don't be one of those crazy people, focus on expanding your mind
No tengas miedo ir contra
Don't be afraid to go against
Corriente, en el camino encontraras corrientes
The current, you will find currents on the way
Atrás no mires dirígete al frente
Don't look back, head straight ahead
Supera a todos lo que a ti te enfrente
Overcome everyone who faces you
Sube la frente no importa cual tu defecto usa
Raise your forehead, no matter your defect, use
El intelecto ya que en efecto te hace diferente
The intellect, since in effect it makes you different
Espero que te haya servido mis consejos ya
I hope my advice has served you well, now
Que te deje un manual para vivir en el presente
That I leave you a manual for living in the present
En un santiamen tu vida se puede apagar
In a blink of an eye your life can go out
Como un celular y por el te pueden matar
Like a cell phone, and they can kill you for it
No confies en alguien por que te llege agradar
Don't trust someone just because you like them
Te puede dañar al istante de mano estrechar
They can hurt you the moment you shake hands
En un santiamente se suelen siempre enamorar
In a blink of an eye they usually fall in love
Antes de tener pareja primero aprendete amar
Before having a partner, first learn to love yourself
No gastes tu tiempo tienes metas que alcanzar
Don't waste your time, you have goals to achieve
Mira tu reloj tic tac
Look at your watch, tick tock

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