Medina Azahara - Vivir por la Paz - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Medina Azahara - Vivir por la Paz

Vivir por la Paz
Living for Peace
Pasen a ver un mundo al rev? s
Come and see a world in reverse
Prueben tambi? n a qu? sabe la hiel
Try out the taste of poison
Miren atr? s si les gusta el terror
Look behind if you like terror
No miren jam? s si son hombres de honor.
Don't look ever if you are a man of honor.
Pueden tambi? n jugar al poder
You can also play with power
No se quejen si ven al pobre caer
Don't complain if you see the poor man fall
Miren atr? s si les gusta mandar
Look behind if you like to command
El circo del mal servido ya est?.
The circus of evil is already served.
Pueden beber la mentira y la fe
You can drink the lie and the faith
Pueden comer la envidia de cien
You can eat the envy of a hundred
Se pueden vender por un pobre papel
You can sell yourself for a poor paper
Deben jugar a perder o a ganar.
You must play to lose or to win.
Aprende a jugar a vivir por la paz
Learn to play to live for peace
Debe servir la experiencia
Experience should serve
No demos jam? s ese paso hacia atr? s
Let's never take that step back
Podemos cuidar nuestra tierra.
We can care for our land.
Recen por ver la magia del fiel
Pray to see the magic of the faithful
Aplaudan si ven a un ni? o nacer
Clap if you see a child being born
Le pueden dar sus migas de pan
You can give him your crumbs of bread
Despojos ser? n de esta sociedad.
They will be the spoils of this society.
Aprende a jugar a vivir por la paz
Learn to play to live for peace
Debe servir la experiencia
Experience should serve
No demos jam? s ese paso hacia atr? s
Let's never take that step back
Podemos cuidar nuestra tierra.
We can care for our land.
Ven a brindar tu trono tendr? s
Come and toast your throne you will have
Su precio ser? s? lo sobornar
Its price will only be to bribe
Nadie dir? si est? bien o est? mal
No one will say if it's right or wrong
Si? ntate ya empieza a gobernar.
Sit down now, start governing.
Debes dejar tu limosna al pasar
You must leave your alms as you pass by
R? scate bien y el cielo tendr? s
Pray well and you will have heaven
Mira que as? este circo andar?
Look at this circus going on
T? eres feliz y m? s pobre ser? s.
You are happy and I will be poorer.
Aprende a jugar a vivir por la paz
Learn to play to live for peace
Debe servir la experiencia
Experience should serve
No demos jam? s ese paso hacia atr? s
Let's never take that step back
Podemos cuidar nuestra tierra.
We can care for our land.

Авторы: Francisco Ventura Cano

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