MeerFly - DUIT - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MeerFly - DUIT

Kalau tak ada jalan, tak ada alasan untuk ku maju ke ke hadapan
If there's no way, there's no reason for me to move forward
Ini peperangan, tiada gentar, tiada lari, no balapan
This is war, no fear, no running, no racing
Yang buat bising mula menyorok, spit the truth, dah mula mogok
The ones who make noise start to hide, spit the truth, they start to strike
Look around, kita ni loco, bumi berputar, now look, siapa bobo?
Look around, we're loco, the earth is turning, now look, who's the fool?
Nak berapa angka? Nak berapa comma, cerita berapa rangka?
How many numbers do you want? How many commas, how many stories?
Berapa ramai hamba? Berapa ramai lagi yang nak tunggu kena sambar
How many slaves? How many more are waiting to be struck by lightning?
Duit, duit duit, duit duit...
Money, money, money, money, money...
Hati tertutup, tak kisah apa yang kat depan
Heart closed, don't care what's ahead
Gerakkan gila, tak kisah apa masa depan
Act crazy, don't care about the future
Semua wipe out, nak cerah masa depan
Wipe out everything, you want a bright future
Kerja gila, semuanya dipertaruhkan
Work like crazy, everything is at stake
Tiada baik, kesemuanya keburukan
There's nothing good, it's all bad
Hati kering, tak toleh betul kesilapan
Heart is dry, don't look at the mistakes
Mainan kertas, hidup bagai ramalan
Playing with paper, life is like a prediction
Tersilap kertas, hidup tiada amalan
If you get the wrong paper, your life has no merit
Siapa tahu, apa mahu mu
Who knows, what do you want?
Apa hala tuju, apa akhirku
What is the direction, what is my end?
Matanya kabur, tak tentu arah
Your eyes are blurred, you don't know where you're going
Di dunia hina, bergerak rakus
In this vile world, moving greedily
Talk 6 digits with me, that′s basically
Talk 6 digits with me, that's basically
7 digits with me, that's actually
7 digits with me, that's actually
Big bags on the back of the Bentley
Big bags on the back of the Bentley
Have a look around, who wanna ride with me?
Have a look around, who wanna ride with me?
Talk 6 digits with me, that′s basically
Talk 6 digits with me, that's basically
7 digits with me, that's actually
7 digits with me, that's actually
Big bags on the back of the Bentley
Big bags on the back of the Bentley
Have a look around, who wanna ride with me?
Have a look around, who wanna ride with me?
Duit, duit duit, duit duit...
Money, money, money, money, money...

Авторы: Farouk Roman, Meerfly

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