Mehmet Emin Ay - Beyaz Dilekçe - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mehmet Emin Ay - Beyaz Dilekçe

Beyaz Dilekçe
White Petition
Bu seyriyen ellerle senden seni isterim
With these admiring hands, I ask you for yourself
Senden seni isterken canımdan çıkar tenim
As I ask you for yourself, my soul leaves my body
Sana aşık ruhum bu merceği yakan ışık
My soul in love with you is the light that burns this wick
Gözlerim cemalini görmeden de kamaşır
My eyes are blinded even without seeing your beauty
Bir miras yediyim ben iflasın eşiğinde
I am an heir who has eaten himself to the brink of bankruptcy
Hep savrulur çünü yok iflas bileşiğinde
He always floats because there is no compound in bankruptcy
Kimin kimlik ararken hem güler hem ağlarım
Whose identity I search for while laughing and crying
Yükseklerden dökülen sular gibi çağlarım.
I scream like water pouring from above.
Çok tuzlu bir denizin her anım medcezir
Every moment of mine is the ebb and flow of a very salty sea
Sana aşık olanım yüreğim kutlu esti
I am in love with you, my heart is blessed and refreshed
Döşeğim kara toprak yorganım kara bulut
My bed is black soil, my blanket is black clouds
Ben seninle doluyken vurgun yapamaz umut
While I am full of you, hope cannot make me fall
Ben seninle doluyken vurgun yapamaz umut
While I am full of you, hope cannot make me fall
Her insan günah işler senden saklanır sır
Every human being commits sins, can he hide secrets from you
Tövbe dilekçesiyle sırdan kalkar bu nasır
With a repentance petition, this corn rises from the secret
Kainadı yarattın donattın rızk verdin
You created the universe, adorned it, and provided sustenance
Kimine sonsuz körlük kimine ışık verdin
To some, you gave infinite blindness, to others, you gave light
Yanlış adım atmayın diye indi her kitap
Every book was revealed so that you would not take a wrong step
Sana açılan eli geri çevirmesin Rab
May the Lord not turn away the hand that is extended to you
Ulu bir silsileden peygamberler gönderdin
You sent prophets from a great lineage
Gök yüzüne yıldızlar yere çiçekler serdin
You spread stars in the sky and flowers on the ground
Senden önce bir sen yok kainatta ilk sensin
There was no one before you, you are the first in the universe
Bu kainat bir meta hepsine malik sensin
This universe is a commodity, you own it all
Rabbim seni tanıyan bilir doluyu boşu
My Lord, those who know you know the full and the empty
Garibim muzdaribim ama umutsuz değil
I am a stranger, I am distressed, but I am not hopeless
Seninle dost olanlar cihanda mutsuz değil
Those who are friends with you are not unhappy in the world
Kulunun kurbanıyım rabbim senin mülkünde
I am a sacrifice to you, my Lord, in your property
Garip kulun ne söyler gülümse dilekçeme
What will your strange servant say, smile at my petition
Garip kulun ne söyler gülümse dilekçeme
What will your strange servant say, smile at my petition
Senin için verince verenin feyzi artar
When you give for your sake, the giver's grace increases
Gönülden bir sadaka darca bir ömrü tartar
A sincere charity weighs a narrow life
Kainatta ne varsa hepsinin zikrinde sen
Whatever is in the universe is in the remembrance of all
Hamd ve şükür sanadır her şeyin seninle eser
Praise and gratitude are for you, everything works with you
Sen ki sana geleni çevirmezsin eli boş
You who do not turn away the one who comes to you empty-handed
Aşık boşa dememiş lutfunda kahrında hoş
The lover did not say in vain, your favor is pleasant in your wrath
Bir beyaz dilekçedir sana her yalvarışım
Every plea to you is a white petition
Imanımla amelim hem perdem hem nakışım
My faith and deeds are both my curtain and my embroidery
çalı bile kendine sığınan kuşu itmez
Even a bush does not repel a bird that takes refuge in it
Sen gafursun azizsin senin keremin bitmez.
You are the forgiver, the holy, your grace is endless.
Geldim işte kapına kul senden ırak olmaz
Here I come to your door, a servant cannot be far from you
Sana adanmamışsa yürekte yürek olmaz
If it is not dedicated to you, there is no heart in the heart
Benden önce esirge Muhammet ümmetini
Spare the Ummah of Muhammad before me
Esen gitsin her kervan en sona ula beni
May every caravan depart and finally reach me
Kainat bir mozaik her şeye sahip Allah
The universe is a mosaic, Allah possesses everything
Ey gizli ve aşikar her derde tabip Allah
O hidden and manifest, the physician of every ailment, Allah
Ey gizli ve aşikar her derde tabip Allah
O hidden and manifest, the physician of every ailment, Allah
Ey gizli ve aşikar her derde tabip Allah
O hidden and manifest, the physician of every ailment, Allah

Авторы: Bahattin Karakoç, Mehmet Emin Ay

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