Meja - テルーの唄 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Meja - テルーの唄

Teru's Song
夕闇迫る雲の上 いつも一羽で飛んでいる
As the clouds grow dark and dusk falls, I fly alone as ever
The hawk must surely grieve
音も途絶えた風の中 空を掴んだその翼
In the silent wind, its wings grasp the sky
Unable to rest
心を何にたとえよう 鷹のようなこの心
To what shall I compare my heart, a heart like the hawk's?
心を何にたとえよう 空を舞うよな悲しさを
To what shall I compare my heart, a sorrow that soars through the sky?
雨のそぼ降る岩陰に いつも小さく咲いている
Amidst the rocks where rain gently falls, a small flower blooms
The flower must surely ache
色も霞んだ雨の中 薄桃色の花びらを
In the misty rain, its petals a pale pink
With no hand to cherish it
心を何にたとえよう 花のようなこの心
To what shall I compare my heart, a heart like the flower's?
心を何にたとえよう 雨に打たれる切なさを
To what shall I compare my heart, a sadness that the rain beats upon?
人影絶えた野の道を 私とともに歩んでる
Along the deserted path, you walk beside me
You too must surely be lonely
虫の囁く草原を ともに道行く人だけど
Through the grassy fields where insects hum, we walk together
Yet we say not a word
心を何にたとえよう 一人道行くこの心
To what shall I compare my heart, a heart that walks alone?
心を何にたとえよう 一人ぼっちの寂しさを
To what shall I compare my heart, a loneliness that knows no other?

Авторы: 吉野友加, 笹子重治

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