Mellina feat. Edward Sanda - Noi Doi (feat. Edward Sanda) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Mellina feat. Edward Sanda - Noi Doi (feat. Edward Sanda)

Noi Doi (feat. Edward Sanda)
We Two (feat. Edward Sanda)
Mama, cum noi doi ne potriveam
Baby, how did we go so right
Si visele cum doar noi le visam
And dream dreams that only we could dream
Cum ne-am pierdut nici noi nu ne-am dat seama
How we lost each other we didn't even realize
Nu pot sa te uit si nu stiu de ce
I can't forget you and I don't know why
Am pierdut din nou in dragoste
I've lost again in love
Inima ti-e dor de cine nu tebuie.
Your heart misses who it shouldn't.
Noi doi am trait cel mai frumos miraj
We two lived the most beautiful mirage
Dar serios tu n-ai avut curaj
But seriously you didn't have the courage
Azi umblam cu visele intr-un bagaj
Today we walk with dreams in a suitcase
Ce pacat, ce pacat
What a pity, what a pity
Dar noooi doi, ceva mai frumos nu se putea
But us two, nothing more beautiful could be
Au ramas doar lacrimile in urma ta
All that's left are the tears in your wake
Sa mi le opreasca cineva
Someone stop them for me
Cineva, cineva.
Someone, someone.
Mama, pe c eval noi ne purtam
Baby, how we carried ourselves
Intr-o mare de iubire noi pluteam
In a sea of love we floated
Cum ne-am pierdut, atunci s-a stins si flama
How we lost each other, then the flame died
Tu ai plecat asa cum pleaca vara,
You left just like summer ends,
Si-n inima iar se lasa seara,
And in my heart darkness descends,
In gandul meu dau de tine mereu (dau de tine mereu)
In my thoughts I see you always (I see you always)
Azi in mine e furtuna, noi nu ne-am iubit in gluma
Today there's a storm inside me, we didn't love each other as a joke
Ai luat totul de la mine, ai luat dragostea
You took everything from me, you took my love
Si nu mi-e usor, inima cuprinsa de dor.
And it's not easy for me, my heart filled with longing.
Daca intre noi s-a terminat, cum de azi nu ne-am uitat
If it's over between us, how come today we haven't forgotten
As vrea sa pun pe repeat zilele cand noi ne-am iubit
I'd like to replay the days when we loved each other
Sa-mi fii din nou rasarit.
For you to rise again.
Noi doi am trait cel mai frumos miraj
We two lived the most beautiful mirage
Dar serios tu n-ai avut curaj
But seriously you didn't have the courage
Azi umblam cu visele intr-un bagaj
Today we walk with dreams in a suitcase
Ce pacat, ce pacat
What a pity, what a pity
Dar noooi doi, ceva mai frumos nu se putea
But us two, nothing more beautiful could be
Au ramas doar lacrimile in urma ta
All that's left are the tears in your wake
Sa mi le opreasca cineva
Someone stop them for me
Cineva, cineva.
Someone, someone.

Mellina feat. Edward Sanda - Noi Doi (feat. Edward Sanda) - Single
Noi Doi (feat. Edward Sanda) - Single
дата релиза

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