Mente Fuerte feat. TOQUEL - Diamonds - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mente Fuerte feat. TOQUEL - Diamonds

Τώρα με κοιτάνε γιατί λάμπω σα διαμάντι (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now they stare at me because I shine like a diamond (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Κάναμε τη γειτονιά παλάτι (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
We turned the neighborhood into a palace (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Τώρα μόνοι μας, τόσοι γύρω μας, πόσοι δίπλα μας (yeah)
Now we're alone, so many around us, how many beside us (yeah)
Τώρα λυπάσαι που δε με πίστευες, πήραμε την πόλη αγκαζέ (yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Now you regret not believing in me, we took the city arm in arm (yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Τώρα με κοιτάνε γιατί λάμπω σα διαμάντι (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now they stare at me because I shine like a diamond (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Κάναμε τη γειτονιά παλάτι (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
We turned the neighborhood into a palace (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Τώρα μόνοι μας, τόσοι γύρω μας, πόσοι δίπλα μας (yeah)
Now we're alone, so many around us, how many beside us (yeah)
Τώρα λυπάσαι που δε με πίστευες, πήραμε την πόλη αγκαζέ (yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Now you regret not believing in me, we took the city arm in arm (yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Καριόλη, όλη η πόλη μαζί μου
Karióli, the whole city is with me
Πάνω στα γυαλιά μου η μέδουσα
Medusa on my glasses
Δεν κοιτάω γύρω μου, αφού είν′ οι δικοί μου
I don't look around because my people are here
Όπου πάω φέρνω την πρωτεύουσα
Wherever I go, I bring the capital
Κι είμαι τόσο fly όσο είναι banal (daddy)
And I'm as fly as it is banal (daddy)
Mi casa, su casa carnal (daddy, yeah)
Mi casa, su casa carnal (daddy, yeah)
Μη λες πολλά, δεν έχω χρόνο
Don't say much, I don't have time
Κι αν δεν είναι cash, η απάντηση είναι no, no, no
And if it's not cash, the answer is no, no, no
Yeah bro, yeah bro
Yeah bro, yeah bro
Κοίτα τη γαμάω και τη γειώνω, YOLO (eh)
Look, I fuck her and ground her, YOLO (eh)
Εγώ τα σπάω, εγώ πληρώνω (και, Illuminati)
I break it, I pay (and, Illuminati)
Είμαι στο μάτι των μασόνων (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm in the eye of the Masons (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Τώρα δεν είμ' ο ίδιος
Now I'm not the same
Γάμα τι λένε τα infos (yeah)
Fuck what the infos say (yeah)
Κωλάρες χαζεύω στα inbox
I'm looking at asses in the inbox
Big daddy, Mente
Big daddy, Mente
Τώρα με κοιτάνε γιατί λάμπω σα διαμάντι (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now they stare at me because I shine like a diamond (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Κάναμε τη γειτονιά παλάτι (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
We turned the neighborhood into a palace (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Τώρα μόνοι μας, τόσοι γύρω μας, πόσοι δίπλα μας (yeah)
Now we're alone, so many around us, how many beside us (yeah)
Τώρα λυπάσαι που δε με πίστευες, πήραμε την πόλη αγκαζέ (yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Now you regret not believing in me, we took the city arm in arm (yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Τώρα με κοιτάνε γιατί λάμπω σα διαμάντι (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now they stare at me because I shine like a diamond (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Κάναμε τη γειτονιά παλάτι (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
We turned the neighborhood into a palace (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Τώρα μόνοι μας, τόσοι γύρω μας, πόσοι δίπλα μας (yeah)
Now we're alone, so many around us, how many beside us (yeah)
Τώρα λυπάσαι που δε με πίστευες, πήραμε την πόλη αγκαζέ (yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Now you regret not believing in me, we took the city arm in arm (yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Αρώματα και μυρωδιές
Perfumes and scents
Πόσο θέλεις να με θες;
How much do you want me?
Δεν ήταν δίπλα μου κανείς εχθές, yeah
No one was by my side yesterday, yeah
Ανθρώπους σαν εμένα δε θα βρεις, bitch
You won't find people like me, bitch
Γενικά ανθρώπους σαν εμένα δε βρίσκεις
In general, you don't find people like me
Θέλεις να ′ρθεις δίπλα να μου πεις τί;
Do you want to come next to me and tell me what?
Έλα μόνο αν θες τα πόδια σου ν' ανοίξεις
Come only if you want to spread your legs
Διαμάντια μες στον λάκκο
Diamonds in the pit
Γάμα τ' όνομά μου, ήρθα μόνο για τον πάκο
Fuck my name, I came only for the pack
Γάμα την πουτάνα, ήρθε μόνο για tobacco
Fuck the bitch, she came only for tobacco
Αν την εμπιστεύτηκα, ήταν το μόνο μου λάθος, yeah
If I trusted her, it was my only mistake, yeah
Τώρα πάρ′ τ′ αρχίδια μου
Now take my balls
Διαμάντια ακόμα κι αν δεν έχω φράγκα
Diamonds even if I don't have money
Θέλουν να πεθάνω οι γαμημένοι
The motherfuckers want me dead
Μα δεν ξέρουν τα διαμάντια είναι για πάντα
But they don't know diamonds are forever
Τώρα με κοιτάνε γιατί λάμπω σα διαμάντι (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now they stare at me because I shine like a diamond (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Κάναμε τη γειτονιά παλάτι (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
We turned the neighborhood into a palace (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Τώρα μόνοι μας, τόσοι γύρω μας, πόσοι δίπλα μας (yeah)
Now we're alone, so many around us, how many beside us (yeah)
Τώρα λυπάσαι που δε με πίστευες, πήραμε την πόλη αγκαζέ (yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Now you regret not believing in me, we took the city arm in arm (yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Τώρα με κοιτάνε γιατί λάμπω σα διαμάντι (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now they stare at me because I shine like a diamond (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Κάναμε τη γειτονιά παλάτι (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
We turned the neighborhood into a palace (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Τώρα μόνοι μας, τόσοι γύρω μας, πόσοι δίπλα μας (yeah)
Now we're alone, so many around us, how many beside us (yeah)
Τώρα λυπάσαι που δε με πίστευες, πήραμε την πόλη αγκαζέ (yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Now you regret not believing in me, we took the city arm in arm (yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)

Авторы: Mente Fuerte

Mente Fuerte feat. TOQUEL - Kingpin
дата релиза

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