Mente Sabia Crú - La Bóveda - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mente Sabia Crú - La Bóveda

La Bóveda
The Vault
Alfin no veo el fin
Finally, I don't see the end
La meta subida en una ruta incompleta
The goal, a climb on an incomplete route
Apreta el fusil pa seguir con mi oferta indiscreta
Squeeze the rifle to continue with my indiscreet offer
No tengo miedo al futuro pero te juro que lo tendre
I'm not afraid of the future, but I swear I will be
Son mas fuerte los desgarros del zoronca dime porque
The gashes of the zoronca are stronger, tell me why, baby
Y que te dice los dias grises sin ser mas sincero que verdadero
And what does it tell you about the gray days without being more sincere than true
Eso espero, y me como un recreo con morfeo pa poder ver lo mas feo
That's what I hope for, and I take a recreation with Morpheus to be able to see the ugliest
De esta metafora que aflora y que aveces se escapa de nuestros reos
Of this metaphor that flourishes and sometimes escapes from our prisoners
No creo cleros ni fariceos solo mi emocion
I don't believe in clerics or Pharisees, only my emotion
Ahora es cuando para sana las llagas del interior
Now is the time to heal the wounds from within
Pulmon para mi cancion demente estando ausente
Lung for my demented song while being absent
Podre concretar quiza lo que tube en la mente
I may be able to materialize what I had in mind
La menopausia llegan al fin de su carrera
Menopause finally reaches the end of its race
Son parte de las esquirlas de esta bomba que esta en espera
They are part of the shrapnel from this bomb that is on standby
Esta a punto de estallar dentro de esta instrumental
It is about to explode within this instrumental
Junto a fen en musica y la puta letra toxica
Along with Fen in music and the fucking toxic lyrics
Que se mantiene porque de verdad lo quieren dj perez
Which remains because they really want it, DJ Perez
Lo mantiene lo real se sabe que la puede
Keeps it real, you know she can
Son piel de perro fiel que mantiene la escencia
They are faithful dog skin that maintains the essence
No son como quiero prefiero un ---
Not how I want them, I prefer a ---
Y se pierde en la sinergia energia
And it is lost in the synergy energy
Habitante de los shakra la coneccion encerio
Inhabitant of the chakras, the connection, seriously
Me lleva a convertirme en una raza
It leads me to become a race
Me calma, me tranquiliza el karma
It calms me, karma calms me down
Enpalma la dimesion evolucion del alma
It joins the dimension, evolution of the soul
Somos fantasmas en una pintura como bigote carpathia
We are ghosts in a painting like Bigote Carpathia
Mendigo en calle rancia querubines jardines de infancia
Beggar in rancid street cherubs kindergarten gardens
Quieren farmacia quimico espacial pa calmar la ansia
They want space chemical pharmacy to calm the anxiety
Demasiada presion pasion no da las gracias
Too much pressure passion doesn't give thanks
Bendigo mi infancia licencia para la ignorancia
I bless my childhood, license for ignorance
Fantasia noches con sol y ciegos sin sus perros guias
Fantasy nights with sun and blind people without their guide dogs
Estira la barriga por la fuerza de este chorro
Stretch your belly by the force of this jet
Tengo el planeta bajo el gorro y el antifaz del zorro
I have the planet under my hat and the fox's mask, babe
Corro por los morros droga prorroga pienso
I run through the lips drug extension I think
Corroborro el codigo de barra que aqui borra el entorno
I corroborate the barcode that here erases the environment
Mi lapiz un porno star capaz de penetrar el magma
My pencil a porn star capable of penetrating magma
Calentar la palma de los que alaban las sombras del mal
Warm the palm of those who praise the shadows of evil
--- Trompeta
--- Trumpet
--- En ruleta camino del saar y vencido no siente ---
--- On roulette road to the saar and defeated does not feel ---
La habilidad del sol versus tu envidia
The skill of the sun versus your envy
En la mision perdimos gente siglos promesas familia
On the mission we lost people centuries promises family
Infectara un consorno a nuestras pieles
It will infect a consortium to our skin
Envia ahora un coro de rieles colores belicos quiere
Now send a chorus of rails warlike colors he wants
Es logico perdido el arbol sin sentido
It is logical lost the tree without meaning
Y babilonia bebe el nectar que le debe dar su elite que todo puede
And Babylon drinks the nectar that its elite that can do everything should give it
Deben progresar la fe del que todo prevee
They must advance the faith of the one who foresees everything
Poesia pagana escritas letras informes oscuros puedes
Pagan poetry written shapeless dark letters you can
Librar de todo mal a quien lo quiera polvo y estrella
Free from all evil to whoever wants it dust and star
Tu desenlace en la botella
Your outcome in the bottle
Lo mas gratificante de esta vida es disfrutar con lo que hacemos
The most rewarding thing in this life is to enjoy what we do
No hacer pa que otros disfruten no entendemos
Don't do it for others to enjoy, we don't understand
Sal de ahi a buscarte la vida tal como es
Get out there and find life as it is
No deje que te la cuente nadie, no va a volver
Don't let anyone tell you, it won't come back
La plaza y el futbol pilares fundamentales
The plaza and soccer are fundamental pillars
Como el animo, amino, no me importa na de lo que hagan con tino
Like the spirit, amino, I don't care about anything they do with tact
Utilizo palabras como milo en la aguja escarlata
I use words like milo in the scarlet needle
Pinchaso a pinchaso van callendo las ratas
Prick by prick the rats are falling
Solo quiero que entiendas que rimo a corto plazo
I just want you to understand that I rhyme in the short term
Que toda manzana que cae, cae cerca del arbol
That every apple that falls, falls near the tree
Por cada verso suelto que suelto me adelgazo
For every loose verse I release I lose weight
Por cada pedazo paso ya no hay mas fracaso
For every piece I pass there is no more failure

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