Merci - Grammy & Gramy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Merci - Grammy & Gramy

Grammy & Gramy
Grammy & Gramy
Na horizontu události tam sem kazdej den
On the event horizon, I'm there every day
To je dávka pro tři, říkám more dej to sem
This is a dose for three, I say, yo, give it here
Teď nevolej babe, za chvíli opustim zem
Don't call babe now, I'll leave Earth in a minute
Houstone, doufám, ze dnes nebudeme mít problem
Houston, I hope we won't have a problem today
Na horizontu události tam sem kazdej den
On the event horizon, I'm there every day
To je dávka pro tři, říkám more dej to sem
This is a dose for three, I say, yo, give it here
Teď nevolej babe, za chvíli opustim zem
Don't call babe now, I'll leave Earth in a minute
Houstone, doufám, ze dnes nebudeme mít problem
Houston, I hope we won't have a problem today
Grammy & Gramy
Grammys & Grams
Chtějí bejt s nama my chceme bejt sami
They wanna be with us, we wanna be alone
Chtějí bejt slavný, sou na to moc lame
They wanna be famous, they're too lame for that
Moc lame na to aby měli fame
Too lame to have fame
Aby to dali
To make it happen
Jejich flow Wall-E a moje tsunami
Their flow is Wall-E, mine's a tsunami
Možná si rikaj, ze jsem trochu snob
Maybe they think I'm a bit of a snob
Ale jejich flow weak moje prostřelí strop
But their flow's weak, mine'll blow the roof off
Moje prostřelí strop
Mine'll blow the roof off
Grammy & Gramy
Grammys & Grams
Chtějí bejt s nama my chceme bejt sami
They wanna be with us, we wanna be alone
Chtějí bejt slavný ale sou na to moc lame
They wanna be famous, but they're too lame for that
Moc lame na to aby měli fame
Too lame to have fame
To by nedali
They wouldn't make it
Moje flow poletí na všechny strany
My flow will fly in every direction
Možná si rikaj, ze jsem trochu snob
Maybe they think I'm a bit of a snob
Ale jejich flow nic moje over the top
But their flow's nothing, mine's over the top
Moje over the top
Mine's over the top
Po more kazdej den
From Monday to Friday, yo, every day
Plnim, plnim, plnim si svuj sen
I fulfill, fulfill, fulfill my dream
Plní plní plní se mi sejf
My safe is filling, filling, filling up
Drogy v kapse, ty nejsou lame
Drugs in my pocket, they're not lame
Ja sem na vrcholu nejsem same
I'm at the top, I'm not alone
Je 9 ráno ja k zemi vyplej
It's 9 am, I'm wasted to the ground
Můj život je něco jak film
My life is like a movie
Party Hardest, zapni si play
Party Hardest, hit play
K snídani piko a potom weed
Coke for breakfast, then weed
Než přijde poledne začínám pít
Before noon, I start drinking
K obedu davam jen 2cb
For lunch, I'm only having 2cb
A dezert na lžičce chce připálit
And the dessert on the spoon wants to be lit
Rika mi, ze sem vlk z wall street
She tells me I'm the wolf of wall street
Prosej prosej prosej o feet
Beg me, beg me, beg me for feet pics
Budem se bavit prineses fet
We'll have some fun when you bring the fet
chybí jen Margot Robbie
The only thing missing is Margot Robbie
Grammy & Gramy
Grammys & Grams
Chtějí bejt s nama my chceme bejt sami
They wanna be with us, we wanna be alone
Chtějí bejt slavný, sou na to moc lame
They wanna be famous, they're too lame for that
Moc lame na to aby měli fame
Too lame to have fame
Aby to dali
To make it happen
Jejich flow Wall-E a moje tsunami
Their flow is Wall-E, mine's a tsunami
Možná si rikaj, ze jsem trochu snob
Maybe they think I'm a bit of a snob
Ale jejich flow weak moje prostřelí strop
But their flow's weak, mine'll blow the roof off
Moje prostřelí strop
Mine'll blow the roof off
Grammy & Gramy
Grammys & Grams
Chtějí bejt s nama my chceme bejt sami
They wanna be with us, we wanna be alone
Chtějí bejt slavný ale sou na to moc lame
They wanna be famous, but they're too lame for that
Moc lame na to aby měli fame
Too lame to have fame
To by nedali
They wouldn't make it
Moje flow poletí na všechny strany
My flow will fly in every direction
Možná si rikaj, ze jsem trochu snob
Maybe they think I'm a bit of a snob
Ale jejich flow nic moje over the top
But their flow's nothing, mine's over the top
Moje over the top
Mine's over the top
Na dně mýho saklu kamo skryva se stroj času
At the bottom of my crib, bro, there's a time machine hiding
Cucá jak Pikao, chce moji melasu
It sucks me like Pikachu, wants my molasses
Cestuju po zemi, ale není třeba pasu
I travel the world, but I don't need a passport
Vtrhnem do lékárny, ale nevykradem kasu
We'll hit the pharmacy, but we won't rob the cash register
Jedu speedrun na život
I'm speedrunning life
Chceš vidět na živo
You wanna see me live
Žádný, že by stačilo
Nothing is enough
Jedu z nuly na kilo
I'm going from zero to a kilo
Supreme slipy
Supreme underwear
Řidim cheap whipy more
I'm driving cheap whips, yo
Zato drahý tripy
But expensive trips
To sou my priority
Those are our priorities
Uka svoje titty, obě
Show your titties, both of them
Nechci žádný vtipy, hoe
I don't want any jokes, hoe
Uka Nipple, triko hore
Show your nipples, shirt up
Ty a ty A i ty, more
You and you and you, yo
Glock za opaskem ve škole
Glock behind my belt at school
Na svačinu dej mi love
Give me love for lunch
Tady dáme fillup v barech
We'll fill up at the bars here
A máme sloku dole
And we've already got a chick down
Grammy & Gramy
Grammys & Grams
Chtějí bejt s nama my chceme bejt sami
They wanna be with us, we wanna be alone
Chtějí bejt slavný, sou na to moc lame
They wanna be famous, they're too lame for that
Moc lame na to aby měli fame
Too lame to have fame
Aby to dali
To make it happen
Jejich flow Wall-E a moje tsunami
Their flow is Wall-E, mine's a tsunami
Možná si rikaj, ze jsem trochu snob
Maybe they think I'm a bit of a snob
Ale jejich flow weak moje prostřelí strop
But their flow's weak, mine'll blow the roof off
Moje prostřelí strop
Mine'll blow the roof off
Grammy & Gramy
Grammys & Grams
Chtějí bejt s nama my chceme bejt sami
They wanna be with us, we wanna be alone
Chtějí bejt slavný ale sou na to moc lame
They wanna be famous, but they're too lame for that
Moc lame na to aby měli fame
Too lame to have fame
To by nedali
They wouldn't make it
Moje flow poletí na všechny strany
My flow will fly in every direction
Možná si rikaj, ze jsem trochu snob
Maybe they think I'm a bit of a snob
Ale jejich flow nic moje over the top
But their flow's nothing, mine's over the top
Moje over the top
Mine's over the top

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