MESA - Pēc mums - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MESA - Pēc mums

Pēc mums
After Us
Saki man "kur palikuši tie laiki?"
"Tell me, where have those times gone?"
Kad dvēsele dzied trīsot miesai,
When the soul sang, making the body tremble,
Kur palikusi jēga dziesmai,
Where has the meaning of the song gone,
Tūkstošiem dziesmu, bet neticu nevienai.
Thousands of songs, but I don't believe a single one.
Pasaule griežās ap tevi,
The world spins around you,
Un TU ar izkārtu mēli,
And you, with your tongue hanging out,
Centies skriet tai pa priekšu
Try to run ahead of it
Un nepaspēj, nepaspēj, nepaspēj.
And you don't succeed, don't succeed, don't succeed.
Nomok prātu šī mazuma piegarša,
The aftertaste of this pettiness torments the mind,
Tād nelāga tukšuma sajūta
That nasty feeling of emptiness
Iekams, neesi ticis pie kārotā labuma.
Before you get the desired benefit.
Diendienīgs paliek ar sevi sarunas,
Daily conversations with yourself become commonplace,
Joz pakaļ akli sapnim,
Blindly chasing a dream,
Kas apmēram pēc nedēļas jau apnicis.
Which gets boring after about a week.
Un tikai tad kad paklupis aiz akmens
And only when you stumble over a stone
Atskārt' cik tomēr maz ir atlicis.
Do you realize how little is left.
Kam ir jēga, kas ir laime, kur ir sapnis?
What is the meaning, what is happiness, where is the dream?
Jauns telefons vai auto šaudās acis.
A new phone or car shoots into your eyes.
Bieži jaucam, jo kādam tas ir izdevīgi
We often confuse them, because it's beneficial for someone
Lai nestāv uz vietas, bet skrien neprātīgs.
For us not to stand still, but to run like crazy.
Reklāma, reklāma, programē tautu,
Advertising, advertising, programs the people,
Piecu minūšu atmiņa un pat tas jau ir par daudz.
Five-minute memory and even that's too much.
Nākamā paaudze par robotiem aug,
The next generation is growing up as robots,
Cilvēkam būt viegli, bet cilvēciskam nav.
It's easy to be human, but not humane.
-- 2x --
-- 2x --
Kopā pazudīs, viss ar mums
Everything will disappear with us
Visu ņemam līdz, mēs, pēc mums.
We take everything with us, after us.
Un tikai paliek nepateiktie vārdi mums,
And only the unspoken words remain for us,
Nepabeigtais izlīgums, iztrūkums, visa tumsa.
The unfinished agreement, the lack, all the darkness.
A false
Priekštats par laimi, nav nekas jauns
Concept of happiness, nothing new
Izksats, amats, cik pelni un ar ko brauc
Appearance, position, how much you earn and what you drive
Ja visa nav, man jau būtu kauns
If you don't have all that, I'd be ashamed
jau cilvēciņš tu labs, ja cilvēciņš bez naudas
You're a good person, if you're a person without money
Simts kalpi kalpo sev un viņiem par to maksā
A hundred servants serve themselves and they are paid for it
Sešas stundas pārvēršas par nulle līdzi kapā
Six hours turn into zero along with the grave
Viena dzīve tik uz priekšu, cel to buru mastā
One life just forward, raise the sail on the mast
Gan jau ellē arī varēs roka roku mazgāt
Even in hell you can shake hands
Pastāsti man lūdzu, kas paliks pēc tevis
Tell me please, what will remain after you
Mani neinteresē tavi konti un bilance un drēbes
I'm not interested in your accounts, balance and clothes
Gadiem krātā manta egoismu grozā
Years of accumulated belongings in the basket of egoism
Saki, ka es kļūdos un nav pamata domāt.
Tell me I'm wrong and there's no reason to think so.
Gods man ir devis dzīvi ir mana paradīze
Honor has given me life, it's my paradise
Mana ģimene man apkārt tie ir mani karavīri
My family around me, they are my soldiers
Mana bagātība ir dārgāka par naudu
My wealth is more precious than money
Emociju karuselis, te smejos, te raudu
Carousel of emotions, I laugh here, I cry there
Mana laime ir viņu laime sejā
My happiness is their happiness on their faces
Viņu pirmie vārdi, viņas pirmā deja
Their first words, her first dance
Mana laime ir mana bieza atmiņas klade
My happiness is my thick notebook of memories
Ko paņemšu es līdzi kad pienāks tie gadi
Which I will take with me when those years come
Kopā pazudīs, viss ar mums
Everything will disappear with us
Visu ņemam līdz, mēs, pēc mums.
We take everything with us, after us.
Un tikai paliek nepateiktie vārdi mums,
And only the unspoken words remain for us,
Nepabeigtais izlīgums, iztrūkums, visa tumsa.
The unfinished agreement, the lack, all the darkness.
-- 2x --
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Visu ņemam līdzi neatstājot neko
We take everything with us, leaving nothing behind
Kopā pazudīs viss ar mums kad mēs prom
Everything will disappear with us when we're gone
Visu ņemam līdzi neatstājot neko
We take everything with us, leaving nothing behind

Авторы: Gatis Irbe, Kaspars Jansons, Rūdolfs Budze

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