Mesa feat. Intars Busulis - Mantra - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mesa feat. Intars Busulis - Mantra

Kas bija vakar, pirms mēneša, gada?
What was yesterday, a month ago, a year ago?
Mēģinām atcerēties atkal
We try to remember again
Un mums atkal neizdodas
And again we fail
Toties šodien par rītdienu prieks ir neviltots
But today, joy for tomorrow is genuine
Plāni, jau katram mums ir vairāki viss būs
Plans, like everyone else, we have several
Uzcelt māju, iestādīt koku, nosist čūsku
Build a house, plant a tree, kill a snake
Turpinām darīt, līdz šim, ka neierūsam
We continue to do, as until now, so that we do not rust
Bet brīnāmies - kāpēc jaunus iespaidus neiegūstam?
But we wonder - why can't we get some new impressions?
Drosme sapņot, bailes darīt
Courage to dream, fear to do
Rītdien viss jau saplānots, tad labāk parīt
Tomorrow is already planned, then better the day after tomorrow
Ķeramies klāt, bet atmetam, jo nesanāk
We get down to it, but we give up because it doesn't work
Līdzīgi, ar roķeni uz estekādes
Similarly, how with the handle on the stage
Tikko es grūtības sastopu, bez liekas domāšanas padoties grasos
As soon as I have difficulties I intended to give up without thinking
Tikko es padoties grasos, izdzirdēsi kādu balsi man sakot
As soon as I want to give up, you will hear a voice telling me
Nevar būt tā, ka tu kaut kur ej un nekur nenonāc
It can't be that you go somewhere and get nowhere
Katrs ceļš ir reiz sākts tā, stāsts
Every journey once started like that, like a story
Uzausi zābakus tu deviņjūdžu un dodies tālāk
Put on your nine-mile boots and move on
Atklāt sev, to kas vēl neatklāts
Discover what is still unexplored
Ja man kāds lūgtu noraksturot sevi, kas es būtu
If someone asked me to describe myself, who would I be
Kosmonauts vai grāmatvedis?
An astronaut or an accountant?
Profesija rinda ordeņu pie krūts
Profession as a row of medals on the chest
Bet vēl tik daudz nav redzēts un daudz kur vēl nav būts
But still so much unseen and so much more to see
Ceļš nav grūts, grūtāk ir to iesākt
The path is not difficult, it is harder to start it
Pārvarēt bailes, iekams bailes pāri man vietā
Overcome fears, before fears will overcome me instead
Vai es maz atcerēties spēju savu pirmo vārdu
Can I remember my first word
Pirmos soļus pirms es jau skrēju ar pieri stenderē
The first steps before I ran with my forehead in the stand
Nogaršoju bezmaz visu tabulu Mendeļejeva
I have tasted almost all of the Mendeleev's table
Bet vai tas mani apturēja, protams, ka
But did it stop me, of course not
Varbūt tikai čakarēja
Maybe just harassed
Ir četras debess puses, redzu tikai ziemeļus
There are four cardinal points, I see only the north
Palūkojos apkārt, izkustinu kakla skriemeļus
I look around, I move my neck vertebrae
Jo galvā tak ir smadzenes un nevis ķieģeļi
Because there is a brain in your head, not bricks
Izmantot šo potenciālu, ko kāds ir iedevis
Use this potential that someone has given
Tikko es grūtības sastopu, bez liekas domāšanas padoties grasos
As soon as I have difficulties I intended to give up without thinking
Tikko es padoties grasos, izdzirdēsi kādu balsi man sakot
As soon as I want to give up, you will hear a voice telling me
Nevar būt tā, ka tu kaut kur ej un nekur nenonāc
It can't be that you go somewhere and get nowhere
Katrs ceļš ir reiz sākts tā, stāsts
Every journey once started like that, like a story
Uzaus zābakus tu deviņjūdžu un dodies tālāk
Put on your nine-mile boots and move on
Atklāt sev, to kas vēl neatklāts
Discover what is still unexplored
Atklāj sev, to kas vēl neatklāts!
Discover what is still unexplored!
Atklāj sev!
Discover yourself!

Авторы: Arstarulsmirus, Kaspars Jansons

Mesa feat. Intars Busulis - II
дата релиза

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