Mi2 - Ostal sn brez benzina - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mi2 - Ostal sn brez benzina

Ostal sn brez benzina
Out of Gas
Ful ubitačn žur, Taljan je čakal sina,
I attend a great party, an Italian was expecting his son,
Ložan in Srajca sta se skor ftopila v litrih vina,
Ložan and Srajca almost drowned in liters of wine
Za rojsni dan sta častla fajn masnega odojka
For birthday they gave us a delicious suckling pig
Pa luk in paradajs, vse za boljši apetit.
Some onions and tomatoes for better appetite.
Muzika in alkošek, vse se je kmal vrtelo
Music and booze, everything was spinning, fast
In marsikdo je od veselja tu pa tam zabelo,
And many of us out of great joy, we belched from time to time
Ob treh se je naš Tonček Killer spet zagrizo v čašo,
At three o'clock, our Killer Tonček, started drinking again
Ob štirih je nadaljeval s pepelnikom in flašo.
At four o'clock, he continued with an ashtray and a bottle.
Prjel sn dekle in ji reko v uho: Jes bom šou,
I grabbed the girl and said to her ear: I'm gonna leave
če češ, te lahko spotoma potegnem še domov.
If you want, I can take you home on the way.
Zalutala sma v hosti, to bla je vožnja fina
We got lost in the wilderness, that was a fun ride
In tak naenkrat sred poti ostal sn brez benzina.
And suddenly in the middle of the road I ran out of gas.
Ostal sn brez benzina!
I ran out of gas!
Stopo sn vun z avta, povsod okoli drevje.
I stepped out of the car, all around me were trees.
U pizdo materno, če nisn zašo v Kočevje?
Oh my God, am I not going to Kočevje?
Fuck, sn mislo, butl, ka pa naj si začnem zdaj?
Fuck, I thought, idiot, what am I going to do now?
Sn ti rekla prej, da tankaj, pa si htel biti frajer!
I told you to fill up, but you wanted to be a badass!
Frajer, frajer, glih sn jes vedau, da bom zalutal v toti hosti.
Badass, badass, I knew I was going to get lost in this wilderness.
Če bi šla po pravi cesti, bi ga mela sigurno dosti!
If we had gone the right way, we would have had plenty of gas!
Enkrat bi si lahko že nabavo avtokarto!
You could have bought a bus ticket for once!
Ne me jebat, rajši misli, kak boma prišla vun!
Don't fuck with me, think about how we're going to get out of here!
Od babe in živcov me je vsekala kislina,
The woman and my nerves gave me heartburn
Da bi si ja zapomno, kak ostal sn brez benzina.
So I could remember how I ran out of gas.
Ostal sn brez benzina!
I ran out of gas!
Bil sn glih tolko jezn, da sn se začel smejati,
I was so angry that I started laughing
Tudi mala je po dveh klofutah nehala divjati,
The girl also stopped raging after two slaps
Začela je moliti, da bi se kaj zgodilo
She started praying for something to happen
In bogme nas Gospod to noč ni pusto na cedilu.
And God didn't leave us in the lurch that night.
Naenkrat prilomasti medved s kantico benzina,
Suddenly a bear comes with a can of gasoline
Za njim pa sloka srnica s punim kanistrom vina.
And behind him a slender doe with a full jerrycan of wine.
Vprašal me je: Kupiš?, sn reko: Ne bi vraga,
He asked me: Will you buy it? I said: No way,
Samo se mi roba vidi nekam dosti draga.
Only the goods seem a bit expensive to me.
Ni bil glih neki handler, sn zglihal vse na pol,
He wasn't much of a dealer, I got it all for half
Za malo manj ko jurja sma prifurala domov,
For less than a hundred, we came home
še danes pa v glavi ne gre mi iz spomina,
But still today in my head I can't forget
Ka vse se je zgodilo, ko ostal sn brez benzina.
What happened when I ran out of gas.
Ostal sn brez benzina!
I ran out of gas!

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