Micro Tdh - EL INCA - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Micro Tdh - EL INCA

O-O-Ovy On The Drums
O-O-Ovy On The Drums
Nunca he dicho que soy el mejor sabiendo que lo soy
I've never said I'm the best, knowing that I am,
Vine para hacer historia, negro aquí estoy
I came to make history, Black, I'm here.
I'm alone, pero para dónde voy
I'm alone, but I know where I'm going,
Cuando cumpla con lo mío me retiro como Floyd, boy
When I fulfill mine, I'll retire like Floyd, boy.
I'mma diamond, no quiero prendas
I'mma diamond, I don't want jewelry,
No espero que la gente me entienda
I don't expect people to understand me,
Solo quiero tener la familia cerca
I just want to have my family close.
Lo que pienses de no va a ser que yo me ofenda
What you think of me is not going to offend me.
Ey, ey, estoy metido en la cocina
Hey, hey, I'm in the kitchen,
Fabricando pura anfetamina
Manufacturing pure amphetamine,
La rabia me domina, Pero el diablo no me contamina
Rage dominates me, but the devil doesn't contaminate me.
Este año para los Grammys me nominan
This year, they'll nominate me for the Grammys.
Dime qué opinas, yes sir
Tell me what you think, yes sir,
Casa Blanca de paquete en el forro de la guitarra los billetes
White House of the pack in the lining of the guitar, the bills,
Pa' salir a la pista tengo los juguetes
To go out to the track, I have the toys,
Para que sus mujeres pequen
To make your women sin.
El amor lo mandé pa'l retrete, esta rubia parece un cohete
I sent love to the toilet, this blonde looks like a rocket,
Me dijeron no muestres tu lado sensible para que afuera te respeten
They told me not to show my sensitive side, so they respect me outside.
A no me llamen pa' un trueque, pa'l negocio que llamen a Pepe
Don't call me for a trade, for business call Pepe,
que las palabras comprometen, más que la plata en un cheque, boy
I know words compromise more than money on a check, boy.
Words shooting so fast como speedy
Words shooting so fast like speedy,
Me pregunta más cosas que haz Siri, por lo mío Let's Get it
She asks me more questions than Siri, for mine, Let's Get it,
Soy el único venezolano merideño que ha tocado en New York City
I'm the only Venezuelan from Mérida who has played in New York City,
And i'll keep killing (prr, prr)
And I'll keep killing (prr, prr).
Misterioso como Wally
Mysterious like Wally,
Aquí hay puro genio creando me siento en Silicon Valley
Here there is pure genius creating, I feel like I'm in Silicon Valley,
Cuando quieran que me tiren y les tiro pura cuali
Whenever they want me to shoot, and I shoot pure quality,
No me quieran no los quiero y así todo sigue Funny
They don't want me, I don't want them, and everything is still Funny.
More money on my pocket more money
More money on my pocket, more money,
Ni con universal ni con Sony
Neither with Universal nor with Sony,
No compares un semental con un pony
Don't compare a stallion with a pony,
No compares Michael Jackson con Bad Bunny
Don't compare Michael Jackson to Bad Bunny.
Si quieres fuego te vacían la 40
If you want fire, they empty the 40 on you,
No creemos en nada Venezuela it's coming
We don't believe in anything, Venezuela it's coming,
No somos Domi tampoco Bori
We're not Domi, nor Bori,
Pero tramposo como el Neutro Shorty
But as cheating as Neutro Shorty.
Que sigan hablando de que la cuenta siga subiendo
Let them keep talking about me, let the count keep going up,
La plata no te hace feliz, pero mírame sonriendo
Money doesn't make you happy, but look at me smiling,
Antes no teníamos nada ni Louis ni Gucci ni Prada
We didn't have anything before, no Louis, no Gucci, no Prada,
Venimos de un sitio dónde hasta los niños, están jugando con granadas
We come from a place where even children are playing with grenades.
Que sigan hablando de que la cuenta siga subiendo
Let them keep talking about me, let the count keep going up,
La plata no te hace feliz pero mírame sonriendo
Money doesn't make you happy, but look at me smiling,
Antes no teníamos nada ni Louis ni Gucci ni Prada
We didn't have anything before, no Louis, no Gucci, no Prada,
Pero ya creció la manada y estamos activos en la jugada
But the pack has grown and we are active in the game.
Matando la liga, gloria y giras tiran y me tiran pero no me inspiran
Killing the league, glory and tours, they shoot at me, but they don't inspire me,
Puros envidiosos que en el fondo me admiran
Pure envious people who deep down admire me,
que quieren que me pare ya me tienen en la mira
I know they want me to stop, they already have me in their sights,
Pero me les escapo, es la puta crema de los vatos
But I escape them, I am the fucking cream of the crop,
Caminaba con huecos entre los zapatos
I used to walk with holes in my shoes,
Y ahora estoy yendo al estrellato
And now I'm going to stardom.
Si quieres te opaco esa mierda de Flow
If you want, I'll overshadow that shitty Flow,
Que crees que tiene yo creo que no
What you think he has, I don't think so,
Le partí la cara al que subestimó
I smashed the face of the one who underestimated,
Y le ofrecí mi otra mano el que me traicionó
And I offered my other hand to the one who betrayed me.
Yo no creo en nadie solo creo en Dios
I don't believe in anyone, I only believe in God,
Le pedí mil veces y al fin se me dio
I asked Him a thousand times, and finally He gave it to me,
Yo nunca la forzó ni apago mi voz
I never forced it, nor turned off my voice,
Si soy el cantante como Héctor Lavoe
I'm the singer like Hector Lavoe.
Yo creo que no qué no me ganan to' esos gafos que me lo maman
I don't think, no, I don't think all those fools who suck it up to me can beat me,
Les duele ver que llegue a la fama con mi talento y no con su drama
It hurts them to see me reach fame with my talent and not with their drama,
Mientras más creces más te difaman, hay más presión y menos panas
The more you grow, the more they defame you, there is more pressure and fewer friends,
Pero a los guerreros todo el mundo los ama
But everybody loves warriors,
Pregúntale al Inca y al chino Maidana, ¡prra!
Ask the Inca and the Chinese Maidana, bitch!
Que sigan hablando de y que la cuenta siga subiendo
Let them keep talking about me, and let the count keep going up,
La plata no te hace feliz, pero mírame sonriendo
Money doesn't make you happy, but look at me smiling,
Antes no teníamos nada ni Louis ni Gucci ni Prada
We didn't have anything before, no Louis, no Gucci, no Prada,
Venimos de un sitio donde hasta los niños, están jugando con granadas
We come from a place where even children are playing with grenades.
Que sigan hablando de y que la cuenta siga subiendo
Let them keep talking about me, and let the count keep going up,
La plata no te hace feliz, pero mírame sonriendo
Money doesn't make you happy, but look at me smiling,
Antes no teníamos nada ni Louis ni Gucci ni Prada
We didn't have anything before, no Louis, no Gucci, no Prada,
Pero ya creció la manada y estamos activos en la mamaguevada, eh
But the pack has grown and we are active in this shit, huh.
TDH, yah
TDH, yah
Ya creció la manada
The pack has grown
Y estamos activos en la jugada
And we are active in the game
Aquí no creemo' en nada
Here we don't believe in anything
Fuck that shit, bro
Fuck that shit, bro
Prrr, prrr, prrr, prrr, ey
Prrr, prrr, prrr, prrr, hey

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