Mihai Ristea feat. Don Baxter - Ploaia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mihai Ristea feat. Don Baxter - Ploaia

The Rain
Am sa-ncep cu inceputul
I'll start from the beginning
Am gresit si e normal
I was wrong, and that's okay
Nu putem schimba trecutul
We can't change the past
Ca nimic nu s-a-ntamplat accidental
Because nothing happened by accident
E natural
It's natural
Ne ferim de probleme
We avoid problems
Sa nu suferim
So we don't suffer
Si de frica lor uitam sa ne iubim
And in fear of them, we forget to love each other
Intre noi... noi doi
Between us... the two of us
Lasa ploaia sa ne ude
Let the rain soak us
Atunci cand grijile sunt multe
When worries are many
Lasa soarele sa arda
Let the sun burn
Lasa cerul sa ne vada
Let the sky see us
Lasa vantul sa ne asculte
Let the wind listen to us
Toate vorbele marunte
All the little words
Ce rost are sa ne ascundem
What's the point of hiding
Lasa ploaia sa ne ude
Let the rain soak us
Lasa norii sa ne planga
Let the clouds cry for us
Plini de apa pe-amandoi
Both of us soaked to the bone
Nu vreau sa se opreasca ploaia
I don't want the rain to stop
Sa vad daca ai sau nu lacrimi in ochi
To see if you have tears in your eyes or not
Lacrimi in ochi
Tears in your eyes
Lasa timpul sa decida
Let time decide
Daca pana la final
If by the end
Vom ramane impreuna
We'll stay together
Sau daca mainile noastre se despart
Or if our hands will part
Se despart
Lasa ploaia sa ne ude
Let the rain soak us
Atunci cand grijile sunt multe
When worries are many
Lasa soarele sa arda
Let the sun burn
Lasa cerul sa ne vada
Let the sky see us
Lasa vantul sa ne asculte
Let the wind listen to us
Toate vorbele marunte
All the little words
Ce rost are sa ne ascundem
What's the point of hiding
Lasa ploaia sa ne ude
Let the rain soak us
Stiu ca una cu unu fac doi
I know that one plus one makes two
Si ca umbrela ne fereste doar de ploi
And that an umbrella only protects us from rain
Vreau un acoperis deasupra pentru noi
I want a roof over our heads
Sa ne iubim fara sa aruncam cu noroi
To love each other without throwing mud
Noi doi, pentru inceput
The two of us, to begin with
Promit ca de data asta o sa si ascult
I promise that this time I'll listen too
Vin cu flori acasa, o sa-ti si cant
I'll come home with flowers, I'll even sing to you
Pentru tine trec prin ploaie, foc si vant
For you, I'll go through rain, fire, and wind
Lasa ploaia sa ne ude
Let the rain soak us
Atunci cand grijile sunt multe
When worries are many
Lasa soarele sa arda
Let the sun burn
Lasa cerul sa ne vada
Let the sky see us
Lasa vantul sa ne asculte
Let the wind listen to us
Toate vorbele marunte
All the little words
Ce rost are sa ne ascundem
What's the point of hiding
Lasa ploaia sa ne ude
Let the rain soak us

Авторы: Alexandru Florin Cotoi, Mika Moupondo, Andrei Tiberiu Maria, Dorian Micu, Mihai Ristea, Costel Sergiu Istrati

Mihai Ristea feat. Don Baxter - Ploaia
дата релиза

1 Ploaia

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