Mihai Ristea - Batem Palma - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mihai Ristea - Batem Palma

Batem Palma
Batem Palma
Daca vrei, bate palma daca vrei
If you want, give me five if you want
Un sarut o-mbratisare
A kiss a hug
Si apoi ce mai vrei tu
And then whatever else you want
Nu ma poti refuza
You can't refuse me
Oferta-i dragostea mea
The offer is my love
Stii ca ai multe posibilitati
You know you have many possibilities
Prea putine compatibilitati
Too few compatibilities
Dar esti o fata cu multe calitati
But you are a girl with many qualities
Ai multe de oferit dar
You have a lot to offer but
Nu poti oferi la toti
You can't give to everyone
Sunt sincer cand iti spun ca
I'm honest when I tell you that
Mi-ai placut din prima clipa
I liked you from the first moment
Inima in mine tipa
My heart screams inside me
Oferta mea e una foarte simpla
My offer is a very simple one
Daca vrei, bate palma daca vrei
If you want, give me five if you want
Un sarut o-mbratisare
A kiss a hug
Si apoi ce mai vrei tu
And then whatever else you want
Nu ma poti refuza
You can't refuse me
Oferta-i dragostea mea. x2
The offer is my love. x2
N-ai cum sa ma vrei pentru banii mei
There's no way you want me for my money
La cat am in buzunare nici n-ai ce face cu ei
With what I have in my pockets you wouldn't know what to do with it
E plina lumea de milionari in lei
The world is full of millionaires in money
Hai risca-te si-ncearca un milionar in...
Let's take a chance and try a millionaire in...
Sunt sincer cand iti spun ca
I'm honest when I tell you that
Mi-ai placut din prima clipa
I liked you from the first moment
Inima in mine tipa
My heart screams inside me
Oferta mea e una foarte simpla
My offer is a very simple one
Daca vrei, bate palma daca vrei
If you want, give me five if you want
Un sarut o-mbratisare
A kiss a hug
Si apoi ce mai vrei tu
And then whatever else you want
Nu ma poti refuza
You can't refuse me
Oferta-i dragostea mea. x2
The offer is my love. x2
Asculta bine
Listen well
N-are rost sa te impart
There's no point in sharing you
Arunca-ti grijile intr-un rucsac
Throw your worries into a backpack
Haide cu mine
Come with me
Sa luam lumea la pas
Let's take the world in stride
M-am saturat sa stau cu ochii pe ceas
I'm tired of watching the clock
Daca vrei, bate palma daca vrei
If you want, give me five if you want
Un sarut o-mbratisare
A kiss a hug
Si apoi ce mai vrei tu
And then whatever else you want
Nu ma poti refuza
You can't refuse me
Oferta-i dragostea mea. x2
The offer is my love. x2

Авторы: Andrei Tiberiu Maria, Mihai Ristea, Serban Ionut Cazan, Sorina Catalina Mihalache, Dorian Micu, Alexandru Cotoi, Mika Moupondo

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