Mija, Rimski & Corona - Las Vegas (feat. Rimski & Corona) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mija, Rimski & Corona - Las Vegas (feat. Rimski & Corona)

Las Vegas (feat. Rimski & Corona)
Las Vegas (feat. Rimski & Corona)
Las Vegas, moj život kao Las Vegas
Las Vegas, my life is like Las Vegas
U mene uperena svetla, a ja bežim od svega
Lights are on me, but I'm running from everything
Las Vegas, sve je sivo, to je grad greha (grad greha)
Las Vegas, all is gray, it's a city of sin (city of sin)
Gari okreće se sreća k′o kugla oko ruleta
Luck is spinning like a ball around the roulette
U ime Oca i Sina i Svetoga Duha Mija
In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit Mija
Pali Anđeo mira, ja širim ruke k'o krila
Fallen Angel of peace, I spread my arms like wings
Ja imam moć himen, gari lobanja siva
I have the power hymen, my skull is gray
Ja pričam bol, pa mi rane zaleči vinjak
I speak of pain, so my wounds are healed by cognac
Oko mene su svetla, lepe žene i pesma
Around me are lights, beautiful women and songs
Ali niko ne zna šta me iza zavese čeka
But nobody knows what awaits me behind the curtain
Moj rep je tvrd (tvrd), ovde gari umire mekan
My rap is hard (hard), here the weak ones die
Sutra si leš, svuda krv za sahranu spreman
Tomorrow you're a corpse, blood everywhere, ready for the funeral
Ova trojka znači gospoda Jagi, Rimski, Corona
This trio means gentlemen Jagi, Rimski, Corona
Momci vrede kao novac, novci, žene, dobra kola
Guys are worth like money, money, women, good cars
Naš biznis Koza Nostra, naš rizik dobra lova
Our business Cosa Nostra, our risk good money
Iskreno gari ispred smo, stani, bićemo jači, lanci do poda
Honestly, we're ahead, stop, we'll be stronger, chains to the floor
Sever i jug u paktu to je magnum metak ispaljen
North and south in a pact, it's a magnum bullet fired
Jebem ti sud i pravdu, gubim glavu da istrajem
Fuck the court and justice, I'm losing my head to persevere
Imam obraz, igram fer, nikad poraz ne priznajem
I have a face, I play fair, I never admit defeat
Ti si gari tol′ko jeban, povlačiš se Lisa Ann
You're so fucking weak, you're pulling back Lisa Ann
Las Vegas, moj život kao Las Vegas
Las Vegas, my life is like Las Vegas
U mene uperena svetla, a ja bežim od svega
Lights are on me, but I'm running from everything
Las Vegas, sve je sivo, to je grad greha (grad greha)
Las Vegas, all is gray, it's a city of sin (city of sin)
Gari okreće se sreća k'o kugla oko ruleta
Luck is spinning like a ball around the roulette
Vaše uloge, molim dve kajle dobro veče
Your roles, please, two bitches good evening
Palite sveće dok purple cveće mrvim
Light the candles while I crumble purple flowers
Neće biti me sutra, ako gubim gubiću za malo sreće
I won't be here tomorrow, if I lose, I'll lose for a little luck
Gde to ima da se kupi, ha
Where can I buy that, huh?
Glupi majmuni se lože da su skupi
Stupid monkeys think they're expensive
Oni ne mogu da skupe ni to sitno k'o u crkvi
They can't even collect as little as in church
Tu me pljuni, ako slagao sam
Spit on me here, if I lied
Jer vagao sam kome i koliko pomagao sam
Because I weighed who and how much I helped
Jer nadao sam se, varao sam se, sve nas kvari lova
Because I hoped, I was wrong, money spoils us all
Zavela me svetla, grada srpski Las Vegas
The lights seduced me, the Serbian city of Las Vegas
Bio sam na dnu sa šljamom Bože da li gledaš
I was at the bottom with the scum, God, are you watching?
Hoćemo samo zlato kao kraljevi sa istoka
We only want gold like kings from the East
Bilo kad kreni pičko plakaće ti majka milosna
Whenever you start, bitch, your merciful mother will cry
Bir′o sam i ortake bez kinte, turu platiću
I also chose friends without money, I'll pay for the round
Rimokillenzi, prospi to piće za one što pali su
Rimokillenzi, spill that drink for those who fell
Od prošle godine, naši prohtevi porasli su
Since last year, our desires have grown
Uozbilji se, kažiprst je u mastilu
Get serious, your index finger is in ink
Ulična simfonija, južni zlatni lanci
Street symphony, southern gold chains
Dve kajle i Mijagi stavi madafaking pancir
Two bitches and Mijagi put on the motherfucking vest
Više ne jebem čestitke u plavim kovertama
I don't fuck with greetings in blue envelopes anymore
Za geto bejbe hiljadarke su u kolevkama
For ghetto babes, there are thousands in cradles
Las Vegas, moj život kao Las Vegas
Las Vegas, my life is like Las Vegas
U mene uperena svetla, a ja bežim od svega
Lights are on me, but I'm running from everything
Las Vegas, sve je sivo, to je grad greha (grad greha)
Las Vegas, all is gray, it's a city of sin (city of sin)
Gari okreće se sreća k′o kugla oko ruleta
Luck is spinning like a ball around the roulette
Moja braća su uz mene i kad gubim, i kad gubim
My brothers are with me even when I lose, and when I lose
Devedeset devet problema svakog dana Rick Rubi
Ninety-nine problems every day Rick Rubi
Vama smo čudni, jer noću budni repujemo svoje hijeroglife
We're strange to you, because we're awake at night rapping our hieroglyphs
Na šteku kuje mi vrište, iste držim za šiške
My bitches scream at the stash, I hold them by their bangs
Okadili smo zidove i otporni smo na izdaje
We've smoked the walls and we're resistant to betrayal
Honduras tri bitange, vaše priče su mi plišane
Honduras three scoundrels, your stories are plush to me
Priznajem nisam hteo ovo, tako mi Boga
I admit I didn't want this, I swear to God
Sada imam svet u bojama, na glavi Dennis Rodman
Now I have the world in colors, Dennis Rodman on my head
Stoga svaki vers je satkan od rakije i čistaka
Therefore, every verse is made of brandy and wipes
Pluća sviraju mi, polomiću čaše od kristala
My lungs are playing, I'll break crystal glasses
U njihovom smo fokusu dok kružimo u Focus-u
We're in their focus as we circle in the Focus
U gradu svi bi da posluju jer život je na popustu
In the city, everyone wants to do business because life is on sale
Edward Snowden mnogo znaš puno ćutiš
Edward Snowden you know a lot, you keep quiet a lot
Sever i jug u paktu k'o Kadirov i Putin
North and south in a pact like Kadyrov and Putin
Umovi mutni, egzotika air safari trep
Minds are muddy, exotic air safari trap
Vi ste izgubljen slučaj kantrimen
You are a lost cause countryman
Las Vegas, moj život kao Las Vegas
Las Vegas, my life is like Las Vegas
U mene uperena svetla, a ja bežim od svega
Lights are on me, but I'm running from everything
Las Vegas, sve je sivo, to je grad greha (grad greha)
Las Vegas, all is gray, it's a city of sin (city of sin)
Gari okreće se sreća k′o kugla oko ruleta
Luck is spinning like a ball around the roulette

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