Mike Angello feat. Randi - Doar O Fata - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mike Angello feat. Randi - Doar O Fata

Doar O Fata
Just a Girl
Tu n-ai mintit niciodat
You've never lied
N-ai facut niciun blat
You've never played dirty
Trecutul tau e curat
Your past is clean
Ca ultimul pat prin care-ai umblat
Like the last bed you made
Nici macar n-ai trisat
You haven't cheated
Doar ai jucat
You've just acted
Rolul tau m-a sedat
Your role has drugged me
Cu ultimul zambet falimentat
With your last fake smile
Si spune ca e intr-adevar a mea
And say she's really mine
Dar nu e asa
But she's not
Si jur ca n-am nici o treaba cu ea
But I swear I have nothing to do with her
E doar o fata frumoasa si vreau
She's just a beautiful girl and I want
Sa ma iubeasca permanent
Her to love me permanently
Pana o pun in testament
Until I put her in my will
Baby stiu ca iubesti
Baby I know you love it
Placerile trupesti
The pleasures of the flesh
Si esti o experta in cerere si oferta
And you're an expert in supply and demand
Stii doar sa primesti
You only know how to receive
Tu esti doar un trofeu
You're just a trophy
Si eu un derbedeu
And I'm a rascal
Nu sunt barbatul
I'm not the man
Sa te caute cu patul
To look for you in bed
Ce ieftin cliseu
What a cheap cliché
Si spune ca e intr-adevar a mea
And say she's really mine
Dar nu e asa
But she's not
Si jur ca n-am nici o treaba cu ea
But I swear I have nothing to do with her
E doar o fata frumoasa si vreau
She's just a beautiful girl and I want
Sa ma iubeasca permanent
Her to love me permanently
Pana o pun in testament
Until I put her in my will
Si jur ca n-am nici o treaba cu ea
And I swear I have nothing to do with her

Mike Angello feat. Randi - Doar O Fata
Doar O Fata
дата релиза

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