Mikel Urdangarin - Killin - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mikel Urdangarin - Killin

Banoa bakarrik
Alone I go
Ikusi arte
Ez nuke hasi nahi
I wouldn't start
Adio eske
I bid farewell
Ez dira pasako
They will not pass
Urteak hainbeste
So many years
Nire ausentzian
In my absence
Zaindu zaitezte
Take good care
Olerki batzukin
With a few poems
Nator zugana
I come to you
Errekiema aspaldi
My river a long time ago
Idatzi zidana
Wrote to me
Zugandik jasoa
Received from you
Zuri emana
Given to you
Sortu ez dakidan
I don't know how to create
Halako zama
Such a burden
Behin batean zure
Once in your
Kaleetan sortu
Streets created
Zertarako baina
What for though
Semetzat hartu
Consider as a son
Gaztetan nintzaizun
I became in my youth
Gogoz oldartu
Eagerly grown old
Kitana batekin
With a knife
Nintzen elkartu
I was joined
Baita piztu ere
And also lit
Zure amorrua
Your anger
Pobre izateak
Being poor
Zuen errua
Your fault
Hura sorgina eta
That witch
Ni deabrua
And I the devil
Han sortu genuen
There we created
The disaster
Gero jaio ziren
Then were born
My daughters
Haiekin batera
With them together
Barru ikarak
Barbaric fears
Laister ixildu ere
Soon silenced too
Herriko aldabak
The town's slopes
Han amaitu ziren
There ended
Killin-go gabak
Killin's nights
Orduz hasi nintzen
Then I started
Erruz edaten
Drinking heavily
Onoan nuenari
To those who I had
Gaizki esaten
Telling them things badly
Ito izan banintza
If I had suffocated
Ardo upel baten
In a barrel of wine
Sorginak eurekin
The witches with them
Eroan nintzaten
Could have taken me away
Agurrik ez, soilik
No goodbyes, only
Ikusi arte
Denbora joan zait
Time has passed me by
Osasun truke
In exchange for health
Sorginak urduri
The witches worried
Hainbeste urte
So many years
Nire bila edo
Looking for me
Esango nuke
I would say

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