Mikel Urdangarin - Maiatza - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mikel Urdangarin - Maiatza

Begira, sartu da maiatza,
Look, May has arrived,
Zabaldu du bere betazal urdina portuan.
It has spread its blue petals in the port.
Erdu, aspaldian ez dut zure berri izan,
Friend, I have not heard from you in a long time,
Ikarati zabiltza, ito ditugun katakumeak bezala.
You have been lost, like the catacombs that drown us.
Erdu eta egingo dugu berba betiko kontuez,
Friend, let's talk about old things,
Atsegin izatearen balioaz,
About the value of being kind,
Zalantzekin moldatu beharraz,
About the need to adapt to doubts,
Barruan ditugun zuloak nola bete.
About how to fill the holes we have inside.
Erdu, sentitu goiza aurpegian,
Friend, feel the morning on your face,
Goibel gaudenean dena irizten zaigu ospel,
When we are sad, everything seems like a hospital,
Adoretsu gaudenean, atzera, papurtu egiten da mundua.
When we are happy, on the other hand, the world fades away.
Denok gordetzen dugu betiko besteren alde ezkutu bat,
We all keep a secret part for someone else,
Dela sekretua, dela akatsa, dela keinua.
Whether it is a secret, a flaw, or a gesture.
Erdu eta larrutuko ditugu irabazleak,
Friend, let's skin the winners,
Zubitik jauzi egin geure buruaz barre.
Jump off the bridge and laugh at ourselves.
Isilik begiratuko diegu portuko garabiei,
We will silently watch the cranes in the port,
Elkarrekin isilik egotea baita
Because being silent together is
Adiskidetasunaren frogarik behinena.
The most definitive proof of friendship.
Erdu nirekin, herriz aldatu nahi dut,
Come with me, I want to change cities,
Nire gorputz hau albo batera utzi
Leave my body aside
Eta maskor batean zurekin sartu,
And enter a shell with you,
Gure txikitasunarekin, mangolinoak bezala.
With our smallness, like snails.
Erdu, zure zain nago,
Friend, I am waiting for you,
Duela urtebete etendako istorioa jarraituko dugu,
We will continue the story that was interrupted a year ago,
Ibai ondoko urki zuriek uztai bat gehiago ez balute bezala.
As if the white willows by the river had not gained another scar.

Авторы: Mikel Urdangarin Abasolo, Kirmen Uribe Urbieta

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