Miki Núñez - Una Lluna A L'Aigua (Operación Triunfo 2018) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Miki Núñez - Una Lluna A L'Aigua (Operación Triunfo 2018)

Una Lluna A L'Aigua (Operación Triunfo 2018)
A Moon in the Water (Operation Triumph 2018)
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Viasona indexats 4.011 grups, 9.764 àlbums i 73.963 cançons
Viasona has indexed 4,011 groups, 9,764 albums and 73,963 songs
El cor de la terra
The heart of the earth
Una lluna a l'aigua
A moon in the water
Una lluna a l'aigua
A moon in the water
Vine'm a buscar, vine a robar-me l'aire.
Come and get me, come and steal the air from me.
Vine aquí, balla amb mi, balla com una lluna a l'aigua.
Come here, dance with me, dance like a moon in the water.
Busco el batec de la terra,
I'm looking for the beat of the earth,
De la teva pell amb la meva,
Of your skin with mine,
La vida que passa a través nostre.
The life that passes through us.
Busco dins teu els vaixells enfonsats dels dies.
I'm looking inside you for the sunken ships of the days.
Busco la clau del teu regne amb les cançons.
I'm looking for the key to your kingdom with the songs.
Vull descobrir-te amb tot el cos.
I want to discover you with my whole body.
Arribar-te a la boca, robar-te l'aire
To reach your mouth, to steal your breath
I tremolar tots dos com una lluna a l'aigua.
And tremble both like a moon in the water.
No vull veure't, vull mirar-te.
I don't want to see you, I want to look at you.
No vull imaginar-te, vull sentir-te.
I don't want to imagine you, I want to feel you.
Vull compartir tot això que sents.
I want to share everything you feel.
No vull tenir-te a tu: vull, amb tu, tenir el temps.
I don't want to have you: with you, I want to have time.
Vine'm a buscar, vine a robar-me l'aire.
Come and get me, come and steal the air from me.
Vine aquí, balla amb mi, balla com una lluna a l'aigua.
Come here, dance with me, dance like a moon in the water.
M'agrada perquè ets rebel, perquè balles, perquè vibres.
I like you because you're a rebel, because you dance, because you vibrate.
M'agraden els teus ulls cansats
I like your tired eyes
D'haver-se passat la nit entre llibres.
From having spent the night among books.
Jo vull llegir-te amb els dits.
I want to read you with my fingers.
Vull sentir-te la pell encesa.
I want to feel your skin hot.
Vine i arranca'm aquest plor del pit.
Come and rip this cry from my chest.
Vine a treure'm la roba de la tristesa.
Come and take the clothes of sadness off me.
No vull veure't, vull mirar-te.
I don't want to see you, I want to look at you.
No vull imaginar-te, vull sentir-te.
I don't want to imagine you, I want to feel you.
Vull compartir tot això que sents.
I want to share everything you feel.
No vull tenir-te a tu: vull, amb tu, tenir el temps.
I don't want to have you: with you, I want to have time.
Vine'm a buscar, vine a robar-me l'aire.
Come and get me, come and steal the air from me.
Vine aquí, balla amb mi, balla com una lluna a l'aigua.
Come here, dance with me, dance like a moon in the water.
Crema Barcelona i la lluna ens mira quan de nit delira la ciutat.
Barcelona burns and the moon looks at us when the city raves at night.
Puja la música. La sala crida.
Turn the music up. The room is shouting.
Som una bala a la deriva, tenim foc a la sang.
We're a bullet adrift, we have fire in our blood.
Puja la música. Crema la vida. Vine'm a buscar.
Turn the music up. Burn life. Come and get me.

Авторы: àlex colinas, sergi carbonell, alguer miquel, joaquim canals

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