Miky Mora - Non-Stop - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Miky Mora - Non-Stop

Ja non-stop dávam,
I'm giving you non-stop,
Ty non-stop srávaš.
You're always whining.
Non-stop nahrávam,
I'm recording non-stop,
Ty non-stop spávaš.
You're sleeping non-stop.
Non-stop makám,
I'm working non-stop,
Ty to flákaš,
You're slacking off,
Ja nečakám,
I'm not waiting,
Ty non-stop kvákaš.
You're croaking non-stop.
Non-stop idem ja, non-stop nejdeš ty,
I'm going non-stop, you're not going anywhere,
Tak non-stop miznú do pče talenty.
So talents are disappearing non-stop.
Non-stop dementi,
Non-stop idiots,
Ich non-stop komplimenty,
Their non-stop compliments,
Hejtujú nonstop mladých spoza plenty.
They hate on young people non-stop from behind the scenes.
Non-stop hentí či hentí,
Non-stop those or these,
v tom, že majú non-stop patenty,
They're in it, they have non-stop patents,
V iných non-stop sentimenty.
In others, non-stop sentiments.
Zabíjajú non-stop argumenty,
They kill arguments non-stop,
Prečo non-stop robiť,
Why do it non-stop,
Bo idem non-stop vpred,
Because I'm going non-stop forward,
Vždy lepší jak predtým.
Always better than before.
Non-stop píšem príbeh,
I'm writing a story non-stop,
Z betónovej ríše,
From the concrete kingdom,
Non-stop mám skrýše,
I have non-stop hideouts,
Nepíšem klišé.
I don't write clichés.
Non-stop jbem pop-diplomaciu,
I'm screwing pop-diplomacy non-stop,
Radšej vylepším svoju rapu-generáciu,
I'd rather improve my rap-generation,
Jbem stagnáciu.
I'm screwing stagnation.
Pojbaní debili, čo ma chcú dissovať,
Crazy idiots who want to diss me,
Majú smolu, ja mám non-stop silu ich pochovať,
They're out of luck, I have the non-stop power to bury them,
Témy, slová na to, aby som mohol non-stop rapovať,
Topics, words to keep rapping non-stop,
Ne jak oni pred zrkadlom onanovať.
Not like them, onanating in front of the mirror.
Ja non-stop dávam,
I'm giving you non-stop,
Ty non-stop srávaš.
You're always whining.
Non-stop nahrávam,
I'm recording non-stop,
Ty non-stop spávaš.
You're sleeping non-stop.
Non-stop makám,
I'm working non-stop,
Ty to flákaš,
You're slacking off,
Ja nečakám,
I'm not waiting,
Ty non-stop kvákaš.
You're croaking non-stop.
Druhá sloha je o tom,
The second verse is about,
že som spätý s ulicou.
Being connected to the street.
Non-stop bijem gadžov,
I beat up the gajos non-stop,
Rukou, reťazou a palicou.
With my hand, chain, and stick.
Negezovaný frajerkou,
Not cheated on by a girlfriend,
Jak ty tvojou mulicou.
Like you by your girl.
Non-stop som tu,
I'm here non-stop,
Tak som stálicou.
So I'm a constant.

Авторы: Martin Mikulas, Jan Motyl

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