Mile Kitic - Bomba - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mile Kitic - Bomba

Sram, sram te bilo
Shame, shame on you
Rekla mi je odmah s vrata
She told me right away at the door
Sram te bilo
Shame on you
Mozes da mi budes tata
You could be my father
Bolje idi kupi s mesta
Better go get a mirror
Ogledalo, ogledalo
From the city, oh mirror, mirror
Znam, sve u vodu pasce
I know, everything falls in the water
Sto je ona rekla
What did she say
Nece znati kome i sta se zarekla
She won't know to whom and what she has sworn
Kad se sve kontroli
When she's all controlled
Bude otelo i gotovo
It will be taken away and done
Kada eksplodira
When she explodes
Od mojih dodira
By my touch
Bomba, bomba, mala bomba
Bomb, bomb, little bomb
Hoce sa mnom sve da proba
She'll try anything with me
Pamtice me, mala bomba
She'll remember me, little bomb
Puna dima bice njena soba
Her room will be full of smoke
Bomba, bomba, mala bomba
Bomb, bomb, little bomb
Hoce sa mnom sve da proba
She'll try anything with me
Bomba, bomba, bice tajac
Bomb, bomb, it'll be a disaster
Kad je sredi ovaj specijalac
When she's in the middle, this specialist
Sram, sram te bilo
Shame, shame on you
Rekla mi je odmah s vrata
She told me right away at the door
Bezi tamo
Run away
Mozes da mi budes tata
You could be my father
Ruke sebi sta ti je to
Put your hands on yourself, what is it
Trebalo, trebalo
Needed, needed
Znam, sve u vodu pasce noci ove
I know, everything falls in the water these nights
Nece znati ko je i kako se zove
She won't know who she is and what her name is
Ono pravo kada bude
The real thing when it's around
Pocelo, gotovo
Begun, done
Kada eksplodira
When she explodes
Od mojih dodira
By my touch
Bomba, bomba, mala bomba
Bomb, bomb, little bomb
Hoce sa mnom sve da proba
She'll try anything with me
Pamtice me, mala bomba
She'll remember me, little bomb
Puna dima bice njena soba
Her room will be full of smoke
Bomba, bomba, mala bomba
Bomb, bomb, little bomb
Hoce sa mnom sve da proba
She'll try anything with me
Bomba, bomba, bice tajac
Bomb, bomb, it'll be a disaster
Kad je sredi ovaj specijalac
When she's in the middle, this specialist
Kada eksplodira
When she explodes
Od mojih dodira
By my touch
Bomba, bomba, mala bomba
Bomb, bomb, little bomb
Hoce sa mnom sve da proba
She'll try anything with me
Pamtice me, mala bomba
She'll remember me, little bomb
Puna dima bice njena soba
Her room will be full of smoke
Bomba, bomba, mala bomba
Bomb, bomb, little bomb
Hoce sa mnom sve da proba
She'll try anything with me
Bomba, bomba, bice tajac
Bomb, bomb, it'll be a disaster
Kad je sredi ovaj specijalac
When she's in the middle, this specialist
Bomba, bomba, mala bomba
Bomb, bomb, little bomb
Hoce sa mnom sve da proba
She'll try anything with me
Bomba, bomba, bice tajac
Bomb, bomb, it'll be a disaster
Kad je sredi ovaj specijalac
When she's in the middle, this specialist

Авторы: Bane Vasic, Rr

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