Miles Davis - Miles Ahead (Live) - перевод текста песни на русский

Текст и перевод песни Miles Davis - Miles Ahead (Live)

Miles Davis - flugelhorn
Майлз Дэвис - флюгельхорн
Bernie Glow - Lead trumpet
Берни Глоу-свинцовая труба
Ernie Royal - Trumpets
Эрни Роял-Трубы
Louis Mucci - Trumpets
Луи Муччи-Трубы
Taft Jordan - Trumpets
Тафт Джордан-Трубы
John Carisi - Trumpets
Джон Каризи-Трубы
Frank Rehak - Trombones
Фрэнк Рехак-Тромбоны
Jimmy Cleveland - Trombones
Джимми Кливленд-Тромбоны
Joe Bennett - Trombones
Джо Беннетт-Тромбоны
Tom Mitchell - Bass trombone
Том Митчелл - бас-тромбон
Willie Ruff - Horns
Вилли Рафф-Рога
Tony Miranda - Horns
Тони Миранда-Рожки
Bill Barber - Tuba
Билл Барбер-Туба
Lee Konitz - Alto sax
Ли Кониц - альт-саксофон
Danny Bank - Bass clarinet
Дэнни Бэнк - бас-кларнет
Romeo Penque - Flute and clarinet
Ромео пенке-флейта и кларнет
Sid Cooper - Flute and clarinet
Сид Купер - флейта и кларнет
Paul Chambers - Bass
Пол Чамберс-Бас-Гитара
Art Taylor - Drums
Арт Тейлор-Барабаны

Авторы: Miles Davis

Miles Davis - 1986-1991 (The Warner Years)
1986-1991 (The Warner Years)
дата релиза

1 Dune Mosse
2 Rampage
3 Gloria's Story
4 Blow (with Easy Mo Bee)
5 Fantasy (with Easy Mo Bee)
6 Tutu
7 The Pan Piper (Live)
8 Here Come De Honey Man (Live)
9 Summertime (Live)
10 Gone, Gone Gone (Live)
11 Orgone (Live)
12 Introduction to Porgy and Bess Medley (Live)
13 Blues for Pablo (Live)
14 Miles Ahead (Live)
15 My Ship (Live)
16 The Duke (Live)
17 Maids of Cadiz (Live)
18 Springsville (Live)
19 Introduction to Miles Ahead Medley (Live)
20 Boplicity (Live)
21 Introduction By Claude Nobs and Quincy Jones (Live)
22 Solea (Live)
23 Hannibal - Live
24 Mystery
25 Chocolate Chip
26 In the Night
27 Digg That (Remastered)
28 Rubber Band (Remastered)
29 See I See (Remastered)
30 Maze (Remastered)
31 Mystery - Reprise
32 Duke Booty
33 Sonya
34 High Speed Chase
35 The Doo-Bop Song
36 Don't Stop Me Now
37 Time After Time - Live
38 Tutu - Live
39 Big Time (Remastered)
40 Cobra (Remastered)
41 Catembe (Remastered)
42 Full Nelson
43 Don’t Lose Your Mind
44 Perfect Way
45 Backyard Ritual
46 Splatch
47 Portia
48 Tomaas
49 Hannibal - Remastered
50 Full Nelson (Live)
51 Jo-Jo (Remastered)
52 Jilli (Remastered)
53 Wrinkle - Live Version- Montreux
54 Amandla - Live - Italy
55 Mr. Pastorius (Live France)
56 Human Nature (Live Austria)
57 New Blues (Live Greek Theater LA)
58 Intruder - Live
59 In a Silent Way (Live)
60 Mr. Pastorius (Remastered)
61 Amandla - Remastered
62 I'll Be Around
63 Sticky Wicked
64 Oh Patti (Don't Feel Sorry For Loverboy)
65 You Won't Forget Me
66 Free Mandela (LP Version)
67 Big Ol' Head (LP Version)

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