Mimi Mercedez - Samo Rejv - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Mimi Mercedez - Samo Rejv

Samo Rejv
Only Rave
Samo rejv i debele žene
Only rave and thick women
Pičke dođite u Piks i naći ćete mene
Bitches come to Piks and you'll find me
Kad je žurka žešće sranje, meni žešće ludo
When the party is wild shit, I'm even wilder
S gudrom idem tvrdo, jer gudre imam brdo
I go hard with weed, 'cause I have mountains of it
Ja sam očaj riba sine šmrčem ds i bensedine
I'm a desperate fish, son, I snort ds and benzos
K'o da šmrčem kokaine, sve vas gledam sa visine
Like I'm snorting cocaine, I look at you all from above
Jer mi nismo fine, i zašto da se pravimo
'Cause we're not classy, and why should we pretend to be
Sa klincima se u wc-u grizemo i davimo
We bite and choke with the kids in the bathroom
Spalimo pa palimo retko s kim se talimo
We smoke up then light up, we rarely mess with anyone
Ko nas je ispalio sad zna da li se šalimo
Whoever stood us up now knows if we're kidding
Šmrčemo na slamčice nismo raspadačice
We sniff on straws, we're not losers
Mjau mjau mjau već namazane mačkice
Meow meow meow already smeared kitties
Pare preko kare znaju prioriteti
Money over everything, you know the priorities
Brzo poput slave rastu animoziteti
Animosities grow fast like fame
Lajnić prvi, drugi, peti
Joint first, second, fifth
Kis za svakog ko mi preti (mua)
Kiss for everyone who threatens me (mua)
Baš je sladak kada leti
It's so sweet when it flies
Dominiramo gradom pazi čista dominacija
We dominate the city, watch out, pure domination
Dominiramo gradom pazi čista dominacija
We dominate the city, watch out, pure domination
Dominiramo gradom pazi čista dominacija
We dominate the city, watch out, pure domination
Hiljadu smo priča i hiljadu kombinacija
We are a thousand stories and a thousand combinations
Diži ruke, mrdaj dupe
Raise your hands, shake your ass
Pravi ške, samo rejv
Make some noise, only rave
Zgutaj rkse, pali buksne
Swallow pills, light up blunts
Jebeš ljude, samo rejv
Fuck people, only rave
Diži ruke, mrdaj dupe
Raise your hands, shake your ass
Pravi ške, samo rejv
Make some noise, only rave
Zgutaj rkse, pali buksne
Swallow pills, light up blunts
Jebeš ljude, samo rejv
Fuck people, only rave
Kad se bleji lake gudre teške teme
When we chill, light weed, heavy topics
Kad se divlja, teške gudre lake žene
When we go wild, heavy weed, easy women
Ulično sranje ništa više ništa manje
Street shit, nothing more, nothing less
Mozak bacimo na pranje, pa ga sušimo uz granje
We throw our brains in the wash, then dry them on the branches
Dva amića su u sisama, jedan je u džepu
Two amies are in the boobs, one is in the pocket
Držim ovo sranje gengsta dižem nivo našem repu
I hold this gangster shit, I raise the level of our rap
Naš je život malo bleja, malo solarijum
Our life is a little bit of chilling, a little bit of solarium
I rep svaki dan na gajbi poznato je k'o akvarijum
And rap every day at home, it's known as the aquarium
Imamo pičke, boli nas racku
We have pussies, we don't give a fuck
Nadrkanim strejterima duvam dim u facu
I blow smoke in the face of grumpy haters
Kad me nema, svi ste šmekeri, teške bičarke
When I'm not around, you're all tough guys, heavy bitches
Kad sam tu, pretvarate se u teške šlihtare
When I'm here, you turn into heavy snitches
Smarači neka smaraju, kurve ogovaraju
Let the bores bore, let the whores gossip
Ove mačke gledam karaju i svi bi da ih vole
I watch these cats fight and everyone wants to love them
Aj da startujemo one što se gudraju i tuku brate
Let's pick up the ones who do drugs and fight, bro
Mrzim interventnu, al' imamo isti ukus brate
I hate the riot police, but we have the same taste, bro
Šmrči, pali buksne, al' nemoj da prsneš
Sniff, light up blunts, but don't burst
Ne živi da umreš, živi da uspeš
Don't live to die, live to succeed
I da se dobro zezaš, da te ne vide bez keza
And to have a good time, so they don't see you without cash
Biti smorena i trezna to je jedino što ne znam
Being bored and sober is the only thing I don't know
Diži ruke, mrdaj dupe
Raise your hands, shake your ass
Pravi ške, samo rejv
Make some noise, only rave
Zgutaj rkse, pali buksne
Swallow pills, light up blunts
Jebeš ljude, samo rejv
Fuck people, only rave
Diži ruke, mrdaj dupe
Raise your hands, shake your ass
Pravi ške, samo rejv
Make some noise, only rave
Zgutaj rkse, pali buksne
Swallow pills, light up blunts
Jebeš ljude, samo rejv
Fuck people, only rave
Vinjak i ds u najavi krš
Brandy and ds announce a mess
Jedan ceo pa još pola ribe ispod stola
One whole and then half a fish under the table
Vinak i ds u najavi krš
Brandy and ds announce a mess
Vlažne rizle prljav gan u kraju svaki dan
Wet rolling papers, dirty weed in the hood every day
Vinjak i ds u najavi krš
Brandy and ds announce a mess
Jedan ceo pa još pola ribe ispod stola
One whole and then half a fish under the table
Vinak i ds u najavi krš
Brandy and ds announce a mess
Vlažne rizle prljav gan u kraju svaki dan
Wet rolling papers, dirty weed in the hood every day

Авторы: Milena Jankovic

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