Mimiks feat. Dave - Fuck Fame - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mimiks feat. Dave - Fuck Fame

Fuck Fame
Fuck Fame
Intro (Dave):
Intro (Dave):
D'Lüüt det usse wüssed wie mer s'Füür eröffnet/
The people out there know how we opened fire/
Sobald sich früehner oder spöter es paar Töre öffnet/
As soon as a few doors open sooner or later/
Bring mer neui Schlüssel, neui Schlüssel/
Bring me new keys, new keys/
Mine Mantel treit die Löcher vode tuusige Schüss, (YEAH)/
My coat bears the holes of thousands of shots, (YEAH)/
Ich han dich aagschraue, weggstosse, gseit chom verpiss dich/
I screwed you on, pushed you away, said get the fuck out/
Noch es paar Minute denn schowider vermisst/
Missed you again after a few minutes/
Wenn chonsch wider hei, ich bin do ganz ellei/
When can you come back home, I'm all alone here/
I mim Chopf gahts halt gliich nur mit eus beidne/
In my head it only works with the two of us/
Du gisch mir en Grund zum Ufstah, lueg ich bruch dich aber/
You give me a reason to get up, look, I need you but/
Ich chan nüm schlofe nebe dir, du wirsch mer zvill/
I can't sleep next to you anymore, you're getting to be too much/
Du nimmsch mer de Frust, ich mues ned suufe aber/
You take away my frustration, I don't have to drink but/
Ich cha nüm schnufe nebe dir, du wirsch mer vill zvill/
I can't breathe next to you anymore, you're getting to be way too much/
Strophe 1 (Mimiks):
Verse 1 (Mimiks):
Chum seg emol was würsch du geh/
Come on, tell me what you would do/
Für e bitzeli Fame und Erfolg/
For a little bit of fame and success/
Dini Bire im Fernseh mit Sendige über dich macht dini Family stolz/
Your picture on TV with shows about you makes your family proud/
Dini Platte, sie goht uf 1/
Your record goes to number 1/
Bald wieder Music Awards, ich weiss/
Music Awards again soon, I know/
Dini Bro's mached Hits, seged bald simmer all nüme Broke for Life (Life)/
Your bros are making hits, they say soon we'll all be no longer Broke for Life (Life)/
Dini Mama gaht go schaffe ihri kolleginne ghöret denn im Radio de Song/
Your mom goes to work, her colleagues then hear the song on the radio/
Secher nid so eifach gsi mit ihm aber seg ehrlich jetzte, wer hett scho nit freud a somne sohn/
Surely it wasn't so easy with him, but honestly now, who wouldn't be happy with such a son/
Schön und guet aber seg wer vo dene hätti je glaubt dass sich das emol lohnt/
Well and good, but tell me, who of them ever thought that this would pay off/
Mann die gliichige Lüüt hettet früehner mol gseit isch nüt loh dFinger defoo/
Man, the same people would have said earlier, it's worthless, stay away from it/
Fick uf alli die Verwandte wo sich jetze wider melde, nume well sie mich i Ziitige gsehnt/
Fuck all those relatives who are getting in touch again, just because they saw me in the papers/
Seg wo sinder gsi wo ich und mini Mama üses Lebe dohne nanig eso easy gha hend/
Tell me where they were when me and my mom didn't have it so easy yet/
Nume will ich jedes Wuchenend uuftrette/
Just because I perform every weekend/
Han ich nid vergesse wo mer üch mal brucht hettet/
I haven't forgotten when we needed you/
Wo mer ohni nüt am Bode glege sind und keine vo euch Ego-Penner het üs ufglese/
When we were lying on the ground with nothing and none of you ego-maniacs picked us up/
Zwüsched Niider und de Ratte dusse muesch du dine Weg goh, du muesch dini Weg go, yeah/
Between envy and the rats out there you have to go your own way, you have to go your own way, yeah/
Und ich han villes scho verlore doch han immerhin mis Herz no, ich phalte mis herz no, yeah/
And I've already lost a lot, but at least I still have my heart, I still fold my heart, yeah/
(Gib e fick uf neui Fründe, gib e Fick uf neui Fraue/
(Don't give a fuck about new friends, don't give a fuck about new women/
Lueg uf de inneri Chreis, du chasch susch keim Vertraue/)
Look at the inner circle, you can't trust anyone else/)
Strophe 2 (Mimiks):
Verse 2 (Mimiks):
Homie log 's gehd so vell Lüüt/
Homie believe me, there are so many people/
Um dich ome die chönd emmernome nei sege/
Around you who can always say no/
Nome nei sege/
Just say no/
Nebe kiffe und game hend si e keis Lebe/
Besides smoking and gaming, they have no life/
Sie hend keis Lebe/
They have no life/
Und ech weiss ebe/
And I know it too/
Sie hend nüt/
They have nothing/
Keis Ziel, kei Wünsch, kei Träum, kei Liebi, kei Freud, kei Fights mösse dörestoh/
No goal, no desire, no dream, no love, no joy, no fights to endure/
Log si hend kei gegner/
Believe me they have no opponents/
Sie hend keis lebe
They have no life

Авторы: David Lagier, Sandro Meier

Mimiks feat. Dave - C.R.A.C.K
дата релиза

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