And when I lie, baby, it's not without reason, Mimi
Machs für mini City mini Jungs Mimi
I do it for my city, my boys, Mimi
Das gaht eis für die Flows, zwei für die Town, drü für die Crew
This goes one for the flows, two for the town, three for the crew
Me sind Rambogang, Rambogang, Rambogang
We are Rambogang, Rambogang, Rambogang
Bald chunt de Miksi mit de Rambogang, Rambogang, Rambogang
Soon the mix will come with the Rambogang, Rambogang, Rambogang
Ey yeah check wie ich dur d Grossstadt fätze
Ey yeah, check how I cruise through the big city, girl
041 und de Bligg wot sini Vorwahl wechsle
041 and Bligg wants to change his area code
Yuugh, man sie killed Miksi Boy nonig
Yuugh, they haven't killed Miksi Boy yet
Sie wend mich sueche diheime doch lueg ich chill i minere Zweitwohnig
They want to search for me at home but look, I'm chilling in my second home
- flowe sie so übertribe ich kille üch jede Tag
- they flow like this, I exaggerate, I kill them every day
Rapper sie rede vo vögle doch hend all vom wixxe deheime en Tennisarm
Rappers talk about birds but they all have tennis elbow from jerking off at home
Mimi du Figger ich stampfe die Szene in Bode eso wiene Elefant
Mimi, you figure, I stomp the scene into the ground like an elephant
Segmer wer isch
1 i dem Business
Tell me, who's number
1 in this business?
Chume ime Chare mit de Hanna Montana, Melanie Winiger, Madonna, Rihanna du Motherfucker man ich überlege nüme wenni rede will ich rede vome Chare doch han ned mal es Velo dihei
Coming in a car with Hannah Montana, Melanie Winiger, Madonna, Rihanna, motherfucker, man, I don't even think anymore when I talk, I want to talk about a car but I don't even have a bike at home
Holed üs d Welt so als wäremer Amis
We get the world as if we were Americans
Holed üs d Welt so als wäremer Amis
We get the world as if we were Americans
Was Ferrari ich ha nedmal en Füehrerschii ich fahr nur mitem mami, Bitch
What Ferrari, I don't even have a driver's license, I only ride with my mom, bitch
Und sie wartet bises Punchline Action git
And she waits until there's punchline action
CH-Rap gseht us als wers en One Direction Gig
CH-Rap looks like it's a One Direction gig
Hey und du musch ja de Shit ned lose
Hey, and you don't have to let go of the shit
Wer ich nöd mich wür ich glaub auned mine Shit lose Miksi
If it wasn't me, I think I'd let go of my shit on someone else, Miksi
Log ich mache Geld wie de Johnny zu dem Depp
When I make money like Johnny to that Depp
Finde mine Weg immer nonig dur die 10-Zimmer Wohnig zu mim Bett
I still find my way through the 10-room apartment to my bed
Ich ha scho recht viel Gin Tonics i mim Head
I already have a lot of gin tonics in my head
Figger log de Promi isch back
Figure out when the celebrity is back
Ich bin de König vom System
I am the king of the system
Rapper möchet grossi Auge wie am Özil sini Gen
Rappers want big eyes like Özil's genes
Pisser, du bisch voll ke Champ
Pisser, you're not a champ at all
Du hesch one-night-stands
You have one-night stands
Nur über Skype mit dine online Friends
Only on Skype with your online friends
Mini Gang, mini Gang
My gang, my gang
Sean Ferrari git en sicke Beat und log ich chume gad verbie Bitch
Sean Ferrari gives a sick beat and then I come right over, bitch
Ich ha mini Clique debie
I have my clique with me
Und keine figgt mis Team
And nobody fucks with my team
Kei gegner segmer was wend die Tuble
No opponents, tell me what the pigeons want
Miksi chunt und ich erledige sie denn logemal us mine unterärm chömet Liechtchugle, schiess ume
Miksi comes and I finish them off, then light bulbs come out of my forearms, shoot around
M.I.K. back ide Bitch, gibene Figg
M.I.K. back in the bitch, give a fig
Ziehmer gad din neue Clip
Pull you straight into your new clip
Teile en nid aber schenke dir ufe Geburi en Klick
Don't share it but give you a click for your birthday
Das isch easy für de Boy Penner
That's easy for the boy, bums
Mini City doppel M.I.K. du Figger
- Schwiiz Rap neui Liga
My city double M.I.K. you figure
- Swiss rap new league
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