Mircea Vintilă - Proverbe - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mircea Vintilă - Proverbe

Pe cand lumea fierbe, noi mai mari, mai mici
While the world is boiling, we young and old
Invatam proverbe ce se spun pe-aici
We learn the proverbs that are spoken here
Vrem o alta limba toti ar invata
We all want to learn another language.
Lupul parul schimba dar naravul, ba.
The wolf changes its coat but not its nature.
R: Hai la mosu' cu proverbe
R: Come to the old man with proverbs
Dai un ban dar stii ca fierbe
Pay a penny but know it boils
Fierbe-n sus si fierbe-jos
Boil it up and boil it down
Hai la mosu' cu proverbe.
Come to the old man with proverbs.
Hai la mosu' cu proverbe
Come to the old man with proverbs
Pentru-n nume si trei verbe
For a name and three verbs
Iar proverbul dureros
And the painful proverb
Hai la mosu' cu proverbe.
Come to the old man with proverbs.
Avem multe treburi fatuim oglinzi
We have many tasks that we compare to mirrors
Fugi dupa doi iepuri, nici unul nu prinzi
Chasing two rabbits, you will catch neither
Vocea ni-i peltica deci vorbim mai rar
Our voices stammer, that's why we speak slowly
Buturuga mica pleaca de sub car.
Small logs move away from the car.
Doamne, ce osanda dinspre glasul tau
Oh dear, what a misfortune in your voice
Ca pisica blanda zgariaza rau
That a gentle cat can scratch badly
Marea mea mandrie in aceasta sta
My greatest pride lies in this
Ce nu-ti place tie altuia nu-i fa.
What you don't like for yourself, don't do to others.
Intelesul scapa treaba e mai grea
The meaning escapes, the task is harder
Altuia-i sapi groapa, tu ajungi in ea
Dig a hole for someone else, you fall into it
Imi vei duce dorul, frate gradinar
I will miss you, my gardener brother
Dar sa lasi ulciorul la apa mai rar.
But don't leave the jug near the water so often.

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