Misako Uno - チューインガム - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Misako Uno - チューインガム

Chewing Gum
At the point of departure you gave me a stick of gum
味がなくなっても 家に着いても 噛み続けた
Even after its flavor disappeared, once I arrived at home, I kept chewing it
Usually I swallow and don't use the wrapper
広げながら君が 笑った意味を 考えてた
Unfolding it, I thought about the meaning of you laughing
いらだっているのを 誰より早く気付いて そんな君の優しさに 気付いて笑顔になれないと 僕は君に 似合わない
You notice my irritation the fastest, with such kindness I can't smile, I don't suit you
Chewing gum "Thank you" like its meaning
Chewing gum laughing "It's okay"
些細な事でも飲み込まないようにと くれたキッスの味は ブルーブルーベリー
Things too small to swallow, the taste of the kiss you gave me was Blue Blueberry
The wounds of last night's fall start to hurt this morning
唾をつけてみたら ちょっぴり滲みて 涙が出た
Applying saliva stings a little, and tears come out
いつもなら飲み込んでしまってた言葉だけど 口に出してみたら 温かくて 少し泣けた
Usually I swallow it down and the words disappear, but once I say it out loud they're warm, and I cry a little
"泣きたい時には 無理に笑っちゃ駄目だよ"
"When you want to cry, don't force yourself to laugh"
そんな君の優しさに 本当は気付いていたのに 強がってた 昨日に「ごめん」
With such kindness, I knew all along, but I was stubborn, to yesterday I say "Sorry"
Chewing gum "Thank you" like its meaning
Chewing gum laughing "It's okay"
Chewing gum "Thank you" like its meaning
Chewing gum doing "I love you"
迷っていても 明日は必ず来るから
Even when uncertain, tomorrow will surely come
きっと見上げた空は ベリーベリーブルー
Surely the sky I look up at will be Very Berry Blue

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