مشاري العفاسي - Al Shahid - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни مشاري العفاسي - Al Shahid

Al Shahid
The Martyr
أبكي على شام الهوى بعيون مظلومٍ منــاضل
I weep for the beloved Damascus with the tearful eyes of a struggling victim.
وأذوب في ساحاتها بين المساجــد والمنــازل
I melt in its courtyards, between the mosques and the homes.
ربّاه سلّم أهلها واحم المخــارج والمداخــــــل
Oh Lord, protect its people and guard its exits and entrances.
واحفظ بلاد المسلمين عن اليمائن والشمــائل
And protect the lands of the Muslims from the deceitful and the wicked.
مستضعفين فمن لهم يارب غيرك في النوازل
They are oppressed, so who is there for them, my Lord, besides You in times of adversity?
مستمسكين بدينهم ودمــاؤهم عطر الجــــادل
They cling to their religion, and their blood is the perfume of struggle.
رفعوا الأكف تضرعوا عند الشدائد والــزلازل
They raise their hands in supplication during hardships and earthquakes.
يارب صن أعراضهم ونفوسهم من كــل قاتل
Oh Lord, protect their honor and their souls from every murderer.
وقفوا دروعا حرة دون البنادق والقنابـــــــل
They stood as free shields against rifles and bombs.
نامت عيون صغارهم واستيقظت نار المعاول
The eyes of their children slept, but the fire of the pickaxes awoke.
لا عاش قاتلهم ولادامت له يومـــاً أنامـــــــل
May their killers never live, and may their fingers never rest in peace.
وعليه أصبح حوبةً دمـــــع الثكالى والأرامـل
And upon him be the burden of the tears of the bereaved and the widows.
لله رب المشكتى رب الأواخـــر والأوائـــــــل
To God, the Lord of complaint, the Lord of the last and the first.
والله فوق المعتدي فوق الأسنّة والسلاســـل
And God is above the aggressor, above the spears and the chains.
وغداً يكون لأمتي صرح تزينه المشاعـــــل
And tomorrow there will be a palace for my nation, adorned with torches.
وغداً إذا الحق اعتلى حتماً سيزهق كل باطل
And tomorrow, when truth prevails, surely all falsehood will perish.

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