Mishary Alafasy - Talaa Al Badr - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Mishary Alafasy - Talaa Al Badr

Talaa Al Badr
Talaa Al Badr
طلع البدر علينا
The moon has risen upon us
Tala'al Badru 'alaina
Tala'al Badru 'alaina
من ثنيات الوداع
From the folds of wada'
Min tsaniyatil wada'
Min tsaniyatil wada'
وجب الشكر علينا
And it is our duty to give thanks
Wa jabassyukru 'alaina
Wa jabassyukru 'alaina
دعى لله داع ما
A caller to God has called
Mada 'a lillahida'
Mada 'a lillahida'
أيها المبعوث فينا
O one who was sent among us
Ayyuhal mab 'utsufina
Ayyuhal mab 'utsufina
جئت بالأمر المطاع
You have come with the command that is obeyed
Ji'tabil amril muta'
Ji'tabil amril muta'
جئت شرفت المدينة
You have come to honor the city
Ji'ta syarraftal Madinah
Ji'ta syarraftal Madinah
يا خير داع مرحبا
O the best of callers, welcome
Marhaban ya khairada'
Marhaban ya khairada'
نور خير المرسلين طلع النور المبين
The light of the best of messengers, the clear light, has risen
Tala'annuril mubin nuru khairil mursalin
Tala'annuril mubin nuru khairil mursalin
نور أمن وسلام نور حق ويقين
The light of safety and peace, the light of truth and certainty
Nuru amnin wa salam nuru haqqin wa yaqin
Nuru amnin wa salam nuru haqqin wa yaqin
للعالمين ساقه الله تعالى رحمة
God Almighty has sent it as a mercy to all the worlds
Saqahullahu ta'ala Rahmatan Lil'alamin
Saqahullahu ta'ala Rahmatan Lil'alamin
البحر شعاع فعلى البر شعاع وعلى
The sea is illuminated, and the land is illuminated, and
Fa 'alal barrissyu'a wa 'alal bahrissyu'a
Fa 'alal barrissyu'a wa 'alal bahrissyu'a
البدر علينا طلع
the moon has risen upon us
من ثنيات الوداع
From the folds of wada'
وجب الشكر علينا
And it is our duty to give thanks
ما دعى لله داع
What has a caller to God called
المبعوث فينا أيها
The one who was sent among us, O
جئت بالأمر المطاع
You have come with the command that is obeyed
جئت شرفت المدينة
You have come to honor the city
داع مرحبا يا خير
O the best of callers, welcome
مرسل بالحق جاء نطقه وحي السماء
A messenger of truth has come, his speech is the revelation of heaven
Mursalun bil haqqi ja' nutquhu wahyussama'
Mursalun bil haqqi ja' nutquhu wahyussama'
قوله قول فصيح يتحدى البلغاء
His words are eloquent, he challenges the orators
Qaulu qaulun fashihun ya tahaddal bulagha'
Qaulu qaulun fashihun ya tahaddal bulagha'
فيه للروح دواء فيه للجسم شفاء
In him is healing for the soul, in him is healing for the body
Fihililjismi syifa'un fihlluirruhi dawa'
Fihililjismi syifa'un fihlluirruhi dawa'
أيها الهادي سلام ما وعى القرآن واع
O guide, peace be upon you, for as long as the Quran is preserved
Ayyuhal hadi salaman ma wa 'al-qur'ana wa'
Ayyuhal hadi salaman ma wa 'al-qur'ana wa'
طلع البدر علينا
The moon has risen upon us
من ثنيات الوداع
From the folds of wada'
وجب الشكر علينا
And it is our duty to give thanks
ما دعى لله داع
What has a caller to God called
أيها المبعوث فينا
O one who was sent among us
جئت بالأمر المطاع
You have come with the command that is obeyed
جئت شرفت المدينة
You have come to honor the city
مرحبا يا خير داع
O the best of callers, welcome
جاءنا الهادي البشير مطلق العاني الأسير
The guide and the bearer of good news has come to us, freeing the captive
Ja analhadil basyir muthliqul 'anil asir
Ja analhadil basyir muthliqul 'anil asir
الساعي المسير مرشد الساعي إذا ما أخطأ
The seeker of salvation, the guide of the seeker when he goes astray
Mursyidussa'i idza ma akhthassa'ir masir
Mursyidussa'i idza ma akhthassa'ir masir
صراحاً دينه ملك كبير دينه حقاً
His religion is clear, his religion is a great kingdom
Dinuhu haqqun shurahun dinuhu mulkun kabir
Dinuhu haqqun shurahun dinuhu mulkun kabir
هو في الدنيا نعيماً وهو في الأخرى متاع
In this world, he is a joy, and in the hereafter, he is a delight
Huwa fiddunya na'imun
Huwa fiddunya na'imun
طلع البدر علينا
The moon has risen upon us
من ثنيات الوداع
From the folds of wada'
وجب الشكر علينا
And it is our duty to give thanks
ما دعى لله داع
What has a caller to God called
أيها المبعوث فينا
O one who was sent among us
جئت بالأمر المطاع
You have come with the command that is obeyed
جئت شرفت المدينة
You have come to honor the city
مرحبا يا خير داع
O the best of callers, welcome
هات يا نبي المعجزات هات هدي الله
Come, O prophet, with your miracles, bring God's guidance
Hatihadi yallahihat ya nabi yal mu'jizat
Hatihadi yallahihat ya nabi yal mu'jizat
ليس لللات مكان ليس للعزا الثبات
There is no place for al-Lat, there is no permanence for al-Uzza
Laisalillati makanun laisalil 'uzattabat
Laisalillati makanun laisalil 'uzattabat
الشتات وحد الله و وحد شملنا بعد
God has united us and united our people after division
Wahidillahi wa wahhid syamlana ba'da ssyatat
Wahidillahi wa wahhid syamlana ba'da ssyatat
شفها طول الصراع أنت ألفت قلوباً
He has healed the long conflict, you have united hearts
Anta allafta quluba'
Anta allafta quluba'

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