Mishima - El temple - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mishima - El temple

El temple
The Temple
Ho sento si una part del meu cos només pot veure com un temple,
I'm sorry if a part of my body can only see you as a temple,
Si el meu sentit del sagrat comença allà on se m'acaba el ventre.
If my sense of the sacred begins where my belly ends.
Ho sento Maria, però adorant-te he perdut la meitat de la meva vida
I'm sorry Maria, but by worshipping you I've lost half my life.
Que em farem del desig ara que em trobat l'amor?
What will we do with desire now that I've found love?
Et vaig veure sortir de classe, a l'autobús, al carrer,
I saw you leaving class, on the bus, on the street,
A la feina, a la tele, al setembre, al gener,
At work, on TV, in September, in January,
Ets la amiga de l'amiga i de vegades tu també.
You're my friend's friend and sometimes you are too.
Ho sento Maria, però adorant-te he perdut la meitat de la meva vida
I'm sorry Maria, but by worshipping you I've lost half my life.
Què em farem del desig ara que em trobat l'amor?
What will we do with desire now that I've found love?

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