Mishima - Em deuria enamorar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mishima - Em deuria enamorar

Em deuria enamorar
I Should Have Fallen in Love
A passat molt temps,
A lot of time has passed,
No arribava ni als disset.
I was not yet seventeen.
Ens n'enfotíem l'un de l'altre.
We couldn't care less about each other.
Mai he tornat a riure tant.
I have never laughed as much again.
Jo ja en tenia trenta-cinc,
I was already thirty-five,
I l'edat m'incomodava,
And my age was an inconvenience,
Però em feia sentir tan viu,
But it made me feel so alive,
Tan més jove,
So much younger,
Que el cor no m'hi cabia al pit.
That my heart couldn't fit in my chest.
Em deuria enamorar,
I should have fallen in love,
Perquè de sobte em vaig sentir
Because suddenly I felt
Tan sol...
So alone...
Ella jugava amb el meu cor
She played with my heart
I el puto joc no s'acabava mai...
And the damn game never ended...
Comences creient
You start out thinking,
Que et perdrà la bellesa
That you'll waste your beauty
Llavors et topes amb l'amor
Then you stumble into love
Comences creient
You start out thinking,
Que et perdrà la bellesa
That you'll waste your beauty
Fins que et trobes en l'amor.
Until you find yourself in love.

Авторы: David Caraben Van Der Meer, Oscar D'aniello, Marc Lloret Iciegas

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