Mishima - La teva buidor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mishima - La teva buidor

La teva buidor
Your Desert Builder
La teva buidor mutant
Your builder of mutated nothings
Mostrant-me infinites versions
Shows me infinite versions
Del no res
Of nothingness
De l'ombra d'una caricia
From a shadow of a touch
Hi ha l'oasi que nosaltres hem robat del teu desert
There's an oasis that we stole from your desert
Mira el no res, com gira
Look at nothingness, as it turns
Mira el no res, com vola
Look at nothingness, as it flies
Ara s'ofega sota una pluja salvatje
Now it drowns under a savage rain
I llavors crema sota un sol de justícia
And then burns under the sun of justice
el gust intens d'una maduixa
It has the intense taste of a strawberry
O l'amargor d'una altra causa perduda
Or the bitterness of another lost cause
Es tot allò que es precipita, que es traba o que floreix
It's everything that falls, gets stuck or blooms
És el missatge al mòvil que se t'oblida
It's the message on the cellphone you forgot
La teva buidor mutant
Your builder of mutated nothings
Mostrant-me infinites versions
Shows me infinite versions
Del no res
Of nothingness
Samatancda, Tumbuctú, Marraqueix, Las Vegas, París o Londres
Samatancda, Timbuktu, Marrakesh, Las Vegas, Paris or London
Que la forma d'un vaixell
Which has the shape of a boat
Aquell núvol, que pasa
That cloud, that passes
Una familia es consola agafant-se de les mans
A family consoles each other by holding hands
Heu sentit com xiscla la cafetera
Did you hear how the coffee maker whistles?
Deixa-la dormir que la pobra bèstia somia
Let it sleep, that poor beast is dreaming
Un no res, que es somni
A nothingness that dreams
La daurada buidor d'una
The golden emptiness of a
Duna al sól ponent del teu desert
Dune in the setting sun of your desert

Авторы: Marc Lluis Lloret Isiegas, Alfons Serra Lleonart, David Caraben Van Der Meer, Xavier Caparros Illescas, Daniel Alejandro Vega Baez

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