Mishima - Ordre i aventura - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mishima - Ordre i aventura

Ordre i aventura
Order and Adventure
Diu que has entès la sola llei i el seu imperi,
Says you have understood the one law and its empire,
Que tota mesura ha de ser estranya al seu poder,
That all measurement must be foreign to its power,
Hi ha una dama blanca que t'espera ordint el gran misteri
There is a fair lady that awaits you weaving the grand mystery
Hi ha una barca amb un rei ferit i pecador.
There is a ship with a wounded and sinful king.
Tot és ordre i aventura,
It is all order and adventure,
Tot és ordre i aventura.
It is all order and adventure.
Si avui et sents sol i creus que has perdut el teu senderi,
If today you feel lonely and believe you have lost your way,
I et pintarà un camí d'argent sobre el mar fosc;
She will paint a path for you in silver over the dark sea;
Diu que ella és pura però contamina el teu criteri,
Says that she is pure but stains your judgment,
Qui s'hi encomana viu per sempre sota una altre llum.
Who relies on it lives forever under a different light.
Entre l'ordre i l'aventura,
Between order and adventure,
Entre l'ordre i l'aventura,
Between order and adventure,
Entre l'ordre, l'aventura.
Between order, adventure.

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