2xbice nam ludo i nezaboravno, ti volis zivot isto kao ja, moje iskustvo i tvoja mladost je, veruj mi, prava kombinacija.
2xIt's gonna be wild and unforgettable, you love life just like I do, my experience and your youth is, believe me, the perfect combination.
Oslobodi se, laznog morala, majka priroda, sve ti je dala, a sudbina poslala ti mene, bas na vreme.
Free yourself from fake morality, mother nature gave you everything, and fate sent you to me, just in time.
Oslobdi se, to se trazi, sve cari lepote mi pokazi, idemo u zabranjenu zonu, mi smo u istom fazonu.
Free yourself, this is what's required, show me all the queens of beauty, let's go to the forbidden zone, we're in the same phase.
2xbice nam ludo i nezaboravno, ti volis zivot isto kao ja, moje iskustvo i tvoja mladost je, veruj mi, prava kombinacija.
2xIt's gonna be wild and unforgettable, you love life just like I do, my experience and your youth is, believe me, the perfect combination.
Oslobodi se, laznog morala, sutra ces mi samo reci hvala, nisi vise dete sad si zena, ljubavi zeljna, oslobodi se, mastu ukljuci, kad pocinje igra ti odluci, vidim volis proverene zene, tu vise nema dileme.
Free yourself from fake morality, tomorrow you'll just thank me, you're not a child anymore, you're a woman now, yearning for love, free yourself, turn on your imagination, when the game begins, you decide, I see you like experienced women, there's no more dilemma here.
4xbice nam ludo i nezaboravno, ti volis zivot isto kao ja, moje iskustvo i tvoja mladost je, veruj mi, prava kombinacija.
4xIt's gonna be wild and unforgettable, you love life just like I do, my experience and your youth is, believe me, the perfect combination.
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