Modena City Ramblers - La Fola Dal Magalas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Modena City Ramblers - La Fola Dal Magalas

La Fola Dal Magalas
The Tale of the Magalas
State attenti, questa è una vecchia storia
Listen carefully, this is an old story
È la storia del Magalasso, una storia che gira tra Modena e Bologna
It's the story of the Magalas, a tale that goes around Modena and Bologna
Che parla di una biscia nera, enorme, cattiva e anche un po′ molto incazzata
It speaks of a black snake, enormous, mean, and also quite angry
Che di inverno si nasconde e a marzo viene fuori
That hides in winter and comes out in March
E quando lo fa sono cazzi per tutti
And when it does, it's trouble for everyone
Nelle intenzioni della favola ognuno ci vede quello che vuole nel Magalasso
In the intentions of the fable, everyone sees what they want in the Magalas
Comunque resta un biscione, 'na roba brutta
However, it remains a serpent, a nasty thing
Vedete voi...
You see...
Quasta ché l′è na fola c'la pèrla ed la béssa
This here is a tale that speaks of the beast
L'è nèda in campagna fra al verd e al gris
It was born in the countryside between green and gray
Ades a v′la caunt in mod c′as capessa
Now I'll sing it to you so you understand
Par ferev paura e màtrev d'avis
To scare you and put you on alert
Ste ateinti quand a vin sira a ander par la streda
Be careful when you go out on the street at night
C′a'n gh′è mai nisun in gir
Because there's never anyone around
E tot I megher, tot i gras
And all the skinny, all the fat
I g'an pòra dal Magalas
They're afraid of the Magalas
Al Magalas l′è na béssa c'l'è neda in′Panera
The Magalas is a beast that was born in Panaro
L′è longa se meter, quelch'd′un giva ot
It's six meters long, some say eight
D'inveren la s′luga in mez a la giera
In winter it hides among the gravel
Ma in Merz la vin fora e I ein cas par tot
But in March it comes out and it's trouble for all
Chi l'ha vesta in curtil, chi in d′l aldamera
Some saw it in the courtyard, some in the closet
Chi in canteina tra veine parsòt
Some in the cellar among the dusty wines
Tot i zoven, tot i plèe
All the young, all the old
Ades i disen c'l'è turnèe
Now they say it's back
L′è negher com un cancher, l′è cativ e l'è arabii
It's black as coal, it's mean and it's angry
Ed not a′t selta in testa, a't magna i oc, a′t magna i di
At night it jumps on your head, it eats your eyes, it eats your days
L'è nascost in sema al graner, l′è c'al t'aspeta in mez a i sas
It's hidden on top of the granary, it's there waiting for you among the sacks
La ginta l′an dorem piò a seinter la fola dal Magalas
People can't sleep anymore hearing the tale of the Magalas
La storia continua sempre per farvi paura e mettervi in guardia
The story continues to scare and warn you
Gli abitanti del villaggi l′abbandonano per terrore del biscione
The villagers abandon it for fear of the serpent
La storia arriva a Sassuolo, Vignola, Carpi, Soliera e in tutto il modenese
The story reaches Sassuolo, Vignola, Carpi, Soliera and all of Modena
Allora a questo punto uno di Cuneo o di Rossano Calabro può chiedere
So at this point someone from Cuneo or Rossano Calabro might ask
Ma io che cazzo centro? Perché?
But what the hell do I have to do with it? Why?
Qui da voi c'è molta gente in giro per strada alla sera? Non so
Do you have many people walking around here in the evening? I don't know
Fo acsé che un bel tot quant al vilag
So it happened that one fine day the whole village
Par pòra d′la béssa I v'liven scaper
For fear of the beast they wanted to escape
Quelch d′un al pruveva a fèeres curag
Someone tried to encourage them
Ma in dal meinter sercheva un sit par purtèr
But in the meantime he was looking for a place to take
Fiol e baioc, gat e cagnin, tàgi e tigin e fin tamaras
Children and money, cats and dogs, cuts and bruises and even anxieties
Tot a scaper in dal turioun par pòra dal Magalas!
Everyone running away to the tower for fear of the Magalas!
In vatta a la tor ig steven tot quant
Up in the tower they were all there
Imbianchein, cuntadein, sert e dutor
Whitewashers, farmers, lords and doctors
Sgor, bariagoz, pret e cantant
Drunks, chatterboxes, priests and singers
Tot a brigher in cal sit sicur
All crammed into that safe place
A avrir n'ustari, na scola, n′impiant
To open a tavern, a school, a factory
Negozi, buteghi e fin baladur
Shops, stalls and even dance halls
Tot i fùreb e i caioun a strichè in dal turioun
All the thieves and the scoundrels squeezed into the tower
La fola l'ariva a Sasol, a Vgnola
The tale reaches Sassuolo, Vignola
A Cherp e Sulera, in tot al Mudnes
Carpi and Soliera, all of Modena
La ginta la scapa, la sèra butega
People flee, they close their shops
A's voda al stredi in tot i paes
The streets are emptied in all the towns
Acsé quand a vin un quelch furester
So when a foreigner comes
E al d′manda perché a′n gh'è nisun a spas
And asks why there is no one around
Deg "I ein tot nascost in dal turioun par pòra dal Magalas!"
Say "They're all hidden in the tower for fear of the Magalas!"
Perché l′è negher com un cancher, l'è cativ e l′è arabii
Because it's black as coal, it's mean and it's angry
Ed not a't selta in testa, a′t magna i oc, a't magna i di
At night it jumps on your head, it eats your eyes, it eats your days
L'è nascost in sema al graner, l′è c′al t'aspeta in mez a i sas
It's hidden on top of the granary, it's there waiting for you among the sacks
La ginta l′an dorem piò a seinter la fola dal Magalas
People can't sleep anymore hearing the tale of the Magalas
L'è negher com un cancher, l′è cativ e l'è arabii
It's black as coal, it's mean and it's angry
Ed not a′t selta in testa, a't magna i oc, a't magna i di
At night it jumps on your head, it eats your eyes, it eats your days
L′è nascost in sema al graner, l′è c'al t′aspeta in mez a i sas
It's hidden on top of the granary, it's there waiting for you among the sacks
La ginta l'an dorem piò a seinter la fola dal Magalas
People can't sleep anymore hearing the tale of the Magalas
Ah, da qui l′espressione incazzato come una biscia!
Ah, hence the expression "pissed off like a snake!"

Авторы: Alberto Cottica, Giovanni Rubbiani

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