Modena City Ramblers - Volare Controvento - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Modena City Ramblers - Volare Controvento

Volare Controvento
Flying Against the Wind
C'è chi cerca amore ed amore trova
Some seek love and find love
C'è chi sparge fiele e vuole la paura
Some spread venom and want fear
C'è chi dorme poco e chi prega ancora
Some sleep little and still pray
C'è un grande schermo che ci parla e inquadra
There's a big screen that talks to us and frames us
Volare controvento - Those who believe or not
Flying against the wind - Those who believe or not
Volare controvento - Anche se il sole è spento
Flying against the wind - Even if the sun is out
Volare controvento - Fear can't be the judge
Flying against the wind - Fear can't be the judge
Volare controvento - Seguendo un sentimento
Flying against the wind - Following a feeling
C'è chi offre pace e chi urla e sbava
Some offer peace and some scream and drool
C'è chi chiude a chiave e chi scende in strada
Some lock the doors and some take to the streets
C'è chi chiede amore e non ha paura
Some ask for love and are not afraid
C'è sempre un presidente davanti a una bandiera
There's always a president in front of a flag
Volare controvento - Those who believe or not
Flying against the wind - Those who believe or not
Volare controvento - Anche se il sole è spento
Flying against the wind - Even if the sun is out
Volare controvento - Fear can't be the judge
Flying against the wind - Fear can't be the judge
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Now now now, come on and get it
Now now now, come on and get it
Now now now, come on and get it
Now now now, come on and get it
Now now now, come on and get it
Now now now, come on and get it
Volare controvento, insieme senza mai perdere la rotta
Flying against the wind, together without ever losing our way
Volare controvento, come in principio e come sempre sarà
Flying against the wind, as it was in the beginning and as it will always be
C'è chi abbraccia forte, chi ti guarda appena
Some embrace tightly, some barely look at you
C'è chi è bravo a carte, chi t'invita a cena
Some are good at cards, some invite you to dinner
C'è chi trova amore e poi te lo regala
Some find love and then give it to you
C'è una pistola e un colpo e un pubblico che paga
There's a gun and a shot and an audience that pays
Volare controvento - Those who believe or not
Flying against the wind - Those who believe or not
Volare controvento - Anche se il sole è spento
Flying against the wind - Even if the sun is out
Volare controvento - Fear can't be the judge
Flying against the wind - Fear can't be the judge
Volare controvento - Seguendo un sentimento
Flying against the wind - Following a feeling
C'è un verso giusto per capir la storia
There's a right verse to understand the story
C'è un lato oscuro nei sogni di gloria
There's a dark side to dreams of glory
C'è una poesia d'amore per ogni nuova sposa
There's a love poem for every new bride
E un critico che arriva a giudicar la prosa
And a critic who comes to judge the prose
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Volare conrovento
Flying against the wind
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Now now now, come on and get it
Now now now, come on and get it
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Now now now, come on and get it
Now now now, come on and get it
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Now now now, come on and get it
Now now now, come on and get it
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Now now now, come on and get it
Now now now, come on and get it
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Come on and get it
Come on and get it
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Come on and get it
Come on and get it
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Come on and get it
Come on and get it
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Come on and get it
Come on and get it
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Come on and get it
Come on and get it
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Come on and get it
Come on and get it
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Come on and get it
Come on and get it
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind
Volare controvento
Flying against the wind

Авторы: Modena City Ramblers

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