Mohamed Yussof - Tesmaene Rabah (Vocal) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mohamed Yussof - Tesmaene Rabah (Vocal)

Tesmaene Rabah (Vocal)
Tesmaene Rabah (Vocal)
تَسْمَعُني رَبَّاهْ... تدري خلجاتي ومُنَاجاتي
Hear me, my Lord... You know my inner thoughts and my prayers
تَعْلَمُ يا اللهْ... لاما في دُنْيَاهُم حَاجَاتي
You know, O God, that I have no needs in their world
تَركتُ العَبيدْ ... مَاأنتَ تُرِيدُ أُريدْ
I have left the slaves... What you want, I want
لَو تَرْضَى عَنِّي... جُودَ مَنِّ... ما لِذَاكَ مَزِيدْ
If you are pleased with me... The kindness of your grace... there is no more to that
وَصلاً فِيكَ أَرجو... ربالعالمين
I hope for connection with you... Lord of the worlds
أفلحَ مَنْسَيَنجُو... بالحب اليقين
He who trusts you is successful... with certain love
يعيش الحياة ... بِنَهْجٍ قَويمٍ
He lives life... with a righteous approach
يسير الصراط ... بِنورٍ عَظيمٍ... بقرب نعيم
He walks the path... with great light... in the vicinity of bliss
يا ربَّاً تَسَمَّى... بالكافالودود
O Lord, who is called... the all-loving kaf
حَاشَى يا حبيبي... ذبحيبالصدود
Far be it from you, my love... to be killed by rejection
إذا سُدتَ قَلْباً ... أناجيك فيه
If you shut off a heart... I will talk to you in it
وألَّفْتَ سِرباً ... تَآويتُ فِيه... فَمَنْ ذَا شَبيهي
And you composed a flock... I took refuge in it... and who is like me
الزم حَبْلَ الله ... مَنْ يستمسك يعصمه الله
Hold fast to the rope of God... Whoever holds on to it, God will protect him
من يطلبْ مَولاهْ ... لا يَأنَسُلا يرضى بِسِوَاهُ
Whoever seeks his Master... will not rest until he is pleased with someone other than Him
قَريبٌ قَريبْ ... والشَّاردُ عنه غريب
He is near... and the one who goes astray from Him is a stranger
نَادَاكَ حبيبي ... أُدْنُ عَبدي... من سِواي طبيب
He called you, my love... Bring my servant closer... who is my doctor other than me
أدعوك إلهي... ربِّ اجعلْ قَلبي بحبِّكَ مَوْصُولْ
I call to you, my God... Lord, make my heart connected to Your love
كُلُّ الدنيا تفنى ... ومَآلُها مَوْتٌ وذُبُولْ
The whole world will perish... and its end is death and decay
فَهَبْ لِي رِضَاكَ... وأُنْسَاًلِقاكَ
So grant me Your pleasure... and intimacy with Your meeting
يومَ الحَشْرِ اجعلني ... مِمَّنْ يلقى مِنكَ قَبُول
On the Day of Resurrection, make me...among those who find acceptance from You

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