Smiešne, ako si myslíš, že si na Zemi jediná, na Zemi jediná,
It's funny how you think you're the only one on Earth, the only one on Earth,
Nevnímaš, že o tebe nesnívam a že mi nechýbaš, takže mi nechýbaš, nie nie. Všade je toľko žien, v uliciach to vrie, z toho, aké sú krásne,
You don't realize I don't dream about you and I don't miss you, so I don't miss you, no, no. There are so many women everywhere, the streets are buzzing with how beautiful they are,
Nádherné, je to ťažké, viem, ale vážne chcem, aby to bolo jasné.
Gorgeous, it's hard, I know, but I really want to make it clear.
Že ti neverím tvoje romány, všetky tie chrobáky, ktoré mi tlačíš
That I don't believe your stories, all those bugs you're pushing
Do hlavy,
Into my head,
Nevinné pohľady, šetri slovami.
Innocent looks, spare me the words.
Za fotkami školáčky je chlad, tam kam viem až dozrieť.
Behind the schoolgirl photos is a coldness, where I can see through.
Voláš mi celý deň, asi chceš niekam odviezť,
You call me all day, you probably want to take me somewhere,
No ja ti nedvihnem, už nie som hentá obeť, ja nikam neprídem,
But I won't pick up, I'm not that victim anymore, I won't come anywhere,
A nevrav, že máš problém, nemôžeš ma chytiť, ako tieň. Dávno vieš
And don't say you have a problem, you can't catch me, like a shadow. You've known for a long time
, že už ma neoklamú tvoje oči, každá lož by zabila pre tvoje nohy,
That your eyes can't fool me anymore, every lie would kill for your legs,
Tvoje bozky by som rozdával vo forme drogy, ja som ti dal všetko, ty mne nič, bitch, to je zločin.
I would give your kisses away in the form of drugs, I gave you everything, you gave me nothing, bitch, that's a crime.
A podľa hĺbky výstrihu viem, jak si na tom, kto sa prvý chytí, bude taxikárom
And by the depth of the neckline I know how you're doing, whoever catches you first will be a taxi driver
, čumím za tým zadkom, ide za ďalším chlapcom, ready, jak vždy mu rozbiť sny, chorý shit.
, I'm staring at that ass, she's going after another guy, ready, as always, to break his dreams, sick shit.
Smiešne, ako si myslíš, že si na Zemi jediná, na Zemi jediná,
It's funny how you think you're the only one on Earth, the only one on Earth,
Nevnímaš, že o tebe nesnívam a že mi nechýbaš, takže mi nechýbaš, nie nie. Všade je toľko žien, v uliciach to vrie, z toho, aké sú krásne, nádherné, je to ťažké, viem, ale vážne chcem, aby to bolo jasné.
You don't realize I don't dream about you and I don't miss you, so I don't miss you, no, no. There are so many women everywhere, the streets are buzzing with how beautiful they are, gorgeous, it's hard, I know, but I really want to make it clear.
Nakupuje make-up s veľkou vášňou, dievča s tvárou ala Greta Garbo,
She buys makeup with great passion, a girl with a face like Greta Garbo,
Nafulluje bejvák jeho kartou,
Fills her apartment with his card,
Len topánok má dvesto párov.
She has two hundred pairs of shoes alone.
A je to ako zákon mať veľa šatov, jebať chlapov, myslia predsa károm,
And it's like a law to have a lot of dresses, to fuck guys, they think with their cars anyway,
Tak ich nechať tárať, jak je mega krásna, že jej zväčšia ňadrá, nech ich teda platia. Dievča, dievča ty si extra trieda,
So let them talk about how she's mega beautiful, that they'll enlarge her breasts, let them pay for it. Girl, girl, you're extra class,
Flirtuje so sebou pred zrkadlom, je tak hriešna,
Flirting with herself in front of the mirror, she's so sinful,
Tvári sa top milo, ak si mal dobrý rok, tá bitch je trójsky kôň, ide o život.
She acts super nice if you had a good year, that bitch is a Trojan horse, it's life or death.
Ona je hviezda ostriekaného plátna, ktorá vie, jak na bohatého chlapa.
She's a star of a sprayed canvas, who knows how to get to a rich man.
Hraná láska v očiach, máš mať Oscar, zlatá soška za chlapa v troskách.
Feigned love in her eyes, you should have an Oscar, a golden statue for a man in ruins.
Smiešne, ako si myslíš, že si na Zemi jediná, na Zemi jediná,
It's funny how you think you're the only one on Earth, the only one on Earth,
Nevnímaš, že o tebe nesnívam a že mi nechýbaš, takže mi nechýbaš, nie nie. Všade je toľko žien, v uliciach to vrie, z toho, aké sú krásne, nádherné, je to ťažké, viem, ale vážne chcem, aby to bolo jasné.
You don't realize I don't dream about you and I don't miss you, so I don't miss you, no, no. There are so many women everywhere, the streets are buzzing with how beautiful they are, gorgeous, it's hard, I know, but I really want to make it clear.
Otvoril som jej dvere na aute a neverila, že som to spravil,
I opened the car door for her and she couldn't believe I did it,
Má za sebou zopár vzťahov, stretla niekoľko pravých, no nikto
She's had a few relationships, met a few real ones, but no one
Nebol ku nej taký, aký som ja, po tých dňoch je mi jasné, že sa musí zamilovať, no mňa to nebaví, keď mi otvorí hneď, dôvody, prečo ju po týždni nechám odísť, asi mám dejavu, no ja hľadám lotosový kvet, pochop, ty nie si pre mňa nikdy veľká korisť.
Was like me to her, after these days it's clear to me that she has to fall in love, but I'm not interested, when she opens up to me right away, the reasons why I'll let her go after a week, I guess I'm having deja vu, but I'm looking for a lotus flower, understand, you're never a big catch for me.
Keď stačí, aby som ja nakupoval za halier, keď stačí, že dostaneš polku zo mňa na papier, keď stačí, že nebudem triezvy a neukážem ti hviezdy, ktoré bez lásky by nevyliezli tam, kam chcem.
When it's enough for me to shop for pennies, when it's enough that you get half of me on paper, when it's enough that I won't be sober and I won't show you the stars that wouldn't climb without love to where I want them to.
Nestačí, že sa zatváriš nevinne, jak anjel, musí ti stačiť, že sa chovám ako gavalier. A ty stále chceš len lóve, v tejto dobe už nič nové, gentleman sa ťa pýta, čo je to za manier?!
It's not enough that you look innocent like an angel, it has to be enough that I behave like a gentleman. And you still just want money, nothing new these days, a gentleman asks you, what kind of manners is that?!
Smiešne, ako si myslíš, že si na Zemi jediná, na Zemi jediná,
It's funny how you think you're the only one on Earth, the only one on Earth,
Nevnímaš, že o tebe nesnívam a že mi nechýbaš, takže mi nechýbaš, nie nie. Všade je toľko žien, v uliciach to vrie, z toho, aké sú krásne, nádherné, je to ťažké, viem, ale vážne chcem, aby to bolo jasné.
You don't realize I don't dream about you and I don't miss you, so I don't miss you, no, no. There are so many women everywhere, the streets are buzzing with how beautiful they are, gorgeous, it's hard, I know, but I really want to make it clear.
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