Moja Reč feat. Momo - Jackpot - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Moja Reč feat. Momo - Jackpot

Vždy keď hrá náš scheiz, je to jackpot,
Every time our shit plays, it's a jackpot,
Všetci moji homies chcú rozbiť jackpot,
All my homies wanna hit the jackpot,
Najkrajšia chick odchádza s tebou, jackpot,
The prettiest chick leaves with you, jackpot,
Môj flow, jackpot, nepriestrelný, jak teflón.
My flow, jackpot, bulletproof, like Teflon.
Keď znie z boxov MR, je to jackpot,
When MR sounds from the speakers, it's a jackpot,
Krúžiť ulicami v BMW, to je jackpot,
Cruising the streets in a BMW, that's a jackpot,
V ponožke weed, v kapse cash, jackpot,
Weed in my sock, cash in my pocket, jackpot,
Môj flow, jackpot, nepriestrelný, jak teflón.
My flow, jackpot, bulletproof, like Teflon.
Mesiac mi je svedkom, keď píšem nový part, homies chcú knocknúť jackpot, rozbiť bank, a potom len krúžiť ulicami na Mercedese, zhúliť každý večer 9 géčiek,
The moon is my witness when I write a new verse, homies wanna hit the jackpot, break the bank, and then just cruise the streets in a Mercedes, smoke 9 grams every night,
Vychovaný ulicami, tmou, toto je môj Robert de Niro, z Kasína flow, môj Hugo Chavo shit, v kapse s rolkou prachov, shit,
Raised by the streets, by the darkness, this is my Robert de Niro, flow from Casino, my Hugo Chavo shit, with a roll of cash in my pocket, shit,
Chick len v gaťkách, a ja som buchol šáňo shit. toto je dym z úst, hudba nahlas, okná dole, plná kára fellas,
Chick only in panties, and I hit the jackpot, shit. This is smoke from my mouth, music loud, windows down, car full of fellas,
Nemáme jediný problém, to je ten pocit, keď zmizne bolesť, keď sa cítiš jak Jackson, Tyson, Jordan.
We don't have a single problem, that's the feeling when the pain disappears, when you feel like Jackson, Tyson, Jordan.
Toto je pre zmrdov, čo hustlia, zmrdov, čo sedia, pre tých, čo keď cvaknú putá zabudnú mená,
This is for the motherfuckers who hustle, motherfuckers who sit, for those who forget their names when the cuffs click,
Za chvíľu ste doma, držíme vám miesto, a keď prídete - jackpot, let′s go!
You'll be home soon, we're holding your place, and when you come - jackpot, let's go!
Vždy keď hrá náš scheiz, je to jackpot,
Every time our shit plays, it's a jackpot,
Všetci moji homies chcú rozbiť jackpot,
All my homies wanna hit the jackpot,
Najkrajšia chick odchádza s tebou, jackpot,
The prettiest chick leaves with you, jackpot,
Môj flow, jackpot, nepriestrelný, jak teflón.
My flow, jackpot, bulletproof, like Teflon.
Keď znie z boxov MR, je to jackpot,
When MR sounds from the speakers, it's a jackpot,
Krúžiť ulicami v BMW, to je jackpot,
Cruising the streets in a BMW, that's a jackpot,
V ponožke weed, v kapse cash, jackpot,
Weed in my sock, cash in my pocket, jackpot,
Môj flow, jackpot, nepriestrelný, jak teflón.
My flow, jackpot, bulletproof, like Teflon.
Každý text je headshot, trafím presne, viem to, spravím priestrel lebkou, žiadny stres
Every lyric is a headshot, I hit precisely, I know it, I'll make a hole through your skull, no stress.
. Každý deň je best of, jazdíme cez mesto, daj mi check, zdravím všetkých pravých fans, na beate je S to the A,
Every day is the best of, we ride through the city, give me a check, greetings to all the real fans, S to the A is on the beat,
Však ma poznáš, jak sa voláš ty to nevie nikto, aká škoda.
You know me, nobody knows your name, what a shame.
Nad hlavou mám peace, môžeš si ho zarámovať, naša show je to, čo nezachytí žiadna fotka, môj rap je tučný, ako?
I have peace above my head, you can frame it, our show is what no photo can capture, my rap is fat, how?
Hlboko, ako bager, stiahnem dole gate, mám tam jedenásty faker,
Deep, like an excavator, I pull down my pants, I have the eleventh faker there,
Zakričte moje meno, nech je riadny pakes, je to fajn pre moje ego
Shout my name, let it be a proper pakes, it's good for my ego,
, Pre môj pancier, on je môj strážny anjel, všade haldy kamier,
For my armor, he is my guardian angel, piles of cameras everywhere,
Na svet hladí braček, štát je stále hladný hajzel, bacha, on je gangster,
My brother is looking at the world, the state is still a hungry asshole, watch out, he's a gangster,
Banka čo chce dane, pasák tvojej starej, hráme kameň, papier, faker.
The bank that wants taxes, your old lady's pimp, we play rock, paper, faker.
Vždy keď hrá náš scheiz, je to jackpot,
Every time our shit plays, it's a jackpot,
Všetci moji homies chcú rozbiť jackpot,
All my homies wanna hit the jackpot,
Najkrajšia chick odchádza s tebou, jackpot,
The prettiest chick leaves with you, jackpot,
Môj flow, jackpot, nepriestrelný, jak teflón.
My flow, jackpot, bulletproof, like Teflon.
Keď znie z boxov MR, je to jackpot,
When MR sounds from the speakers, it's a jackpot,
Krúžiť ulicami v BMW, to je jackpot,
Cruising the streets in a BMW, that's a jackpot,
V ponožke weed, v kapse cash, jackpot,
Weed in my sock, cash in my pocket, jackpot,
Môj flow, jackpot, nepriestrelný, jak teflón.
My flow, jackpot, bulletproof, like Teflon.
Rozmýšľam nad tým, čo je jackpot, keď sedím doma, Romanko malé R-ko,
I think about what a jackpot is when I'm sitting at home, Romanko has a small R,
No keď vyjdem von, vedia, že Momo veľké M-ko, obrana pred svetom, snáď to chápeš, Ferko.
But when I go out, they know that Momo has a big M, defense against the world, I hope you understand, Ferko.
Jackpot je pre mňa, že som textár,
Jackpot for me is that I'm a lyricist,
Dávam von emócie od časov svojich nestvár
I've been expressing emotions since my awkward times,
Aj keď som sa nesmial, nikdy som sa nevzdal,
Even when I wasn't laughing, I never gave up,
Dnes je jasné, že je pre mňa rap to prémiové extra.
Today it's clear that rap is the premium extra for me.
Engerer, Supa, Delik, MR,
Engerer, Supa, Delik, MR,
Momo, Delik, hlas rapu prebije ten perkelt,
Momo, Delik, the voice of rap will beat that perkelt,
Viem, že by chcel zhodiť to bárjaký lempel,
I know any lempel would want to drop it,
Toto je NFL, liga číslo jedna, hell, hell!
This is the NFL, number one league, hell, hell!

Авторы: Jozef Engerer, Michal Pastorok, Vladimir Dupkala

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