Moja Rec - 666 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Moja Rec - 666

Dnes je 6.
It's the 6th.
2006 a ty vieš že som debil, ktorý nechytí grass, neskôr než o desiatej ráno, nie som nevinný, nie.
2006 and you know I'm a fool who won't catch a buzz later than 10 in the morning, I'm not innocent, no.
Húlim tak veľa rokov, že to ani necítim, vieš.
I've been smoking for so many years that I don't even feel it anymore, you know.
Vidím to na pekný večer, neviem aký je deň, viem len, že ta musím vidieť, jedno aký je deň.
I can see it's going to be a good evening, I don't know what day it is, I just know I need to see you, no matter what day it is.
Snívalo sa mi o tvojom tele, napíšeš babe?
I dreamt about your body, will you text the girl?
Spravíme to zase?
Will we do it again?
Teraz o tom napíšem text.
Now I'll write a song about it.
Nemám veľa práce, po tebe hlavný je rap, som hladný po tvojich bokoch, prosím ta má, prídeš hneď?
I don't have much work, after you, rap is the main thing, I'm hungry for your hips, please babe, will you come right away?
Pýtať sa ťa či to chceš je trocha naivné že?
Asking you if you want it is a bit naive, right?
Vytlačím grep do ľadu s vodkou, nech to zapijem, jea.
I'll squeeze some grapefruit into ice with vodka, to wash it down, yeah.
Mám v izbe zatiahnuté, slnko nie je môj fella a nechty dlhšie jak je vtipné, žijem život netopiera, mám zuby vampíra, príď si užiť na privát, chcem mať zuby na žilách udri ma, buď násilná!
My room is dark, the sun isn't my friend, and my nails are longer than it's funny, I live the life of a bat, I have vampire teeth, come enjoy yourself privately, I want to have my teeth on your veins, hit me, be violent!
Pijem veľa, Charlie pil veľa, King pije stále, som veľký jak King-pin a chlípny jak Alex.
I drink a lot, Charlie drank a lot, King still drinks, I'm big like Kingpin and horny like Alex.
Nepomôže kríž, cesnak ani kopa striebra.
A cross, garlic, or a pile of silver won't help.
Nikto živý ma nechytí, dôverné poznám Blade modro-šedé oči, olovené oči, zmrdi chcú nech MR skončí ale to sa nedá.
No one alive can catch me, I know Blade confidentially. He has blue-gray eyes, leaden eyes, assholes want MR to end but that's not possible.
Nahuckaj psov a svojich muklov kým je naša stopa čerstvá, stiahnu chvosty, vždy keď vidia že letím jak castaneda.
Goad the dogs and your thugs while our trail is fresh, they tuck their tails whenever they see me flying like Castaneda.
Sedím, v ruke čistý džin, svetla, svet zahaľuje kyslý dym pekla, každá mrcha je dneska extra výstredná, prišli si vyjebat, niekoho vyjebat.
I'm sitting, with pure gin in my hand, lights, the world is enveloped in the sour smoke of hell, every bitch is extra eccentric today, they came to fuck, to fuck someone.
Slabosť je prívetivá, nenechá vynechať, iba kokot jeho srdca občas vynechá.
Weakness is inviting, it won't let you skip, only the dick of his heart skips sometimes.
Sedí bez myslenia, sedí len tak, pohľad na dne panáka, nezdvihne zrak.
He sits without thinking, just sits there, his gaze at the bottom of the glass, he won't lift his eyes.
Je 6.
It's the 6th.
2006, tváre sa škľabia, u ľudí nevidieť smiech, vo vzduchu je cítiť hriech, vo vzduchu je cítiť sex, položí ruku na zápästie ale necítiť tep.
2006, faces grimace, people don't show laughter, sin is felt in the air, sex is felt in the air, he puts his hand on his wrist but doesn't feel a pulse.
Vidí len polorozpadnuté ruiny, z úst vypustí dym, ta žena je defka, ten chlap zkurvysyn, iba pokusy žiť, nemôže, musí piť, v hlave mu hrá slučka asi to tak musí byť.
He sees only half-ruined ruins, smoke escapes his mouth, that woman is a bitch, that man is a motherfucker, just attempts to live, he can't, he must drink, a loop plays in his head, it must be like this.
Tak čo tu máme?
So what do we have here?
Stále ten v hlave, všetci postupne dávajú masky dolu z tváre.
Still the one in his head, everyone gradually takes off their masks.
Všetko je tak jak si myslel, počul ten zvuk kohútiku klik, klak len čaká na vystrel.
Everything is as he thought, he heard the sound of the hammer click, clack, now he's just waiting for the shot.
Hľadá sa, exne ďalší, prines ďalší, prehrabe vrecká vyberie a zdvihne jej hašiš.
He searches, another one passes out, bring another one, he rummages through pockets, takes out and lifts her hash.
Vtom vojde tá, ktorú čakal, zavesená do toho chlapa, zrazu v mozgu napalm.
Then the one he was waiting for enters, hanging on that guy, suddenly he has napalm in his brain.
Oči mu zahalí odosobnený svit, cíti studenú oceľ, ztoporený dick.
His eyes are covered by an impersonal glow, he feels cold steel, an erect dick.
Nechtiac rozdrtí v ruke orosený drink, keby ho vidíš, vieš že toto neni vtip.
He unintentionally crushes a dewy drink in his hand, if you saw him, you'd know this is no joke.
V podstate vlastne neni zlý, no teraz necíti musí sa zbaviť toho démona, kým ho nezničí.
He's not really bad, but now he doesn't feel, he has to get rid of that demon before it destroys him.
Z kvéru sa dvakrát zablysne a zadymí, tretia je preňho ide za nimi stačí klik.
The barrel flashes and smokes twice, the third is for him, he goes after them, just a click.

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