Moja Rec - Dúha - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Moja Rec - Dúha

Mama pozerá správy
Mom's watching the news
A zatiaľ
And meanwhile
Fagan polieva trávnik
Fagan's watering the lawn
Fakt krása
Real beauty
Nad hlavou letia vtáky
Birds are flying overhead
A aj tak
And still
Sa papa odebal v spálni
Dad's gone off in the bedroom
Vnuka ľúbia všetci
Everyone loves their grandson
Tlieskajú, keď fúka sviečky
Clapping when he blows out his candles
Pôjde do prvej
He's going to first grade
Starý otec dúfa, že predtým
Grandpa hopes that before
Jak to bude
How it would be
Ho kuva, čo v pľúcach
That that bitch, who has it in her lungs
Nezoberie preč
Doesn't take him away
Dúha v okne a obed do postele
Rainbow in the window and lunch in bed
Pradie jak kráľovná mačiek
She purrs like a queen of cats
A jeho triko
And has his shirt
Vraj zájde po cigo
She says she's going to get a cigarette
Ona vie, že je preč
She knows he's gone
Brácho na čo sa hráme
Bro what are we playing at
S plačom pozerá jak voda tečie do vane
With tears she watches as the water runs into the tub
Make-up sa jej rozteká jak v románe
Her make-up runs down like in a novel
A ona chce iba zmyť jeho pot z tela
And she just wants to wash his sweat off her body
V tom predsa počuje klop-klop
Just then she hears knock-knock
A vo dverách on
And there in the door is he
Aj keď dúha mešká
Even when the rainbow is late
Necúvam predsa
I'm not backing down
Ľudia dostávajú o moc ťažší kríž, bez rečí si ho nesú na pleciach
People are given a much heavier cross, they bear it on their shoulders without speaking
Nesú na pleciach
Bear it on their shoulders
Nesú na pleciach
Bear it on their shoulders
Dostávajú o moc ťažší kríž, bez rečí si ho nesú na pleciach
They are given a much heavier cross, they bear it on their shoulders without speaking
Aj keď žmúrim do slnka
Even when I squint into the sun
Štastie prúdi do srdca
Happiness flows into my heart
A mám, čo som chcel
And I have what I wanted
Čakám na domov tieň
I'm waiting for the shadow of home
Hnev a láska brat a sestra
Anger and love are brother and sister
Aj keď slnko zmizne za mrakmi
Even when the sun disappears behind the clouds
A nič nie je isté
And nothing is certain
Na tvári
On my face
Mi žiari úsmev
A smile shines
Láska a nenávisť idú ruka v ruke
Love and hate go hand in hand
Kladivko kleplo a on sa zviezol pomaly
The hammer knocked and he slid down slowly
Na lavicu obžalovaných
Onto the defendant's bench
Zatmenie pred očami jeho mamy
Eclipse before his mother's eyes
Rozsypané gorálky sa kotúľajú po súdnej sieni
Scattered gorals rolling across the courtroom
Prúser neni nikdy ďaleko
Trouble is never far away
Hlúpe kšefty, na ktorých sa zasekol
Stupid deals that he got stuck on
Nechal to v diaľke za sebou
He left it behind in the distance
Odsedel svoj čas ako chlap
Served his time like a man
Keď vyšiel zase von
When he came out again
Bol to zase on
It was him again
Konečne sám sebou
Finally being himself
Hviezda leží na zemi jak v LA
Star lying on the ground like in LA
Strieda sa na nej pár bláznov, gangbang
Couple of fools taking turns on it, gangbang
Nemá ako kričať mayday
Can't shout mayday
Plné ústa celý večer
Mouth full all evening
Vôbec to neni pekné
It's not nice at all
No niečo z toho vzniklo
But something came out of it
Fagan bez fotra
Fagan without a father
Pekné číslo
Beautiful number
číslo 10
He's number 10
Najlepší výskok
Best jump
Krutý jumpshot
Cruel jumpshot
Z prvého kontraktu kúpil mame auto a barák
Bought his mother a car and a house with his first contract
Keď dúha mešká
When the rainbow is late
Necúvam predsa
I'm not backing down
Ľudia dostávajú o moc ťažší kríž, bez rečí si ho nesú na pleciach
People are given a much heavier cross, they bear it on their shoulders without speaking
Nesú na pleciach
Bear it on their shoulders
Nesú na pleciach
Bear it on their shoulders
Dostávajú o moc ťažší kríž, bez rečí si ho nesú na pleciach
They are given a much heavier cross, they bear it on their shoulders without speaking
Nesú na pleciach
Bear it on their shoulders

Авторы: Jozef Engerer, Michal Pastorok, Vladimir Dupkala

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