Moja Rec - Motajú Nám Hlavy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Moja Rec - Motajú Nám Hlavy

Motajú Nám Hlavy
They Make Our Heads Spin
Mal som všetky možné na pár by si povedal to neni možné, ale je, boli fresh naučili ma všetky možné veci.
I had all kinds of girls, you'd say it's impossible, but it's true, they were fresh, they taught me all sorts of things.
Ženy tiahli sme z baru do baru, žiadna ma ešte nepritiahla k oltáru.
We used to drag girls from bar to bar, none of them have dragged me to the altar yet.
Aj to raz bude.
That will come too.
Keď sa búria hormóny, chceš sa len dostať k kunde.
When hormones are raging, you just want to get to the pussy.
Povedz mi čo je lepšie, jak doma u nej koza v ruke.
Tell me what's better than a chick in your hand at her place.
Jej ruka v tvojich teplákoch, keď sa spravíš zobudíš panelák ako keby máš megafón.
Her hand in your sweatpants, when you're done, you wake up the whole apartment building like you have a megaphone.
A kričíš na celú ulicu: " Ja som ten šéf! "
And you shout to the whole street: "I'm the boss! "
O pol šiestej ráno je teplo, je leto.
At half past five in the morning it's warm, it's summer.
A ty práve sedíš na vrchole sveta, ak keby si dal K2, pritom si iba dal holku.
And you're just sitting on top of the world, like you've climbed K2, when you've just had a girl.
To je ta moc, čo majú.
That's the power they have.
Povedz kto im ju dal do rúk, komu poďakovať.
Tell me who gave it to them, who to thank.
Diablovi či Bohu.
The devil or God.
Priateľka je fízel v mojom bloku, mi pár pokút, no keď treba, tak ma vždy vytiahne z lochu, aj keď za uši.
My girlfriend is a cop in my block, she gives me a few tickets, but when I need it, she always gets me out of jail, even if by the ears.
Starká je generál, máti je fighter stojí rovno aj keď mám poškrabaný pancier.
Grandma is a general, mom is a fighter, standing straight even when my armor is scratched.
Vďaka nim viem, že každý malér sa zvládne.
Thanks to them I know that every trouble can be handled.
Idem za ne! Pre vás ostatných mám faker.
I'm going for them! For the rest of you, I have a middle finger.
Milujeme baby (baby)
We love girls (girls)
Motajú nám hlavy (hlavy)
They make our heads spin (heads)
Dnes si ušetríme drámy (drámy)
Today we'll save the drama (drama)
A vybehneme s nimi na drink (na drink)
And go out with them for a drink (for a drink)
Tento song ide von pre vás (pre vás)
This song goes out to you (to you)
Moj kompliment mojim ženám (ženám)
My compliments to my women (women)
Občas sa to s vami nedá (nedá)
Sometimes it's impossible with you (impossible)
No bez vás sa to tiež nedá (nedá)
But it's also impossible without you (impossible)
Vyjeb sa na svojho chlapa, keď ti ukradol život.
Dump your man if he stole your life.
Rozveď sa a začni zase sama stáť na svojich dvoch.
Get a divorce and start standing on your own two feet again.
Keď ťa tvoj foter iba stále tlačí dole, tak to neni dobre a ten človek nie je správny otec.
If your dad just keeps pushing you down, it's not good and that person is not a good father.
Každý chlap je so ženou skôr ako príde na svet.
Every man is with a woman before he comes into the world.
A každý prinášame bolesť, no nie každý šťastie.
And we all bring pain, but not everyone brings happiness.
Čo by sme boli bez našich matiek, ale keď ju hľadá v tebe, chová sa jak malý chlapec.
What would we be without our mothers, but when he looks for her in you, he acts like a little boy.
Kopni ho a pošli ho preč, nie je ti ho treba.
Kick him and send him away, you don't need him.
Nájdi muža, čo sa vie postarať sám o seba.
Find a man who can take care of himself.
Vyser sa na detinského sebca, keď neni s tebou niekoho radšej, nebuď slepá.
Screw the childish egoist, if he's not with you he loves someone else, don't be blind.
To však ale neznamená, že ho musíš dusiť.
But that doesn't mean you have to choke him.
Ceníme ženy, čo si veria a nie neurotické buchty.
We appreciate women who are confident, not neurotic chicks.
Keď sa bojí nezávislej bohyne, nech si hľadá blbú sliepku, pošli ho do piče.
If he's afraid of an independent goddess, let him look for a stupid chicken, send him to hell.
Ale keď mu neukážeš jak ťa priťahuje, bohužiaľ ten pocit bude hľadať v inej kunde.
But if you don't show him how attracted you are to him, unfortunately he'll look for that feeling in another pussy.
Tety, mamy, šéfky, milenky aj ženy, staré mamy, dcéry a sestry.
Aunts, mothers, bosses, mistresses and wives, grandmothers, daughters and sisters.
Pozdravujem všetky baby (baby)
Greetings to all the girls (girls)
Motajú nám hlavy (hlavy)
They make our heads spin (heads)
Dnes si ušetríme drámy (drámy)
Today we'll save the drama (drama)
A vybehneme s nimi na drink (na drink)
And go out with them for a drink (for a drink)
Tento song ide von pre vás (pre vás)
This song goes out to you (to you)
Moj kompliment mojim ženám (ženám)
My compliments to my women (women)
Občas sa to s vami nedá (nedá)
Sometimes it's impossible with you (impossible)
No bez vás sa to tiež nedá (nedá)
But it's also impossible without you (impossible)

Авторы: Jozef Engerer, Michal Pastorok, Vladimir Dupkala

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