Moja Rec - Sucker Punch - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Moja Rec - Sucker Punch

Sucker Punch
Sucker Punch
Počúvaš novú platňu MR na konte dalšiu
You're listening to the new MR record, another one on the count
Na slovo som čakal ako zlodej na tmu
I've been waiting for the word like a thief waits for the dark
Ked vôjdem do kabíny tak si zožeň prácu
When I enter the booth, better get yourself a job
Som v rauši ako ked opúšťa boxer šatňu
I'm in a rush like a boxer leaving the locker room
Nenos Bomber k Majku nemáš vôbec šancu
Don't wear a Bomber to Majk, you don't stand a chance
Tento flow je z ladu spravím ti monster hanbu
This flow is ice cold, I'll make a monster of your shame
Nechám horieť faklu držím hore vlajku
I'll let the torch burn, holding the flag high
Za mojú crew sme vo forme bratm.
For my crew, we're in shape, brother.
Dobrý Chlapci číslo 3 slová miesto pištolí
Goodfellas number 3, words instead of guns
Z mesta čo je malé ale klúčové jak klitoris
From a city that's small but crucial like the clitoris
Neee nechcem aby si ma volal básnik
Nooo, I don't want you to call me a poet
Neee každého z nich schovám do kapsy
Nooo, I'll put each of them in my pocket
Smee doškriabaní ako pouliční psy
We're scratched up like street dogs
Viem o všetkom jak keby jazdím mestom na bicykli
I know everything as if I'm riding a bike through the city
Priamo z malej diery zo štúdia GoodFellaz
Straight from the small hole, from the GoodFellaz studio
Delik Jozef Bengerer a jebnutý je Supeaaa
Delik Jozef Bengerer and crazy is Supeaaa
Z garáže na podiá stojím o proti vám v ruke mi horí majk
From the garage to the stage, I stand against you, mic burning in my hand
Bohatý alebo holí fas je to jedno chcem to robiť kým dodýcham
Rich or broke, fuck it, it doesn't matter anymore, I want to do this until I take my last breath
Zakrič somnou zakrič somnou to je hudba čo ma vráti domou
Shout with me, shout with me, this is the music that brings me home
Ak si somnou ak si somnou pod bližšie tu sa píše historia
If you're with me, if you're with me, come closer, history is being written here
28 na krku a stále padám na držku
28 on my neck and I still fall on my face
A moje plány sa vždy tak nejak zadrhnú
And my plans always somehow get stuck
No prestávam snívať nie to si nenechám zatrhnúť
But I'm stopping dreaming, no, I won't let that be taken away
Idem za tým čo chcem ako keby mám v zadku pár vrtúl
I'm going after what I want like I have a couple of propellers in my ass
Zmrdi by ma radi chceli mať z krku
They'd love to get rid of me
Tu máš další majster štrich hydro rap gram v brku
Here's another master stroke, hydro rap gram in the joint
Slová letia jak ked bajkom zaflekuješ na štrku
Words fly like when you skid your bike on gravel
Napíšem a spiknem to skôr jak stihneš párkrát mrknúť
I'll write and plot it before you can blink a few times
Ked som v búdke uteč idem ako tornádo
When I'm in the booth, run away, I'm coming like a tornado
Letím ako rogalo ste štýový jak podbradok
I'm flying like a hang glider, you're stylish like a double chin
Najmocnejšie kolabo v hre s dalším homerunom
The most powerful collab in the game with another home run
To čo robíš fakt voláš rap? musíš byť pod parou
You really call what you do rap? You must be drunk
Koho tu chceš porovnávať my sme iná liga
Who do you want to compare here, we're a different league
Celkom iný šport vidíš show a ledva stíhaš dýchať
A completely different sport, you see the show and can barely breathe
Pýtali sa či sa chlapci s MR teraz rozpadli
They asked if the boys from MR have now broken up
Mrdáme hru ty sa nevieš dostať dnu jak do panny
We're fucking the game, you can't get in like a virgin
Flow robí čing ak kocky ľadu v mojom pohári
Flow makes a ching like ice cubes in my glass
Si knock out lolo ferary ťa jebla kozou do hlavy
You're knocked out, lolo, Ferrari hit you in the head with a goat
Michadelikou je cez blavu brno do prahy
Michadelika is through Bratislava, Brno to Prague
Supa Delik Jozef Bengerer amígo pod s nami
Supa Delik Jozef Bengerer amigo under with us
Z garáže na podiá stojím o proti vám v ruke mi horí majk
From the garage to the stage, I stand against you, mic burning in my hand
Bohatý alebo holí fas je to jedno chcem to robiť kým dodýcham
Rich or broke, fuck it, it doesn't matter anymore, I want to do this until I take my last breath
Zakrič somnou zakrič somnou to je hudba čo ma vráti domou
Shout with me, shout with me, this is the music that brings me home
Ak si somnou ak si somnou pod bližšie tu sa píše historia
If you're with me, if you're with me, come closer, history is being written here

Авторы: Jozef Engerer, Michal Pastorok, Vladimir Dupkala

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