Moja Rec - Ďalšia story - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Moja Rec - Ďalšia story

Ďalšia story
Another Story
Tento príbeh nemá dobrý koniec, ani dobrý začiatok,
This story has no happy ending, no happy beginning,
Skoro nič v ňom nie je dobré.
Almost nothing in it is good.
Chlapcovi zachutilo zakázané ovocie,
The boy took a taste of the forbidden fruit,
A ochutnal tie kvety zla jak baudelaire.
And tasted the flowers of evil like Baudelaire.
All day, every day, len naháňal ten sen,
All day, every day, he chased that dream,
Chcel cítiť mrazenie opäť.
He wanted to feel the chills again.
Našli ho bez života ráno, oči prázdne, pery modré,
They found him lifeless in the morning, eyes empty, lips blue,
V slúchadlách pustený coldplay.
Coldplay playing in his headphones.
V rukách držal zošit,v zošite boli básne,
In his hands he held a notebook, in the notebook were poems,
V tých básňach bola bolesť a tie slova boli krásne.
In those poems was pain and the words were beautiful.
Z riadkov tiekla pravda, hnev, nenávisť, aj láska,
Truth, anger, hatred, and love flowed from the lines,
Príbehy mali iskru, ako oheň keď zapraská.
The stories had a spark, like a fire when it crackles.
Čakáš že ich zobral nejaký milý, dobrý človek,
You expect some kind, good person took them,
Vydal ich pod jeho menom, jeho blízkym poslal love,
Published them under his name, sent love to his loved ones,
Bohužiaľ nie, ten zošit skončil v koši,
Unfortunately not, that notebook ended up in the trash,
A prečo ti to vravím, neviem, proste ďalšia story.
And why am I telling you this, I don't know, just another story.
Nechaj ma povedať ti story,
Let me tell you a story,
Vždy som mal rád príbehy, nemôžem si pomôcť, sorry.
I've always loved stories, I can't help it, sorry.
Tak ak sa svet točí, tak moje pero píše,
So if the world is spinning, then my pen is writing,
Kým dni striedajú noci.
While days turn into nights.
Nechaj ma povedať ti story,
Let me tell you a story,
Vždy som mal rád príbehy, nemôžem si pomôcť, sorry.
I've always loved stories, I can't help it, sorry.
Tak ak sa svet točí, tak moje pero píše,
So if the world is spinning, then my pen is writing,
Kým dni striedajú noci.
While days turn into nights.
Slabo mrholilo, ledva na stierače,
It was drizzling weakly, barely enough for the wipers,
Vypol motor, ale ostal sedieť radšej v aute.
He turned off the engine, but preferred to stay in the car.
Zapálil si cígo, je to také trápne,
He lit a cigarette, it's so pathetic,
Špehovať vlastnú ženu, ako chodí naspäť z práce.
Spying on his own wife, as she walks back from work.
Veľmi chcel, že by ju prichytil ísť s niekým domov,
He really wanted to catch her going home with someone,
Aby si pred zrkadlom vydýchli že neni kokot.
So they could breathe a sigh of relief in front of the mirror that he's not a dick.
Aby bolo okej, že jej lezie do phonu,
So that it's okay that he's getting into her phone,
Aby mal pravdu a nie chorobu.
So that he's right and not sick.
Zopár minút od domu ju predbehol a zaparkoval,
A few minutes from the house he overtook her and parked,
Aby keď príde bolo vidieť, že ju čaká doma.
So that when she arrives she can see that he's waiting for her at home.
A aj keď hovno zistil, choval sa jak sociopat,
And even though he found out shit, he acted like a sociopath,
Keby nie na prízemí, tak dávno skočí z okna.
If they weren't on the ground floor, he'd have jumped out the window long ago.
Morfoval na svojho fotra, žralo ho to zaživa,
He was morphing into his father, it was eating him alive,
Reval na ňu s kým sa vláčila, kým sa zbláznila.
He yelled at her who she was hanging out with, until she went crazy.
A keď zaspal zapla žehličku a tou ho spálila,
And when he fell asleep she turned on the iron and burned him with it,
Podľa súdu konala v afekte len sa bránila.
According to the court, she acted in affect, she was just defending herself.
Happy end
Happy end
Nechaj ma povedať ti story,
Let me tell you a story,
Vždy som mal rád príbehy, nemôžem si pomôcť, sorry.
I've always loved stories, I can't help it, sorry.
Tak ak sa svet točí, tak moje pero píše,
So if the world is spinning, then my pen is writing,
Kým dni striedajú noci.
While days turn into nights.
Nechaj ma povedať ti story,
Let me tell you a story,
Vždy som mal rád príbehy, nemôžem si pomôcť, sorry.
I've always loved stories, I can't help it, sorry.
Tak ak sa svet točí, tak moje pero píše,
So if the world is spinning, then my pen is writing,
Kým dni striedajú noci.
While days turn into nights.

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