Molotov feat. Ana Tijoux - Hit Me - MTV Unplugged - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Molotov feat. Ana Tijoux - Hit Me - MTV Unplugged

Hit Me - MTV Unplugged
Hit Me - MTV Unplugged
Ahí les va lo que se llama Hit Me
Here's what they call Hit Me
Cuando era chico quería ser como Superman
When I was a kid, I wanted to be like Superman
Pero ahora ya quiero ser diputado del PAN o del PRI o del PRD
But now I want to be a deputy of the PAN or the PRI or the PRD
O cualquier cosa que tenga un poco de poder
Or anything that has a little power
Quiero convertirme en el musico político
I want to become a political musician
Y construirle un piso al periférico
And build a floor for the beltway
Quiero acabar con el tráfico
I want to end traffic
Tendré que entrar a la historia de México
I'll have to enter Mexican history
Luego miro al pecero que va medio pedo
Then I look at the bus driver who's half drunk
Jugando carreras con los pasajeros
Racing with the passengers
Pero él tiene que pasar primero
But he has to go first
Sin luces sin frenos junto al patrullero
Without lights, without brakes, next to the patrol car
Aunque no sepa lee,r no sepa hablar
Even though he doesn't know how to read, doesn't know how to speak
Él es el que te brinda la seguridad
He's the one who gives you security
Así lo tienes que respetar
So you have to respect him
Porque él representa nuestra autoridad
Because he represents our authority
So you think you're gonna hit me
So you think you're gonna hit me
But now I'm gonna hit you back
But now I'm gonna hit you back
So you think you're gonna hit me
So you think you're gonna hit me
But now I'm gonna hit you back
But now I'm gonna hit you back
So you think you're gonna hit me
So you think you're gonna hit me
But now I'm gonna hit you back
But now I'm gonna hit you back
So you think you're gonna hit me
So you think you're gonna hit me
Hit me
Hit me
Te meterá en el bolsillo una sustancia ilegal
He'll put an illegal substance in your pocket
Y te va a consignar al poder judicial
And he's going to send you to the judiciary
Y allí seguro que te irá muy mal
And there you'll surely have a very bad time
Porque te harán cocowash con agua mineral
Because they'll give you a cocowash with mineral water
Porque en ti creíamos todos los mexicanos
Because all of us Mexicans believed in you
Te dimos trabajo pagado y honrado
We gave you a paid and honest job
Y te dimos un arma para cuidarnos
And we gave you a weapon to protect ourselves
Y el arma que usas, la usas para robarnos
And the weapon you use, you use it to steal from us
Y aunque quieras quejarte con papá gobierno
And even if you want to complain to daddy government
Le pidas ayuda y te mandan al infierno
You ask for help and they send you to hell
Porque tendríamos que tirar buen pedo
Because we would have to fart well
Solo te van a dar atole con el dedo
They're just going to give you atole with your finger
Y en la fila del departamento de quejas
And in the line of the complaints department
Toparás con un par de secretarias pendejas
You'll run into a couple of stupid secretaries
Y el siguiente en la fila y así te la pelas
And the next one in line and that's how you peel it
Pero el bono sexenal nunca se traspapela
But the six-year bonus is never misplaced
So you think you're gonna hit me
So you think you're gonna hit me
But now I'm gonna hit you back
But now I'm gonna hit you back
So you think you're gonna hit me
So you think you're gonna hit me
But now I'm gonna hit you back
But now I'm gonna hit you back
So you think you're gonna hit me
So you think you're gonna hit me
But now I'm gonna hit you back
But now I'm gonna hit you back
So you think you're gonna hit me
So you think you're gonna hit me
Hit me
Hit me
Ok, México y Latinoamérica unida
Ok, Mexico and Latin America united
La misma historia, la misma herida
The same story, the same wound
Los mismos conflictos, las mismas tiranías
The same conflicts, the same tyrannies
Las mismas dictaduras, cargadas de mentiras
The same dictatorships, loaded with lies
Y ¿Qué no conoces de nobleza?
And you, don't you know about nobility?
Porque sabes que en el fondo este pueblo piensa
Because you know that deep down this people think
Nos une la lucha, nos une la fuerza
The struggle unites us, the strength unites us
Un pueblo organizado es un pueblo con consciencia
An organized people is a people with consciousness
Exigimo' un cambio, a los jefes de estado
We demand a change, to the heads of state
Dueño' de diario, de tele y de radio
Owners of newspapers, television and radio
Ok, puño en alto, esta es nuestra escuela
Ok, fist raised, this is our school
Cual más pulido, Tijuana en resistencia
The most polished, Tijuana in resistance
Cantes a la patria, que viva Zapata
Songs to the homeland, long live Zapata
Que viva Molotov y que viva la palabra
Long live Molotov and long live the word
Que viva la vida, que viva con su canto
Long live life, long live with her song
Que si uno cae, millones levantamos, papi
That if one falls, millions of us rise up, daddy
So you think you're gonna hit me (nos las van a pagar)
So you think you're gonna hit me (they're gonna pay for it)
But now I'm gonna hit you back (pegar, pegar)
But now I'm gonna hit you back (hit, hit)
So you think you're gonna hit me (nos las van a pagar)
So you think you're gonna hit me (they're gonna pay for it)
But now I'm gonna hit you back (pegar, pegar)
But now I'm gonna hit you back (hit, hit)
So you think you're gonna hit me (nos las van a pagar)
So you think you're gonna hit me (they're gonna pay for it)
But now I'm gonna hit you back (nos quieren pegar, pegar)
But now I'm gonna hit you back (they want to hit us, hit)
So you think you're gonna hit me (y nos las van a pagar)
So you think you're gonna hit me (and they're gonna pay for it)
Hit me
Hit me
Nos quieren pegar pegar, pegar pegar
They want to hit us, hit, hit, hit
Y nos las van a pagar, pagar pagar
And they're gonna pay for it, pay, pay
Nos quieren pegar pegar, pegar pegar
They want to hit us, hit, hit, hit
Y nos las van a pagar, pagar pagar
And they're gonna pay for it, pay, pay
(Pegar pegar) So you think you're gonna hit me
(Hit, hit) So you think you're gonna hit me
(Y nos las van a pagar) But now I'm gonna hit you back
(And they're gonna pay for it) But now I'm gonna hit you back
(Nos quieren pegar pegar) So you think you're gonna hit me
(They want to hit us, hit, hit) So you think you're gonna hit me
(Y nos las van a pagar)
(And they're gonna pay for it)
Hit me
Hit me
Anita Tijoux, Molotov
Anita Tijoux, Molotov
Y nos la van a pagar
And they're gonna pay for it
Y nos la van a pagar
And they're gonna pay for it
Esta canción que sigue es una canción nueva, inedita
This next song is a new, unreleased song
Y se llama Dreamers
And it's called Dreamers
Y habla de los hijos de los indocumentados en Estados Unidos
And it talks about the children of undocumented immigrants in the United States
Que ya los quieren echar
That they already want to kick out
Este pues es una canción un dreamer al revés
This is a song about a dreamer in reverse
Para ellos, ahí les va
For them, here it goes

Авторы: Miguel Angel Huidobro Preciado

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