Molotov - Dejate Algo - Album Version (Edited) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Molotov - Dejate Algo - Album Version (Edited)

Dejate Algo - Album Version (Edited)
Leave Something Behind - Album Version (Edited)
No se como empezar
I don't know how to begin
Lo que quiero platicar
What I want to discuss
Y me empieza a preocupar
And I'm starting to worry
Que nada se pueda arreglar
That nothing can be fixed
Y es que si le ves bien
And if you look at it closely, girl
No ha pasado nada
Nothing has happened
Y es que si te fijas bien
And if you really pay attention
No ha cambiado nada
Nothing has changed
Siguen asaltando
They're still robbing people
Si ya ni pedo
Oh well, what can you do?
Siguen secuestrando
They're still kidnapping
Si ya ni pedo
Oh well, what can you do?
Todos sabemos que el negocio nacional
We all know the national business
A esta altura del partido no se puede estar más mal
At this point in the game, it can't get any worse
Si suben la tortilla
If they raise the price of tortillas
Como vamos a comer
How are we going to eat?
Si le suben a la luz
If they raise the electricity bill
Como nos vamos a ver
How are we going to see each other?
Si vendes lo que queda
If you sell what's left
Y ya no queda nada
And there's nothing left
Lo único que queda
The only thing left
Es mandarte a la chingada
Is to tell you to go to hell
Déjate algo pa' los niños may
Leave something for the children, man
Aunque no sea pa' los míos may Ya no vengan para acá
Even if it's not for mine, man Don't come here anymore
Quédense mejor allá
Better stay there
Aquí estamos atascados
We're stuck here
Y no cabe uno más
And there's no room for one more
No quería quejarme
I didn't want to complain
Y no encuentro solución
And I can't find a solution
No ha cambiado nada
Nothing has changed
Esa es mi situación
That's my situation
Siguen pirateando
They're still pirating
Si ya ni pedo
Oh well, what can you do?
Siguen traficando
They're still trafficking
Si ya ni pedo
Oh well, what can you do?
Todos sabemos que es unpocorallados
We all know it's a little messed up
Y este es un negocio para los altos mandos
And this is a business for the higher-ups
Si vendes lo que queda
If you sell what's left
Y ya no queda nada
And there's nothing left
Lo único que queda
The only thing left
Es mandarte a la chingada
Is to tell you to go to hell
Déjate algo pa' los niños may
Leave something for the children, man
Aunque no sea pa' los míos may
Even if it's not for mine, man

Авторы: Juan Francisco Ayala

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